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  1. Dearest Shashi, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family at this difficult time. I don’t think that we ever feel like have spent enough time with our parents and the ones we love. I know your dad will be missed dearly. Take Care, BAM

  2. I’m sad to hear about your father’s passing. No matter how much we prepare for it, we’re never ready when it happens. My prayers are with you, your daughter and your family. It sure sounds like he was a very special man in addition to being a terrific dad.

    Your almond hummus sounds good. I need to up my almond intake too.

  3. I’m so sad to hear this, Shashi. What devastating news and it sounds like your dad was not only a great father but a very special person. I’m sure you will miss him terribly. My very best wishes to you at this terrible time.

    Your almond hummus looks very good xx

  4. Oh Shashi I am so sorry to hear about your dad’s passing- I had no idea! May his soul rest in perfect piece…and by the sounds of the kind of person he was, I am sure he will. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    I eat a lot of almonds daily in the form of raw & nut butter and if anything, you have motivated me to ensure that I keep my intake up…good thing they are so versatile!

    1. Thanks so much Khushboo – knowing he is at peace is what makes it so much easier – he had been ill a long time and really struggled with everyday things I take for granted.
      I sure do appreciate your kind words my friend.

  5. Shashi, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. It really does sound like he was an incredible person. What an inspiration that he never spoke badly about anyone!
    As usual, you’ve come up with a wonderfully creative recipe here. It makes so much sense to add nuts to hummus. 🙂

    1. Thanks Helen – growing up I remember him telling me “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” in reply to my ranting – I must say it helped keep things in perspective.

    1. Thanks oodles Amanda!!! I am holding up ok – he struggled so much – at times he couldn’t reach for a glass of water even – so that made it easier for me cos now I know he is up where he doesn’t have to worry about the constraints of his earthly body anymore…doesn’t stop me from missing him though. Thank you from the bottom of my heart sweet lady!

  6. Shashi, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Hang in there and know that you’ve got a ton of folks out here who support you. P.S. That hummus looks absolutely delicious…what a clever trick to include almonds in there!

  7. Shashi, I’m so sorry for your loss. Your dad sounds like a wonderful person and I feel the world of all your readers is a better place just for having heard about him from a daughter who obviously loves him very much.

    Your play on hummus sounds absolutely divine! I still haven’t used the almonds I bought a whle back so maybe this is the push I need in that direction. I’m trying to get healthier nuts in my diet as well. 🙂

    1. Awww- thanks so much Sashi – your kind and comforting words choked me up! So sweet!

      Good luck using those almonds – I sure hope you give this recipe a try!

  8. Oh Shashi, I am so extremely sorry to hear about your loss 🙁 He sounds like an amazing and very kind man who raised a very very special lady. I am sending you and your family lots of warm thoughts and prayers through this difficult time 🙁 As always, thank you for sharing this wonderful and inspiring post as well as this amazing and creative recipe. *big big hugs*

    1. Thanks so very much Kelly!
      He was an amazing dad and person and (looking at the silver lining) he will do well up above! 🙂
      Hugs back atcha, my friend!

  9. My dear Shashi, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss.
    He sounds like an amazing person and you and your daughter are his greatest legacy.
    I’m sending you big big hugs my friend and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

  10. Oh, Shashi – I’m so sorry about your dad!! I knew he had been sick and not doing well but I know it is still hard! Huge hugs to you and your sweet daughter!!!

    1. Kim, yes it was so much harder than I thought – 6 months ago his doc gave him 6 months to a year – but even though he had been so ill and so helpless, and we knew…and I know he is in a way better place now…it’s still hard. Thank you so much. XXs

  11. I’m so sorry to hear about this Shashi and very sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love and hugs your way! 🙂 This almond hummus looks DELISH! Love the fact that you’ve spiced it up a notch with the chipotle! Need to make this stat!

  12. Sashi, I’m am so sorry to read about your dad’s passing. He sounds like a wonderful man, one who has left your family with many fond memories and lots of things to smile about. Lots of gentle hugs being sent your way. What a very creative way to use the almonds! I bet they really jazz up that hummus and help to clear the arteries at the same time. 🙂

  13. A sweet and lovely tribute to your father, Shashi. He lives forever in your memory.
    I know the benefits of soaking raw nuts…but soaking roasted nuts? That’s new to me.
    Your hummus looks very delicious!

    1. Thanks so much Angie

      I soaked them hoping they wouldn’t be so hard to grind up in my blender – when I finally get a food processor, I might not soak roasted nuts. I so appreciate your kind words.

  14. Aw Shashi, I’m so sorry. You did a beautiful job honoring him in this post. I feel like I know the kind of man he was just by the little snippet of asking your daughter if she was ready for the SATs in 5th grade 🙂 He was obviously a very kind man who loved and thought the world of his family.

  15. Sashi, I’m so sorry to hear about your father. That was a wonderful tribute — really nice. Great looking hummus, too (love the almonds!), but that’s probably a small comfort at such a sad time.

  16. Oh, Shashi, I am so sorry – I hadn’t heard. My heart breaks for you, but I can tell what a wonderful man your dad must have been. Even though I don’t know much about him other than what you just shared, I know that he was a great man because he raised such a wonderful, caring, considerate person in you. Please let me know if there is anything at all that I can do. I am praying for you!

    1. Thanks so much Amy – I have your number and sure will- sending a huge hug your way, my friend

      Hope your first week as a grad student is off to a great start!

  17. So sorry for your loss Shashi! You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you big hugs!
    What a wonderful tribute to your father. Love that you added a photo collage of him.
    I always enjoy different takes on hummus and this chipotle almond one looks wonderful.

  18. My deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of your father. He sounded like an amazing man and father.

  19. What a wonderful hummous recipe. It is such a healthy kitchen offering and I love the addition of chipotle almonds to the chickpeas. My condolences to you and your family for the loss of your father. He was obviously a wonderful man.

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