Avocado & Bacon Pancakes
Creamy avocado, savory bacon, fresh parsley, and a hint of tart lemon make these gluten-free Avocado & Bacon Pancakes a meal that will satisfy all your senses – and are perfect for a fall evening or a cool & crisp fall morning.
Sugar, I LOVE it, and I hate that I love it so.
When I was a young one in Sri Lanka, I didn’t consume vast quantities of soda or candy, but, I hate to admit that when my cousin and I got together, we would eat sugar by the spoonful when no-one was looking. Fast forward to adulthood and sometimes I’d catch myself thinking “what’s for dessert?” when most people were thinking “what’s for dinner?” Yes – I’m that person that wouldn’t turn down dessert after breakfast, and sometimes even indulge in it for breakfast. When I was brainstorming blog names back in 2013, my first choice was “Running on Dessert” – but, someone had beaten me to it!
Then a few days ago, I stumbled on this article by Anahad O’Connor in the Food section of the New York Times “How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat” and then a friend shared a trailer to the movie “Fed Up” on Facebook, and, all I’ve gotta say is gosh darn, I wish I could squelch my sweet tooth, like I squelched that spider!
This past week, I have been trying to give my body a break from refined sugar and most other sugars (with the exception of a few natural, zero sugar sweeteners). And it’s been hard! So Hard! Yesterday when I saw this Hummingbird Cake, I wanted to throw my proverbial towel in and break my sugar-fast by sending my drone up to grab a slice of that cake. But then the clip in that trailer showing the similarities in effects of sugar and cocaine on our brains made me squelch my drone and whip up these pancakes instead.
These Avocado & Bacon Pancakes aren’t anything fancy, they are savory and do not contain any sugar in them and as I used coconut flour, they are also gluten free. They do take a little while longer to cook than these Yogurt Oatmeal Pancakes did, but, you can still whip up 4 of them in less than 30 minutes. But y’all, that bacon combined with avocado and lemon and parsley make these pancakes a wonderfully sensory-satisfying dinner or breakfast!
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- 1/4 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 avocado - mashed well
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon parsley
- 2 strips bacon cooked
- coconut oil/olive oil
- Add the coconut flour, salt and baking soda together and stir well
- Then add in the eggs, mashed avocado, coconut milk and lemon juice and whisk till all ingredients are well combined
- Add in the parsley and chop 1 of the strips of bacon up and add it to the mix
- Grease a frying pan with coconut oil and place it over a low-medium flame
- When the pan is hot, drop 3 tablespoons or a ladle of mix onto pan
- Cook for 4 minutes on one side, then flip the pancake and cook it for 3-4 minutes on the other side too
- Repeat with the rest of the mix - should make 4 pancakes
- When all the pancakes are made, chop up the other slice of bacon and garnish pancakes with bacon and parsley.
*Please note, I am not a nutritionist or dietician and all opinions expressed here in are just my opinions. We all have the freedom to make our own choices and my post is just to inspire, inform and maybe convince you to try these pancakes. Here’s to making choices that make you feel good in your skin, my friends.
I’d love to know if you happen to make this recipe (or any other on here) so pretty please tag me @RunninSrilankan and #RunninSrilankanon Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, &/or Facebook. And, if you haven’t yet, then please make sure to subscribe to my mailing list to have all sorts of eats and treats delivered to your inbox! Thanks Y’all!
Fabulous! I love savoury pancakes and bacon definitely makes everything taste better!
Yes, yes, yes, bacon definitely makes everything better! ๐ Thanks so much Angie
I choose to remain blissfully ignorant when it comes to sugar! Just kidding. I do know the importance of a balanced diet…like having a slice of cake in each hand. Just kidding again. For us, it’s all about balance…for reals. We eat pretty healthy dinners during the week, and we might let ourselves have a tiny piece of chocolate for dessert. But then the weekend arrives and we splurge with a slice of cake. I’m ok with that! I’d also be ok with a whole pile of these pancakes on my plate. (Wanna trade cake for pancakes?? Send that drone on up!) I love the avocado in there, and bacon. Well, bacon is da bomb. Thanks so much for the link love, my ATL friend! ๐
Hahaha – David, in my dreams I’m standing with a slice of cake in each hand! No lie! Sounds like y’all have found a happy balance – and a slice or 3 of cake on the weekends after being so good during the week can’t be bad at all! This giving up sugar thing is a bit of a necessity now – but it’s not forever – just for a tad bit longer – then I’m back to coconut sugar and working my way through your maple syrup!
You are welcome – but seriously, dude, your Hummingbird cake looks exactly like my friends! Your recipe and hers might differ a bit but as far as looks go – this was like deja vu for me! Ok – just sent drone up … but I did so before I read the part where you wanted a stack of these – dang – well feel free to load that drone up when it gets there and send it back ๐
Dear Shashi, you know what the funny thing is, I’m not much of a dessert person but after breakfast I always crave something sweet. Not the best habit, and most times I’m pretty good at resisting the temptation, but once and a while I like a little something to finish my off my coffee with. My daughter just recently started cutting out sugars and carbs from her diet. It’s something I’m trying to get myself into the habit of doing myself, but I admit it’s hard! Especially being a food blogger ๐
I love these savory pancakes. Pancakes are a rare treat in my house but I would love to try this version. After all, who needs sugar when you have bacon! xoxo, Catherine
Dear Catherine, you are right – cutting out sugar is hard work, especially being food bloggers! ๐ But, this isn’t a permanent thing – I will be back to sweet treats with more natural sugars soon. Your daughter has achieved something awesome – congrats to her! And thank you so much for your kind words! You are spot on – who needs sugar when we can feast on bacon! ๐ Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxo
This is the kind of pancake that you could just rollup and eat on the go. full of protein and delicious. I was glad to see you did not have this one dripping with syrup as that would be a tad hard to eat on the go. Have a super week!
Bobbie – now what a fabulous idea is that! I didn’t even think to roll these bad boys up and have them on the go – brilliant my friend! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week and an even better weekend!
Oh, sugar – tell me about that! I can easily live without meat, and I’m absolutely don’t need a burger of dip fried food more that a couple of times per year. Sure, eating quite healthy salads and grains isn’t bothering me either – I do enjoy it. But sorry – a good bowl of ice cream is a must. Literally, we can easily be happy without baked sweets or chocolate, but a jar (or nine) of ice cream is almost always in our fridge. Don’t tell this anyone, ok?:) But I do like savory things like waffles or pancakes too – sometimes this the way more appealing to me. And these avo pancakes? Or yes, I am in!
Ben, I so understand what you mean – if I had to give up meat or fried foods I wouldn’t miss them at all! But gah – sweet treats kinda rock my world and now I so miss them – but this is temporary – and next week – I’m back to my healthier sweet options – coconut ice cream included ๐
By the way, about 3 years ago, I stumbled on Kemps Moose Tracks Fro Yo – they were my favorite type of fro yo and at one time I had 6 containers of it in my fridge – you beat me with your 9 – but don’t worry, I’ve been there! By the way – thanks so much, my friend. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I love that you added the parsley and lemon in there! That flavour combo just sounds like an absolver delight for the senses ๐ And I know exactly what you mean about the sweet tooth! I’ve had a big one for as long as I can remember, and I’ve pretty much given up on trying to squelch it… especially since I’ve done the no-sugar thing before on a few different occasions and didn’t notice any positive effects. The only thing that’s changed these days is that I try to stick to natural sugars, but I seriously eat dates and bananas by the pound ๐
Thanks so much Amanda!
I actually do do more natural sugars myself, but recently had a slight candida overgrowth issue and had to take drastic measures – at least for a bit – to rein it in! Joy – not! Dates are off the table for now – but I cannot wait to go back to them – and bananas!
I love the saltiness of the bacon!
Thanks bunches Maria!
I love love love bacon!! This is great! I used to be addicted to sugar but somehow my sweet tooth has dwindled over the years (not complaining) lol
Ashley, please teach me your sweet tooth dwindling ways!!! ๐
Thanks so much btw!
Have you seen this article? http://www.vox.com/2016/7/11/12128372/sugar-cereal-breakfast-nutrition-facts I saw it a few days ago as well and it doesn’t tell me anything new–but it did make me rethink a few things (including the fact that I had had a “bran and raisin muffin” the day before…which contained 75 grams of sugar PER MUFFIN!). The guy I used to see would always look at the sugar content in things that simply weren’t meant to have that much sugar to begin with, and while at first I thought it was a big strange (he wasn’t super concerned about anything else on the nutritional label), in the end I’ve picked up the habit from him and now really like to look at the amount of sugar I’m consuming in seemingly healthy things. All of which being said, I’m now shifting toward more savory foods–and I’m really glad you shared this recipe, because it sounds like we’re both headed in a good direction!
Ala, I hadn’t seen that article before – but wow – what an enlightening read! I am still in shock over the amount of sugar consumed vs the recommended allowance – and good golly, the sugar content in those IHOP pancakes is mindblowing! Thanks so much for sharing that article! And that guy you were seeing sure passed on a good habit to ya! And, thanks for the sweet words! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Sugar by the spoonful??? Woah, I just knew that we had a special connection. ๐ Now, I didn’t ever have sugar by the spoonfuls, but I might as well have! I loved it all as a kid: milkshakes, cakes, candy, pudding, cookies… I liked to disguise my sugar addiction a bit more than you. Lol. And, dessert for breakfast: YES. Yet another reason why we’re friends. Just sayin’. ๐ Aw, dang, running on dessert?? That would have been so perfect for you! But I have a soft spot in my heart for Runnin Srilankan, so… <3 Well done on resisting the call of sugar! We can hold each other as we fight the urge. ๐ These pancakes look absolutely amazing, and you know I love all the green tinted goodies you make. There's just something about them… ๐ Have a wonderful weekend my friend. Thank you, as always for brightening it with your wonderful posts. ๐ xo
Hahahaha! I busted out laughing (very different to LOL-ing) when I read “I liked to disguise my sugar addiction a bit more than you” that line! Too too funny Demeter! You know what Demeter – I so NEED your support and holding! Resisting sugar is no joke! Gosh, I cannot wait till next Thursday to break this sugar fast ๐ Thanks so much for your kind kind words – I hope you have a wonderful weekend too, my friend! XO
These pancakes turned out so pretty and fluffy! I never thought of adding avocado to pancakes but now I have to try it!
Thanks so much Pamela! Yes, yes, please do try it ๐
These pancakes look so amazing Shashi! I love the green colour! Such a great idea to make pancakes using avocado. I can’t wait to try your recipe! <3
I’m not a huge dessert fan, but when the craving strikes, I definitely love to have something sweet! And I do really enjoy baking and sharing the goodies with family and friends.
Love these pancakes! How unique with the avocado in there! Never would have thought of that. Looking forward to trying these soon ๐ Avocado is awesome! Have a great weekend!
I’ve never been a fan of sugar tbh. Actually since I was kid I would pick savory over sweet all the time.
Needless to say it these pancakes are my ideal dish. Avocado+bacon+coconut flour, I mean they have Mike written all over ’em! ๐
Thanks for sharing this amazing recipe Shash!
As a fellow dessert lover, there’s something about savoury pancakes that do it for me…even more so if they include avocado ;)! Just for the record, I usually don’t ever crave bacon but this post makes me think that I need to reconsider my brunch choices this weekend!!
We have cut back on sugar as well and all of the desserts I make my husband takes along with him to work now. I wish I had a big stack of these pretty pancakes for breakfast this morning! I love the avocado in here and yay that they don’t have any sugar too ๐
I’m doing the same thing Shashi have seriously curtailed my use of refined sugar and any sweetener really, I also gave up flour, rice, pastam no bread, ugh… I love these pancakes, never thought of using coconut flour, great idea. Was just telling Rhonda (Thankful Heart) how I love pancakes but can’t eat flour, here you go. Thanks for a great recipe.
I never in my wildest dreams even thought about adding avocado to my pancakes.. this is over the top creative and your pics are beautiful. I’m seeing a lot of green stuff on your instagram lately. ๐
I usually can(NOT) live without the sugar! Just love desserts, can’t help it. I cannot imagine my life without sugar. Green is my thing! ๐ And these avocado pancakes are making me drool. And the good news is that I’ve just bought a big bag of avocado and was wondering what I should do with it. Now I know Thanks for the inspiration.
Hey girl – happy Monday- I am so impressed you are taking a break from sugar this week. I need a break too, and it wasn’t even my birthday. (Belated happy birthday!!!) Every week or two I do a fast/cleanse but I wouldn’t have to do it so often if I laid off the sugar more! Your pancakes look so awesome Shashi. I am such a fan of avocado and never would have dreamed to put them in my pancakes. But why not??? With the bacon, this is an incredible savory treat that will please the whole family! Charlie begs for green pancakes on St. Patty’s Day – I think I’ll bookmark this recipe for March! Have a wonderful week my friend. XO
Lol, I’m pretty sure there are worse things you could be addicted to than sugar, right?! I’m thinking you should use that mentality. But then again, I’m a terrible influence! ๐ I’d be the one telling you it’s okay to have a slice of cake for breakfast… as long as you don’t eat the whole cake. But I also just think life is SO short. It should be enjoyed. So maybe you should just indulge in sugar only on the weekends? If you really love it that much, there has to be a better answer than cutting it out of your life completely, right? But, I haven’t seen that trailer. Hmm. I donno! I ramble. Sorry. <3 Anyways, I LOVE these pancakes, Shashi!! That green color is fabulous! I've never had avocado IN my pancake before!!!! Totally genius, as always! Plus bacon to boot? Breakfast winning, my friend!! Cheers! xo
Hahaha – I so LOVE how you think! Cheyanne – if it wasn’t a health issue I wouldn’t ever give up sugar – ever! I too, am a huge believer in life being too short not to pass on dessert! But this time I’ve gotta stick it out – I’ve got one more week of this “sugar cleanse” and then am so back to maple syrup, coconut sugar and all that jazz! Life is indeed better on the sweet side! Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment sweet friend and congrats on your new ride! xoxo
Yesterday I met someone who is actually allergic to sugar! I know I would love these pancakes ๐
Hey Shashi! ๐
You’re not the only one who would eat spoonfuls of sugar when no one was looking. I did that too when I was younger! Lol
Avocado in a pancake, now this is just pure genius! Love it!