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    1. It is pretty indeed – yes – it isn’t as good as mango – but I like to pair it with mango – I dunno why – clearly I have unresolved issues! 🙂

  1. I’d love to find perfectly ripe, unmarred dragon fruit around here…I’ve never tried it! And as far a temperature goes, my hubby says I have a very narrow comfort range, but I’d always prefer it a little warmer than being cold 🙂

    1. Liz – I sure hope you get to try dragon fruit – I have seen it at major grocery store chains like Publix- maybe like once during the course of the year – but they are available in plenty at a South Asian Store near me.

  2. I love the heat but not while I’m working. When at work I like nothing higher than average temperatures. I think dragon fruit is so pretty. I love dragon fruit but haven’t tried it in a smoothie xx

    1. Hahaha – Oh dear – I would so love to live down in Florida – besides you guys have no income tax! Oooh that heat is getting more bareable by the second 😉
      Thanks lady – I do love mango too – this summer, Costco had cases of 6 mangoes for $5 – you bet my daughter and I hd bellies full of mangoes!

  3. I would much rather be hot than cold, but still. Excessive heat is EXCESSIVE! I could have used this smoothie after some of my summer long runs!

  4. Shashi! You just confirmed that you are crazy. Atlanta. In August. With a broken A/C unit. And you almost used the “L” word. Crazy, I say! I can’t say that I’ve had dragon fruit very often…and come to think, I don’t think I’ve even seen it in stores since we left Atlanta. Oh, and “the heat is on” wins by a landslide against the happy song.

    P.S. I’m in upstate New York…about 2.5 hours north of NYC. Very close to Saratoga Springs if you’re familiar with Saratoga. 🙂

    1. Hahaha – David – it’s like you are my brother from another mother – you know me too well! I sure am CARAZY indeed! 🙂

      I’ve kinda heard about Saratoga – not a whole bunch though – I am gathering that there are no places like the Dekalb Farmers Market there?

    1. Thanks bunches Chris – let the hunting (for dragon fruit that is) begin! Hey maybe you and the Wolf-pack can use it in your next Chopped challenge? 😉

  5. Now i have “the heat is on” in my head, and im kinda dancing to it in my chair 🙂 I dont think ive ever had dragon fruit but that smoothie looks AMAZING! im probably more of a new englander than ill admit in that i always say i like heat, but temps topping out around 78 is my idea of hot enough 🙂

  6. I used to be right there with you on the heat but this past summer for some reason I can’t handle it as well.
    I would much rather hear the happy song all day!!

    1. Kim, I seem to be the opposite – I cannot seem to handle the cold – I remeber once getting into a conversation with this older gentleman who told me his goal in life was to live in cities where the lowest temp was above his age – he said it involved a lot of moving but he was happy!

  7. Oooh what a great idea to use dragon fruit in smoothies! It sounds so good especially with the mango, love it! I am a big fan of summer but not when it’s extremely hot. I think I would take a sunny day over snow any day though 🙂

    1. Thanks Kelly!
      I am with you on those snow days – here in Atlanta our city just shuts down-last year when snow started to fall people got stuck on the freeways for hours!!!

  8. dragon fruit is so so beautiful, just like these smoothies. i’m currently drowning to death in the new orleans humidity and i really really really want one of these right now!

    1. Thanks so much Graham! I just googled New Orleans weather and looks like y’all are about 10 degrees hotter than us with about 5% more humidity! Drink ALL the smoothies my friend! 🙂

  9. When I saw a dragon fruit for the first time I thought to myself that this is one of the prettiest and most perfect fruits in the world. I wonder how your smoothie tastes. For sure awesome! =)

  10. hahaha!!! I can completely relate with your daughter! I hate the heat! It’s almost always so hot and humid here that it is difficult to walk two steps without sweating!!!! On the days when it’s gloomy and cloudy, I’m the happiest since that is the only time I get to experience a pleasant weather! 😀 I have tasted dragon fruit only once and I loved the flavor and texture and I love how you incorporated it with some delish mangoes! I can almost taste how refreshing this will be and need to make it stat!!!!

  11. I’ve never had dragonfruit before but it’s certainly a pretty fruit! I’m from Northern Minnesota and I still haven’t gotten my “Southern blood” yet so the heat here is unbearable for me during the summer. But I am an indoor Sashi so make good use of the A/C. 🙂

  12. We have plenty of dragon fruits including those red colored inner. I love the fruit and now after seeing this healthy smoothie, I know what to do next.

  13. A beautiful and healthy smoothie Shashi. Well lets see, I live in HK so my threshold for heat is not liking when I feel like I am melting whilst waiting for the bus is 100 degree heat and 100 percent humidity. Our family adores dragon fruit and eats it quite often. I would much rather little to the “Happy Song” for at least once before I put my own earphones in at work. Have a super day! Take care, BAM

  14. What a fun post Shash! I do like Dragon Fruit. Tried it for the first time in Thailand a couple of years ago. Where’d you find it though? Regular grocery store or specialty one? I’ve never seen it here.

    In response to your other 2 questions: Its never too hot for me. Still a desert girl all the way! And I’d listen to the “Heat is on” any day!

    Keep your recipes coming.

    1. Thanks Charmi – I found dragon fruit at a South Asia Store called super H Mart – and I think I might even have seen it at Publix -chain grocery store- once or twice.

  15. I’m with your daughter — I’m a wimp when it comes to too much heat. So I’d definitely need this smoothie! I’ve never had dragonfruit in a smoothie — terrific idea. Thanks.

  16. Dragon fruit is so pretty! I see it in the stores from time to time, but I’ve never actually picked one up. I may have mentioned that I’m not all that adventurous with new foods? 😆 True, true. I’m also NOT good when it comes to the heat. Oh gawl. I’m lucky to live in Canada where our summers aren’t anything -too- extreme, but some of those hotter days… they just kill me!

    1. You are so welcome Mike – you could also use them to make popsicles – My daughter loves dragon fruit pops with almond milk and vanilla and honey.

  17. haha um yeah I would definitely be one of those people sweating!! I cannot stand the heat! I love the colder temps and bundling up to stay warm!

    I’ve sadly never had dragon fruit. I need to get my hands on some! This smoothie looks wonderful!

    1. Thanks Ashley – you are missing out lady – hope you get your hands on some dragon fruit pronto – I have found them mostly in South Asian stores so far.

  18. Oh wow this sounds great- I never would think to add dragon fruit to a smoothie! I’ve had it a few times in Asian restaurants- it’s always served under “Exotic fruit platter”! Is it crazy to think that looks-wise, it reminds me a lot of cookies ‘n’ cream ice cream…looks not taste haha!

    1. Oh my goodness Khushboo – it’s like we share the same brain – YES -YES – it most definitely does look like cookies ‘n’ cream ice cream – once I made vanilla dragon fruit popsicles and my brain tricked me into thinking exactly that before I took the first bite! 🙂

    1. Hahaha – Arman – am Asian on both sides – is blending dragon fruit a no-no? GAH – I lost that memo!
      Hope Sydney is treating you well…

  19. I grew up in one of the hottest cities in the world, so let’s just say my heat tolerance is very high! I actually sweat more in winter, though – I think it’s because I’m wearing more clothes and not expecting to feel warm. I would take a hot, dry day any day of the week! Mangos are my favourite fruit 🙂

  20. I am not sure I ever tried dragon fruit. Definitely I have never tasted it fresh. I’d love to try it but I am not sure where I could find it (didn’t see it much around :)). I am pretty sure I would like your exotic smoothie!

  21. Years ago I use to be you, but now I’m your daughter. I want that smoothie after a run. I just recently tasted dragon fruit for the first time, and know how delicious this smoothie is! I’m not familiar with the Happy Song, but I love The heat is on, so I’ll go with that.

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