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  1. Hey Shashi – these parfaits look awesome. I love those Outshine bars SO MUCH! The coconut ones are seriously what got me through my recent bout of strep throat. That’s all I had for nearly 48 hours. And they tasted fabulous. So many great flavors to try. I really want to try the fruit and veggie ones too. Hope you and your girl have the best weekend ever – love ya. XO

  2. Asparagus water??? What the?? Wow, that just goes to show you how behind I am on these food fads. Lol. And I’d like to see a photo of these sushi donuts. I’m intrigued. Well, I’m certainly grateful that you’re here whipping up creative new healthy snacks for us to enjoy. I mean, it’s no asparagus water or anything… 😉 Hahaha. Love that you came up with this idea to blend popsicles into a chia pudding parfait. It’s so creative and fun! Thanks for sharing another awesome mother/daughter kitchen experiments experience with us. 🙂 Have a great weekend my dear! xo Pinning!

  3. What a creative recipe, Shashi! I love a good summer popsicle, and the flavors of these new Outshine pops sound awesome! But now I’m gonna spend the rest of my day thinking about sushi donuts. It’s funny how many things like this come and go without making a splash. But then when one actually hits, watch out! I mean the cronut guy could probably retire on that idea alone. We need to figure out how to make chia parfaits a thing now…starting with these! 🙂

  4. Ohmigosh! I posted the article on sushi donuts in my personal FB feed and all these people totally pounced on me, and not in a good way. They said it was all looks and gross, and I was like, hey, I just thought it looked pretty!
    So food fads? Who knows. The cronut might be on the way out!
    But parfaits will last forever, especially one like these. Love Outshine bars, too!

  5. Sometimes I swear I live under a rock. I’ve never heard of asparagus water or Soylent!! But I have heard of vegan sushi donuts.. only because I saw it on IG not too long ago. I guess 1 out of 3 ain’t bad? 😉 I am a huge fan of chia pudding, legit I have it for breakfast at least once a week. SO I am LOVING this one! Strawberry and banana is such a delicious combination, but pair that with some chia pudding? Oh boy, HEAVEN! Love it! Cheers, Shashi!! xo

  6. These sushi donuts sound interesting! Love the way you used Outshine snacks in this parfait! Looks delicious and creative! Pinned!

  7. So glad your daughter wanted something crunchy in her chia pudding! Can’t resist the crunch! I’ve always loved strawberry-banana and your combination of flavors and textures has my attention! These are divine!!

  8. Is the Strawberry & Banana Parfait recipe supposed to say 13 cups of Chia seed? Or is it 1/3 cup of seeds? Every other similar recipe is around 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup so 1/3 cup seems to make sense to me. Or am I missing something?

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