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  1. Yum! I haven’t had salmon croquettes in a very long time. These look much better than the croquettes I used to eat. I also need to try out Excedrin. Sounds like a great cure for a headache.

  2. I love croquettes. I make fish but never made salmon. Sounds so good. I suffer from constant headaches… I need to look for this Excedrin.. Sounds like something I need to keep on hand.

  3. You are indeed the Croquette Queen, Shashi! I mean look at these amazing bites…I’d go for these short eats any day of the week! (Did I use ‘short eats’ correctly there? I love that term!) We’ve been on a salmon kick lately here, but most of ours has involved the grill. I need to bake up some of these croquettes soon though! Oh, and I need to check out that Tension Headache Excedrin. Believe it or not, Robbie clanging two of his metal pots together can sometimes lead to a late afternoon headache. (Surprising, right?) Hope you and lil Shashi are having a great week! Only a couple weeks left in her high school career now…oh, where do the years go??

  4. OOOH these looks so very delicious. And I think I could pull them off too, which is a big bonus for me. haha Thanks for sharing this recipe! {client}

  5. I see why these croquettes have been your favorite, Shashi! They are amazing:) You know what? I haven’t tried them yet, but they are already my favorite too:) The combo of salmon, potato, peas, and spices is just right. And I do love the fact you baked them.

  6. Gosh, I used to love potato croquettes when I was little. But they were just mashed potato covered in bread crumbs and deep fried.

    Now yours Shashi, look like there’s a whole lot of amazing flavours bursting forth there. 🙂

    BTW – that’s good headache stuff. Lynne needed headache relief when we were in San Francisco and these sure did the trick!

  7. I’ve never heard the term ‘short eats’ before, but I love it! TOTALLY using that one in the future! And I happen to love me some fish cutlets, so if your mother wants to make me some, let me know. 🙂 Hehe. Anyways, you are definitely the croquette queen, and these spicy salmon croquettes are faaaabulous! I love that you coated them in almonds! AND since they are healthy baked, I can eat at least a dozen of these in one sitting! Wahoo! Cheers, dear – to a wonderful weekend!

  8. I’ve never heard of the term ‘short eats’, but it’s so cute! Based on your description, I’m allllll about short eats. I love little bits and bites and often times would much rather that than a big meal. Little bit of this, little bit of that, ya know? Love that these are baked (which means that they are guilt free, which, in turn, means I can eat more, lol). And those spices? Talk about flava!! As for the hunger headaches, sometimes I’ll go without eating and not even realize it, especially on Saturday when I’m running around, busy. Then, all of a sudden I realize how hungry I am when I get that dang headache. Just got to remember to eat! If I had some of these delicious croquettes handy, that would solve the problem 😉 Have a great week, Shashi! XO

  9. Short eats sound amazing! I’ve never heard of the term before… but if short eats look like these croquettes, then I’m on board! You know I love all of your croquette recipes and this is no exception, Shashi! Hunger headaches totally sneak up on you! Thanks for sharing a good way to fight those pains. Wishing you and your daughter an awesome weekend! xo

  10. Oo oo oo! Short eats is where it’s at Miss Shashi. Why aren’t you and your short eats here with me? I’d absolutely love your company and these baked croquettes – they are popping with flavor!!! We are here at my sister-in-law’s beach house in Old Salisbury, MA for a few days during the kids spring school vacation. I can hear the surf crashing! Today it was mild – in the high 50’s, but the temp is going to nosedive tomorrow and it will be in the 40’s and POURING and the winds are supposed to be 40 mph. No kidding. It will be a cozy day indoors, though I’m known to venture out on the beach in crazy weather. Jon and Jacob are moving some furniture for my s-i-l Dawn tomorrow and they are hoping to find a short window when it’s not pouring. I get headaches when the barometer rises and falls so dramatically so I will def. remember Excedrin – always a relief! Hope you are having a great week my friend.

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