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  1. I’ve been hearing so much about Portland lately! I’m really glad that you gals took this trip. (I totally agree that memories last longer than photos…and it looks like you took plenty of awesome photos while you were out there!) The Pacific Northwest has been on my to-visit list for a while now, and I think it just moved up a spot higher. I’m glad you and Lil Shashi were able to get some hiking in there, too. I mean that helps balance out the doughnuts and shakes! 🙂 And the hiking/terrain out there looks so different than what I’m used to here on the east coast. Love this post, Shashi!!

  2. Such a lovely place. Portland, Oregon is on my list. I haven’t ventured out much on the west coast besides NoCal and SoCal 🙂 I want to visit Portland, Seattle and Vancouver someday. You and your daughter seem to share a very strong and unbreakable bond. That’s beautiful.

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