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    1. Aww shucks – thanks so much for your incredibly kind words, Brian. They mean alot. Yes – my heads all better even though my daughter disagrees with that fact! 🙂

    1. Haha – Waffles are easy – just mix up the batter and throw it in a wafflemaker – not technically “cooking” right? 🙂
      BTW – thansk so much for stopping by and commenting, Nicola.

  1. Oh, you poor thing!!! But, I maaaay be a bit jelly that you did a backflip, lol 😉 Glad that that fall didn’t hurt your sense of humour 😀 I’m clumsy at times. Believe me, I have had my share of falls that I would rather forget about so I try to be a little more cautious these days. I love breakfast for dinner! And these waffles with 6 ingredients? They practically make themselves, right? Love that you’ve added sweet potato in there. I’ve never infused waffles with a vegetable like that. What a great way to add some extra oomph! Cheers to a wonderfully relaxing, fall free, weekend! XO

    1. Haaha! Dawn – that backflip…that was too funny – I remember thinking “ooh am dine falling now…oops nope…not yet” and over I went! I try to be careful but gosh…it’s a full time job for me! 🙂
      Thanks so very much btw! Hope you are having a wonderful week. xo

  2. Oh my gosh, Shashi!! I’m seriously so relieved to hear that you’re doing okay… sheesh!! Gave me a damn near heart attack reading about your tumble. My heart is still pounding!! I’m so glad that you’re okay!! Did I say that already? Okay, now I only have to focus on these lovely waffles to slow my breathing. These look gorgeous–and I’m totally astounded but not surprised that you managed to whip up such an amazing recipe while recovering. I’m drooling! Take care of yourself okay? No matter ladders for you. Big hugs! xo

  3. Oh no! A tumble off the ladder? Shashi! Ladders are for climbing, not doing backflips! 🙂 I’m seriously glad you aren’t injured, though…that could have been much worse. But I do think you might need to go to the doctor to get your head checked out. It sounds like you’re all confused this week. I mean breakfast for dinner? Wait. I love breakfast for dinner. I should go jump off a ladder today apparently! These waffles sound (and look) incredible! I just wish I had a nice stack sitting right here with my morning coffee. Yum! Hope you and lil Shashi have an awesome, Eiffel Tower whipped cream kinda weekend!

    1. Hahaha – Dude – I didn’t read the disclaimer that specified that “adders are for climbing, not doing backflips”
      Yes, you are right – could’ve been much worse – but luckily, my guardian angel was at hand! Gah, G is gonna be a doc – I think I should wait till then? 😉 Seriously am a-ok! But – please, please don’t jump off a ladder – I wouldn’t advice it – though, I give waffles for dinner a thumbs up! Hoping y’all are having a wonderful week!

  4. Sorry to hear about the acciden, Shashi. I hope you are okay. I also love making sweet potato waffles, but never thought of adding tapioca flour. This is a genius idea Shashi. And that sesame spread sounds wonderful. Have a lovely weekend my friend. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Anu – I am more than ok 🙂 Yes – i like adding tapioca flour as it seems to help get my waffles a little crispier than when I dont add it. Hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend.

  5. Oh my goodness, Shashi! So sorry to hear about your fall! Hope you are getting some rest and feeling a little better. And hopefully there are a lot more yummy waffles like these to fill your belly. Love the sweet potato and tapioca flour!

    1. Hi Kelly!!!! So good to hear from ya – thanks so much for your kind words – I got lucky – am all good! Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  6. SHASHI – girlfriend!!!! You landed on your head this past week???? I’m so sorry my friend. That is terrible. I’m so glad you are ok. You know about my brother’s terrible accident off a ladder about a year and a half ago. That was a real nightmare, a 16′ ladder and not as good a result as your ladder tumble. One of my BFF’s kids (she has 9) fell off the top of her bunkbed onto the wooden floor onto her HEAD this past week in the middle of the night. What a terrible way to wake up. She got a bad concussion and now she has a black eye. But thank God she is ok too. We were very worried about a brain bleed, my son Jacob had a terrible fall when he was 6 and had to have brain surgery. That is quite a story. Thank God he is ok too. So many guardian angels working overtime. I’m so glad yours was ON DUTY this past week. The waffles look wonderful and we are on school vacation around here this coming week. So maybe I will be making your waffles. We had super warm weather here over the weekend – nice for the open house but now it’s back to the frigid again. Waffles will be very welcome. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a wonderful week. You can take a breath now — inahale, exhale my novel is OVER. (For today.) LOL. Love ya. XO

    1. Hey Allie – yes, so many guardian angels working overtime – I have kept mine extra busy over the years but they always pulls through for undeserving ol me! Yes, I remember my heart hurting reading those posts about your brother’s fall. I am so thankful I am ok – though my daughter likes to joke that the fall knocked out what little “sense” I had in me before it! Kids eh?!
      Thanks so much for your “novel” – novels are my favorite kinda comments! Blogging can be quite lonely so I LOVE LOVE LOVE your novel comments! I’m hoping you are having a wonderful week with your boys on school vacay – guess this is when folks go looking at houses too – wishing the best outcome for y’all and y’alls place. xo

  7. A fall and a back flip – bet that was a sight to see. Glad your injuries weren’t bad because it sounds like they could have been. Lucky lady! Thanks for sharing this waffle recipe. I always have a little bit of leftovers when I make mashed sweet potato and these waffles are a super what to use them!

    1. Hello Louise, I have not tried preparing this recipe as pancakes so I couldn’t say for sure. However, I might try in the future and will post on here.

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