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  1. These are so cute. I just love mini cakes, as it means that I can eat more of them. I have never made a bundt cake before, but I need to try.

  2. Girl, March Forgione cooked for you–so jealous! But so happy it prompted you to make this cake. I love the combination of buckwheat and banana together. So tasty!

    1. Haha – oh heck yeah! Next time I’m in NYC am gonna have to check out his namesake restaurant! Thanks so much for stopping by, Kristen – hope alls well with ya!

  3. Free evening? What is that?? Haha! I love this idea, Shashi. And your comment made me realize that muffins really would adapt well into mini-bundt cakes. I would be all over these as they remind me of banana bread. And banana bread is an absolute childhood favorite! (In fact, it might be one of my all-time favorites…) Love that you made these GF, too. And the cardamom in that icing? Oh yeah!!

    1. Haha – dude those free evenings will happen again – when Robbie is 17 – kidding, kidding! Seriously, since January (we went to this event last year), I’ve been asking myself what a free evening is too! April 24th cannot get here sooner -then after that am so not taking 4 classes again till am done! Btw – thanks so much David!

  4. These look really cute and delicious. I love mini bundt cakes because they are always just the perfect size. The problem is I always end up eating more than 1.. or 2.. or sometimes even more than 3! 😀

  5. Well, you certainly made good use of your certificate, Shashi! I love making bundt cakes, especially around Christmas. What I like about the little pan is that they are a perfect portion size or sharing AND they make the perfect little size for gifting as part of a gift basket (which I usually do for family). Plus they are so cute! I haven’t had a whole lotta luck with gluten free baking, but these make me want to give it a go again! Love the combination of the banana cake and the cardamom and cinnamon in the icing. They sound (and look) heavenly. Happy Monday, my friend! Have a wonderful week!

    1. “sharing” wait – I don’t think am familiar with that word – it sure is an ugly word eh?! Kidding, kidding! Yes – mini bundt’s are great for sharing – I really don’t need a whole bundt lying around – this way easy sharing and enjoying 🙂 Thanks so much Dawn! Hoping you are having a wonderful week too!

  6. Congratulations on making your first bundt cakes!! It feels like we need to celebrate this… oh wait a minute, here’s the cake! 😉 So, uh… could ya slide a few over to me? 😉 It was definitely the right choice to make mini bundts and put that pan to use. I’m seriously drooling over the glaze on these little guys. *heart eyes* Love that you made this recipe so full of awesome ingredients! Now, about that celebratory slice of mini bundt cake… 🙂

    1. Hahaha – yes, yes – I “celebrated” my bundts with bundts – and icing because everything is better with icing – right? 😉
      Thanks so much Demeter – I hope your Wednesday is wonderful!

  7. Oh SO cool you got invited to watch a cooking demo of chef Marc Forgione! AND you got a goodie bag of free stuff! High five to THAT! I actually love a good bundt cake, but a MINI bundt cake?! STAP IT! I NEEEEEEEEEEED! These look amazing, Shashi! And I seriously can NOT believe there isn’t even the TINIEST bit of butter in these! AMAZING! That means I can eat at least 10 buckwehat banana mini bundt cakes, because no butter equals diet food in my world. 😉 Cheers to a fabulous Monday, my dear! xoxo

  8. ermigoshhh I love these adorable little bundt cakes! And look at you being a GF pro 🙂 love love love! I could munch on these all day!

  9. These little mini bundts are just beautiful Shashi. Love them. I’ve never made mini-bundts myself. Guess I’ll have to get myself over to Macy’s pronto for one of these pans. I’ve always wanted a mini-bundt pan and a donut baking pan. These mini cakes would be perfect for sharing. If you’re the sharing type. Ha ha. I’m not the sharing type so much, but I know you are, because of what my mailman brought me. Still thinking about your cookies we devoured very quickly here! What a treat. Hard to believe these bundts have no butter. Amazing my friend. Have a great week! XO

    1. Haha -Allie – usually, am not the sharing type – ut then souls come into my life that I cannot help sharing with – gosh! So corny – right?!
      Thanks so much sweet friend! Looking forward to meeting ya in a month-ish!

  10. Oh, these buckwheat banana mini cakes are die for (Preferably, not literally haha), Shashi! Somehow buckwheat flour and bananas amazingly work together (If you haven’t tried buckwheat banana pancakes with a little maple syrup drizzle…well I don’t know what you are waiting for). I do love the addition of cardamom here – must be divine!

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