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  1. The colour of this is amazing – that’s what I love about beets. This would be a great way to get kids to eat more fruit too.

  2. My love for beets is so strong too! I love the idea of adding them to a shake! Why not?! Brilliant! And lol about your daughter and grape jelly. I kinda agree. There is something about the way it smells… Just not the same as the fruit itself (or wine, he he.)

  3. Ive never actually tried beets before. I do have foods that I like it one form but not another. One that came to mind first are eggs.

  4. I was raised on a farm on the outskirts of Bangor Maine- I’m totally a fan of strawberries. Yes, I eat beets.

  5. I do not like eating bananas but I enjoy a banana nut muffin once in a while. I love beets and beet greens.

  6. yes am a fan of beets I read one time long ago when juicers first came out that if you drank beet juice everyday that eventually you would start to pee red so I drank it a lot so I could pee in front of my fellow workers screaming that I was peeing blood

  7. Lol, ohh I just adore your daughter! And all her food quirks! I mean, most of us have our quirks, especially when it comes to food, right?! I’m pretty easy and will eat almost anything, but I’m picky about the WAY I eat it…. if that makes any sense. 😉 I’m with you on beets. I like them, but I’ve never really had a beet juice I cared for. Clearly I need to give this GORGEOUS shake a try! Seriously, Shashi, the color is just stunning! And I LOVE that you added strawberries and bananas here – now that is a combo I can get down with! PLUS all the protein?! I absolutely need this!! Cheers, my sweet friend! <3
    P.s. I think you're on vacation? I hope you are having a wonderful time!!

  8. I dont really like beets but I like them juiced, so we try to juice them at least weekly for the health benefits.

  9. Haha! I didn’t think I would ever hear you express disdain for ANYTHING beet-related, Shashi. I mean whenever I see beets in the store, I always think about you. But at the same time, I totally get it. I mean beet juice just doesn’t sound that amazing. (And it makes me think of Beetlejuice.) But this shake totally sounds amazing! Great idea to use Premier Protein as a base. This one would be excellent for the hot days we’re having up here lately! 🙂

  10. I like fresh tomatoes but not cooked/mashed/stewrd tomatoes. I havent had beets but this shake looks yummy. I am going to try it.

  11. I’m not a fan of beets.. I can’t get past the taste.. I love carrots raw, like in salad, but mushy cooked, no.. I won’t eat cream corn… yuck!

  12. This recipe looks healthy but delicious! I think it is really interesting when you have a combination of strawberry and fresh beets ( I never have this before). I will try your recipe at this weekend! Thanks for sharing with us 😀

  13. It’s so funny how we all have our little quirks. I LOVE vinegar and fries (duh, right?) However, I used to like vinegar on fries ONLY with gravy and if I had fries without gravy, then no vinegar. Weird, right? I’m over that now, lol. One thing I do enjoy, like you, is beets. Love the colour of them and especially love ’em roasted. I’ve yet to have in smoothie form, but gonna have to try after seeing this beauty of a shake! So pretty!! What a beautiful way to start the day!! XO

  14. I LOVE beets but have never tried beet juice or adding it to a smoothie…I’ve been kind of worried about it and I don’t know why! I’m coming around however and have been wanting to add it to a smoothie. This shake looks incredible and I love the added protein and that beautiful color!

  15. I have to eat white rice in sushi I can’t eat rice any other way. Not with chicken or tuna it has to be sushi lol
    I’ve never tried beets before but the people I’ve asked that have liked it

  16. Hmm, the only think I can think of is avocado. I love it in any form but I can’t stand it warm. There was a recipe for bacon wrapped avocado slices that you cooked in the oven and hot avocado is gross to me. I love it plain, in recipes, as guacamole, just not warmed. I do love beets though.

  17. I actually haven’t had beets since I was a kid! I didn’t like them then, but I bet I would now. I prefer broccoli cooked as opposed to raw, and I couldn’t agree more with you on avocados! I can not stand them warm, it just doesn’t seem right to me. I remember ordering a burger with avocado once and did not like it at all.

  18. Alternative smoothie for my protein shake diet plan. I only combine the banana and the strawberry, but I will try to add beet. Good luck to me. I hope the taste will be great.

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