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  1. These Well Yes! soups sound really good Shashi. And probably quite comforting after all that you’ve described you’ve been going for. Hope you manage to get some of those things you’ve been meaning to arrange, arranged! Take care though too. Neil!

  2. I am all about soup season! These Well Yes flavors sound amazing, and a good can of soup is a great meal when life gets super busy…and it sounds like you’ve been just a tad bit busy lately, my friend. Hang in there! I’m sure life will calm down and you’ll catch your tail one of these days! 🙂

  3. You have been so busy my friend, even with all the things you report you haven’t done. But you’ve accomplished so much in a short amount of time – I’m amazed. Moving is a monumental task in itself. I loved learning about these healthy soups today. I wish I had some right now. I have been in bed since yesterday with a bad respiratory bug, fever, the whole nine yards. I have been thinking about soup all afternoon. I may be sending Jon to find me some of this Well! Yes soup this afternoon. It maybe just what I need to get ‘well’. 🙂 Thanks for the great suggestions and so good to hear about all the positive things you are up to. (And good luck on catching that tail!)

    1. So Jon went out and got me 4 or 5 different kinds of Well!Yes soup and I’m just about to dip my spoon into roasted chicken with rice…ahhhh…..

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