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  1. Dear Shashi – I always learn so much here. I owe ya for an education! Seriously, I knew nothing about salted cod and I learned a ton here tonight. So thank you kindly. I love the bed of avocado potato puree you served it on – brilliant. I wish you all the best in this contest – hope you win. Two thumbs up for such an original, delicious and creative recipe using fantastic salted cod. Have a wonderful week my friend! XOXO

  2. Yum! I love the color of that avocado potato puree. Thanks for describing the differences between salt cod and fresh. I have actually never tried it before. Adding to the list!

  3. So I have to admit that I already knew a little bit about cod…because we live so darned close to Canada! 🙂 (Several of my curling friends are from Canada, so they know and love their cod!) But I had no idea the difference between fresh and salted cod. Interesting! Now I can start a conversation about salted cod with them and hold my own. But wait til I tell them about serving it over this avocado-potato puree! Now that sounds (and looks) like a winner to me. Thanks so much for sharing this one. I’ll have to keep an eye out for Cristobal!

  4. You had me going to back to my childhood. Mom use to make these salted fish delicacies but I never have made any! Like you I choose to go with fresh over salted. Plus I do remember my mom would soak them in water for what felt like forever.
    Now you’ve got me intrigued to go back and check out the salted fish – can’t wait to explore more.
    Your recipe sounds yum…

  5. Definitely sometimes messy food is totally the best!! I am no stranger to salt cod. It is pretty much a staple around here. I only eat about once on year (on Christmas Eve). We have a traditional Newfoundland dish called fish-n-brewis which is essentially salt cod, potatoes and pork fat which has been fried. Salt fish cakes are pretty popular too. My mother in law’s fish cakes are super good! I love both with molasses (yes, molasses) – works so good with the salty cod. I’ve never had salted cod curried before, but I’m loving this and that potato puree is the perfect fit!! Good luck with the contest! This sounds absolutely amazing, Shashi!! XO

  6. I’ve never had salted cod although I would love to try it but I would not really know where to get it around here. But that avocado potato puree sounds amazing, I’ve never would have thought of combining the two to make puree. I have to try it!

  7. Avocado potato puree, wow that’s new on me Shashi and I’m certainly intrigued!

    Salted cod is not something I can recall ever trying but I know it’s a big thing over in Scandinavia. Places there like Norway and Sweden are on Lynne and I’d bucket list so I expect I’ll give it a try then.

    That avocado potato puree is definitely something I would try a lot sooner though. 🙂

  8. I’ve never worked with salted cod. I only tried once some salted cod cakes at the restaurant, and they were so good. And as I can imagine, I would love this dish as well. But what’s impressed me the most, is the side dish. I love potato mash, and I love mixing it with other ingredients (veggies mostly). But I would have never though of adding avocado. It’s genius. I need to try this ASAP (Even without cod);)

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