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  1. Gorgeous photos, gorgeous colors. and mouth-watering recipe! I remember when I first tried a runny egg on pizza- total love at first bite! I can’t decide which beet team I am on- I go through phases with it, right now I remain indifferent!

    1. Thanks so very much Khushboo! Gosh – I used to eat canned beets (from the can) and boiled eggs when I was in college – talk about brain/energy food – it helped me stay up through those all-nighters working on projects!

  2. I’m totally okay with beets baked into other things, but I’m definitely still iffy about beets on their own. Thankfully this qualifies as the former, so I’m all in!

  3. Shashi, I simply have no words to explain the awesomeness of this pizza! I was just going to leave you a blank comment…but I’m not sure that would have had the intended effect. haha. Seriously, though. Two thumbs up! Laura is a beet lover, and I’ve come around a little bit lately. I’m really intrigued by this pizza and the eggs baked into the crust. Looks delish!!

    1. Hahaha – a blank comment would have had me wondering if you were trying to steal my pizza without leaving me some of your apple cider cake – yup, am still waiting on that! 😛
      Thanks bunches BTW, the eggs and bacon really oomped this crust up – Laura might like the plain crust just fine, but you might need the bacon!

      1. That darned mailman. You just can’t trust anyone anymore! Oh, and yes, I need the bacon…I’m like the dog on that commercial that goes hunting for the bacon. Bacon…bacon…bacon!!

  4. Hmmm….my one (and only) experience with beets was bad. I was about 6 and we were at a church lunch at the lake. I thought I was taking some cranberry (out of a can) but it was actually a beet. I ran down to the edge of the water and quickly spit that nastiness into the lake!!! Maybe I should give fresh beets a try now that I’m much older:)

    1. Oh dear Kim – I can just imagine the look on your face when you were expecting cranberries and tasted beets! 🙂
      Fresh beets are way way better – but, straight up roasted, baked, they are an acquired taste I think. My daughter does not like them straight up, but she will eat them in the cakes, donuts, bars and pizza crust I make – without complaining.

  5. I’m one of the beet haters…I can’t really do anything about it. It’s just like that.
    Still I’m going to give this beet pizza crust a go, just because it’s your recipe. I can’t guarantee I’ll like it but we’ll still be friends, right?

    1. I know all bout your beet hating, Mike – yes we can be friends – YOU are the CauliKing after all!
      Oh I made my daughter a beet smoothie and she nearly upchucked it across the kitchen – so if she could like this beet crust – there might be hope for you – right?

  6. I am a beet lover and would love to have this gorgeous beet breakfast pizza in front me now! Love the eggs and avocado in here and who doesn’t love some bacon – it makes everything better! And seeing this pretty pizza just made my morning so much better 🙂

  7. Wow this might be one of my favorite recipes yet!! (Actually, thats a really hard thing to claim, you always showcase the best stuff!) but this is soo pretty, i love the eggs, love the bacon, its just such a great twist on breakfast– looks soo good!!

    1. Thanks so much Helen – nope, it wasn’t overly crispy – if you bake it a little bit longer I think it would be – but we liked it softer-like a pita almost.

  8. I have never had beet crust before… it’s so beautiful! I’ve just hopped on the breakfast pizza train, so I’m excited to try this!

    1. Thanks so much Cassandra! It is indeed gorgeous – sometimes I have used hazelnut meal instead of almond meal and the hazelnut meal results in a slightly deeper colored crust – crazy huh?!

  9. There are those who also live in between… I am neither a fan nor a hater of beets. I mean, I enjoy drinking its juice blended with carrots and oranges, but I have to say I don’t wake up wishing to eat beets. 🙂 I’d be happy to try your healthy beet pizza though. xx

    1. Thanks! Beets can be messy to cook with – usually I roast up or boil a whole batch and puree part of it and use it as I go through the week- sometimes I use frozen cooked beets in smoothies too. Thanks so much for commenting and stopping by.

  10. Well I am most definitely a beet lover so I would be alllll over this! I have always wanted to do a breakfast pizza and just haven’t gotten around to it! And gosh, that color – I could just stare at this crust all day!

  11. Absolutely loving the colours in these photos, Shashi! To my mom’s dismay, I was a big time beet hater when I was little… and so many of our traditional holiday dishes revolved around beets (and other things I Wouldn’t eat), so my mom was always having to cook me a special menu. Bless her heart 😆 These days I’m a lot less picky, though, and thank goodness for that because beets are delicious!

  12. What a pretty pizza! I’ve never seen beets used as a pizza base before but what a great healthy, GF alternative. I love beets but it’s like you say, people either love or hate them xx

  13. I’ve never seen anything like that. Colorful and original, I believe this pizza is a special one! Is the crust GF?

    1. Hi Lesley, Yes, you can most definitely use all purpose flour instead of the brown rice flour… I hope you enjoy this as much as we did! 🙂

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