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  1. I like routines..not constant changes..that’s probably the reason I eat the same breakfast every single day..these breakfast cookies look fantastic!
    I only tried the yoga part of p90x…and it was pretty tough.

  2. While I do like the comfort of routines, I know change is the only way we can grow as individuals! As food, however, I tend to gravitate towards the same few meals and then switch it up when my taste buds start to get bored. I am ALWAYS down to try oat-based recipes and will surely be trying this soon..I’m sure they’d make a great snack option too!

  3. Shashi, this is literally the only way I could eat overnight oats. Otherwise, I can’t STAND the giant soupy mess. These look delicious. To comment on the change thing, I am just the opposite – I hate change. I need to work on a happy medium between thriving on it and avoiding it!

  4. Change can definitely be good…especially if we are moving TOWARDS these overnight oat bites! Love that melty ooey gooey chocolate in every bite!

  5. Firstly, these baked overnight oats looks so good I wish I could reach through the screen and grab one! You should totally win the contest. The pictures are so perfect, I can’t decide which one to pin!
    I can totally relate to your need for change. Even with friends. I hate familiarity. We’ve been in our current house for 5 years and as much as I love it, I am itching to move. Not just to another house, but another place entirely. Once my kids leave home, I have this fantasy about picking about 10 of my favorite places and then renting a house in one for 6 months, and moving to another every 6 months. It will totally never happen, but it’s fun to think about!

  6. First of all, these look delicious! I just ate breakfast and I swear my mouth started watering as soon as I scrolled down to the first picture!

    And regarding change…change is good. But I guess the thing to figure out is WHY you’re seeking it. For me, the answer to that question brings a lot of clarity. Have a GREAT weekend, Shashi!!

  7. I never ever resist change. As a matter of fact I actually seek change Continuously. I fear being stuck in the same routine, it’s really something I don’t want in my life. I’m not sure this is a good thing, but it can’t be bad either. Right?

    I’m not a big fan of overnight oats but I’m sure I’d love these bites. They look fantastic!

  8. These oat bites are awesome and I will be making them soon!

    I’m ok with change as long as it’s something I feel comfortable with or something I am encouraging myself to do! I think it’s easy to fall in the same routine so lately I’ve been trying to do something a little bit more spontaneous once a week!

  9. Shashi! Is this for real?! Healthy oatmeal cookies for breakfast?!? Sign me up! I’ll admit to not being the biggest fan of traditional overnight oats, but bites I can do 😀 And when it comes to change, I feel like I’ve done a complete 180 in the past little while. I used to love following the same routine day in and day out, but lately I’ve been finding that I can’t handle that kind of thing anymore — I need novelty and excitement or I start feeling like I’m going to lose my mind…

  10. It would be such a treat to start the day with one of these overnight oat cookies. I think these days, things are moving so quickly that we have to be ready for change more than any other generation. I do try to embrace change but that’s not to say there are times when I wish we could go back to the 1950’s where things moved a lot more slowly xx

  11. Yum – those look like cookies – I might like them for breakfast!!!
    I used to thrive on change but somewhere in the last 10 years or so I’ve sort of gotten to the point that I prefer less change and more even keel!!!

  12. I am very much like you, Shashi. I get bored very easily without a challenge … and that’s a bit like torture for me! I guess that’s why I enjoy food blogging so much – because there’s always a new recipe to try out!
    I’ve never tried overnight oats, but love the idea of brekky being all ready in the morning. And of course, these are even better because they are just like cookies. Cookies for breakfast? I’m in!

  13. I love adding some changes to my life but I also like routine for certain things. I definitely need to change up my breakfast more often though and these baked overnight oat bites sound like the perfect start. Love love love how gorgeous they look with all that chocolate – wish I had a few for breakfast this morning 🙂

  14. These little bites look like an awesome way to start the day! And with chocolate? I’d be all over that!

    I think I fall somewhere in the middle. I love my routines but do like to shake things up now and then!

  15. A real treat for breakfast involving oats and chocolate. I’m definitely in. It’s the kind of change I am up for 🙂

  16. took me a long time to appreciate consistency – I love change. Like you, I thrive on it. You have to accept your personality and then create an environment that someone like you would thrive in. Thats what I am doing. I would suck at an operational job – where I have to do the same thing day in and day out. When you create a life that is conducive to your personality, you find happiness. Some things (especially with kids and such) need routine, which I’m fine with (even though I complain I get bored all the time!)
    These bites might be the answer to get oats into my breakfast (I had a lollipop for breakfast today!). I made regular oatmeal and gagged on it. This looks so much more appealing. Any subs for coconut flour?

  17. changes are good,but are they comfortable if the changes are constant?Instead I like to stay with a routine and of course I get bored too…:)
    These bites look so delicious and great for a change!
    Wish you all the best with this contest!

  18. Wow, this is loaded with chocolate! Which is a good thing. And love for chocolate is one thing I’ll never change! Other things? It depends. I hate buying new clothing, for example, so the type of clothing I wear is pretty constant from year to year. But what I’m eating? I change that all the time! But that’s also because when it comes to food, I’m always looking for something new. Anyway, good post — thanks.

  19. Change is absolutely so so important!!!!!! I often find myself getting bored of monotonous schedules as well and breakfast certainly tops the list! These baked overnight oat bites are so gooooood! These are something that look and sound absolutely delish and chocolate for breakfast??? SIGN ME UP! 😀 🙂

  20. Hm that’s a good question and I am facing the same conundrum. In a way I need to always keep myself busy with something new, just like a child who always needs a new toy or it gets boring. On the other hand I need a bit of security of unchangingness (if that is a word). It’s tricky… and we are jsut humans after all, no? I know that I could need your oat bites right now, that is certain! 😉

  21. First of all, those bites look delicious haha

    But you make an interesting point about change, and how you feel it’s necessary (for you). This was a really introspective piece and quite interesting to think about!

    I think for me change all the time is not necessary like it is for you, but I definitely prefer it. Without it I tend to get disinterested in things.

  22. I understand what you mean about getting bored without a challenge, but at the same time I thrive in routine. I guess the trick is balancing routine with learning, which is what I really thrive on more than anything 🙂

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