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  1. Yummm, Shashi! Given my love for all things almonds & chocolate, these cookies are right up my alley…would it be terrible to admit that I’m thinking about smothering them with some almond butter ;)! Love that you always accompany your recipes with life stories! This lady sounds like a wonderful person…I am a huge believer that everyone we come in contact with is for a reason, regardless of how long/short our interaction with him or her is!

    1. Thanks oodles Khushboo – nope it wouldn’t be terrible at all! Yes I agree with you on that latter bit – everyone does come into our lives for a reason – even if we cannot figure out the reason in our lives down here on earth.

  2. I do love it when life brings wonderful strangers into our lives. What gorgeous looking cookies and I can’t believe there’s so few ingredients. And GF too! Bonus! xx

  3. I love it when you meet strangers and learn all about their stories. It is such a magical experience. These cookies look great. I love that they are gluten free 🙂

  4. Wow, what a great post, Shashi! I used Craigslist a lot more down in Atlanta, but I’ve used it a bit up here, too. There’s some really great stuff out there! I’ve sold a couple of things on there as well (moving sale!!), but it seemed like it took a lot longer to sell stuff up here compared to down there. Less people I guess. Either way, this post made me smile. Thanks! 🙂

    1. Thanks David!
      I know you are in upstate NYC right? When my sis lived in Manhattan, she got so much stuff of Craiglist – not to mention sold a ton too – at one point I remember her telling me that she was going with a friend of hers to a “Craiglist Friend Party” where everyone brought a friend and showed up to meet peeps!! I am not sure I would be that brave – but I’ve been in the south for way too long! 🙂

  5. Heh heh… it almost sounds like the recliner lady’s her daughter is trying to get away from her which is why she keeps moving from state-to-state. “Dangit… Mom found us again!” But I’m sure that’s just my weird mind coming up with a made-for-Lifetime movie plot. 🙂

  6. you do have the best stories Shashi, and you always meet such lovely people. You are one such lovely person and I wish I meet you one day!
    These cookies are awesome – no butter no flour ? that just makes them more awesome!

  7. I love the idea of basically making your own flavored almond meal with blue diamond almonds… you’re brillant!!

  8. Shashi, I love you and I love these cookies! I recently became gluten intolerant (literally out of the blue) and have been sick for several months trying to figure out what’s wrong with me. Now, I have also joined the gluten free camp. I adore these cookies and can’t wait to make them! Love that they don’t use xanthan gum!

    1. Aww – thanks Julia – I <3 you too, my friend! I did read your post – GAH – am sorry to hear – but these days there are so many possibilities with all the varieties of GF flours out there! Yeah – I know quite a few people like using XG – but am skeptical – I like to keep things as simple as possible most times anyways – hope you are feeling better these days.

  9. I love your Craig’s List stories. So cool that you had a chair and could help the college student out. And, your little grandma sounds amazing!!

  10. What about stuff you get for free on Craigslist?
    I swear in NYC you can furnish a whole apt by getting free furniture from people that just want to get rid of it.
    I often find myself spending hours perusing the free section and time and again I find hidden gems.

    BTW, loving these GF cookies Shashi, they look so scrumptious!

    1. Mike – when my sis lived in NYC she did get most of her stuff off of Craigslist – I haven’t had much luck with free stuff on CL here in Atlanta though – there was once some bushes someone had advertised – only I had to dig them out – say what??? 🙁

      Thanks BTW!

  11. Love finding things on craigslist but I’ve never met any as interesting as the ones you’ve met. These cookies are definitely peaking my interest though! They look gorgeous lady! That melty chocolate is totally calling my name and I love that you grind down the almonds here – sounds deee-licious!

  12. I love meeting new people! I think you are playing it safe by meeting Craigslist buyers/sellers in a public place. I’ve done a few transactions on there and the exchanges were in a public place or at my house while my boyfriend was there.

    Great recipe, Shashi. Love that they are GF!

    1. Julie, my sis used to live in NYC and she said that there used to be “Craigslist friend parties” there! Speak about meeting new people! 🙂
      Thanks so much btw.

  13. Three spoons of sugar are more than enough for me! I love when you can taste all the ingredients and the sugar is not overwhelming. A very yummy and “balanced” recipe!

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