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  1. I’ve never liked toads and I’m so glad your daughter didn’t want to invite the toad into your home – who knows where it may have ended up! I love your breakfast cookies and I know how good hemp is for you but for bizarre reasons, hemp is illegal here xx

  2. Shashi, I love the information you’ve provided on hemp seeds. I understand now that they aren’t habit forming or truly illegal, so why am I still so hesitant to try them? I don’t know, but I am, but DANG those cookies look good!

    1. Haha – Becca – it took me awhile after I had the facts for me to give them a try – I still cannot bring myself to eat poppyseeds…GAH!

  3. Haha at least you had a funny misconception about hemp! And turned it into some delicious breakfast cookies. I want these when I wake up tomorrow.

  4. I’ve only tried hemp once before, and that was in the form of protein powder. It was absolutely disgusting! But I’m hoping that in this form they would be far more edible 😉

    1. Tara – hemp hearts taste very very different than the hemp protein -in my opinion. Hemp hearts are more neutral but slightly nutty too – and incredibly versatile!

  5. I love the idea of pairing hemp hearts with chocolate! But then again, I love the idea of pairing -anything- with chocolate. And even though the smoothie I made was delicious, now you’re making me wish I had cookies for breakfast. I guess it’s going to have to be cookies for lunch instead :mrgreen:

  6. Oh my …THESE COOKIES!! You keep outdoing yourself girl! I am currently using Vega One protein powder which contains hemp! Other than that, I am yet to try the stuff…clearly I have the perfect recipe to try ’em out with!!

  7. When we lived in Florida, little frogs would get in on occasion. Much to our cats’ delight! Poor little things didn’t last long. 🙁 Anyway, I didn’t know any of that about hemp! Nor have I ever used it. I’ve been missing out! Story of my life. 😉

    1. Please don’t be so hard on yourself – I had been missing out for awhile too- but better late than never right? 🙂
      I don’t have cats, but my dogs are scared of the toad outside – one wouldn’t go near it, the other one sniffed it and when the toad moved, my dog bolted – these are the same dogs that will hurl themselves at a 200lb person who runs towards us (because they were trying to catch a Frisbee) – go igure!

  8. I need to use up an entire bag of hemp hearts fast… I should make these!! loveee hemp hearts!

  9. I am all for the support group if it means chocolate will be there – especially these chocolate breakfast cookies! They look so amazing and I love the hemp in here! Totally wish I had a few of these to snack on right now – pinning 🙂

    1. Haha – thanks so much Kelly! I will bring the chocolate hemp cookies if you bring some of those pumpkin and chocolate donuts – deal? 🙂

  10. Hemps…yes, I add hemps to my mixture of steel cut oatmeal…and sometimes to bread. I love the idea of these cookies for breakfast…delicious way to start the day.
    Hope you are having a great week Shashi 😀

  11. I had no idea that hemp might possibly (or not:) make you test positive on a drug test. My husband absolutely refuses to ever eat anything with poppy seeds since he is subject to random drug testing. I’m pretty sure that he would have to eat more than any recipe calls for in order to have it show up but…

  12. Cute Steve!!! I love it!! I feel stupid to write this, but I didn’t know you could use hemp in recipes and that is was so good for you! You learn something new every day! (and obviously anything in cookie form will get a thumbs up from me. Make that a chocolate cookie, and I am totally sold!!) –Lisa

    1. Nope – don’t feel stupid – I have never had a candy apple nor have I had a beef burger …I guess the scales are tipped towards me eh? 🙂
      Thanks Lisa!

  13. I will join that support group and yes, we’ll chocolate 😀 i am under the impression if you eat a poppy seed bagel it will show up on a drug test- is that true? i have no idea. (I’m afraid of slimy things so im going to go on believing the thing about warts and toads 🙂 Is there another support group for denial?) these breakfast cookies look sooo good! i want one (2) for breakfast!

    1. You know what Charlotte – I don’t know either – some articles I Googled said yes and some said no and some said it depends on how much time passed between eating a poppy seed pastry and taking a test – my mind is boggled!
      Yes – there’s a group for denial too – though in it – if you happen to have your chocolate cookie stolen, you might have a hard time figuring out who took it or if it was indeed stolen…

  14. Here in Queensland we have the dreaded cane toad. They can kill heaps of things and even dogs aren’t safe around them. They’re also really big and ugly. Ugh. No kissing toads for me.

    I love the idea of the hemp into cookies. I’ve never seen it in Australia.

  15. Interesting! I had no idea you could bake with hemp hearts. I need to stick around you, Shashi…I keep learning things by accident. Haha! But more importantly, can we talk about Cute Steve? I love that he shows up regularly…you should start keeping some bugs around to feed him. 🙂 When we lived in Atlanta, we had a snake that lived in our driveway. He’d show up about once a week, and we named him BOLO (Be on the Lookout). I’m terrified of snakes, and he always gave me a start…especially when I’d find him in the bushes when I was weed-whacking. But he was our buddy. (Don’t worry…I did some extensive googling to make sure he was a harmless corn snake…but that doesn’t mean he didn’t scare me still.)

    1. Haha – Thanks David! What do you say about hemping those count chokula treats? 😉
      Yup – Steve met us this evening too – though tonight he was quite energetic – kept leaping around! My daughter loves collecting bugs -so I am sure she would love that challenge!
      YIKES – a snake in the bushes! I would scream like a girl!:) But, I guess a snake outside is better than a snake inside right? I am glad that y’alls one was harmless – I have seen one in my yard too – but since the “Steve” has been guarding our abode, I haven’t seen the snake.

  16. You always introduce me to great products. I heard about hemp seeds but never about hemp hearts… Needless to say, I am very curious about and want to tried them!

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