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    1. Haha – a spoonful of sugar sure does work it’s magic- right? 🙂
      Thanks so much Melanie – hope you had a wonderful weekend and have a wonderful week!

  1. That’s one thing I love about your site and your cooking Sashi (well there are many things I like about it 🙂 ) you bring cooking and recipes from your background that I’ve never heard of but would definitely be interested in trying one day. Another pinned lol 😀

    1. Awwv- such kind words – thank you so much Neil! I am beyond honored and grateful you keep coming back and reading and pinning – thank you so so very much!

  2. Oh my gosh this is so creative!! I love it! Never would I have thought to use the rice like this…pinning!

  3. I did not know about Kiribath… It’s rice in the milk but a different one. Different consistency, right? I like the sweet touch and the addition of blueberries.

    1. Dude – you know what kiribath is???? Have you been to Sri Lanka? Have friends from there? I am so intrigued…

      Hope you had a great weekend – and a wonderful week ahead!

  4. At first I thought this was like a blue rice krispy treat! But then I read through and found it was way way way healthier than that dried rice cereal. Pretty awesome recipe! Do you eat it cool/room temp or heat it up a bit?

    1. Thanks so much Chris! It’s traditionally supposed to be eaten at room temperature. But I ate the leftovers cold and it was just as good!

      Though I must say, these naturally blue colored rice krispies you speak of ARE a fantastic idea 🙂

  5. Woah! I never had milk rice with coconut milk. Well, now that I think of it I had, for example a thai curry. But well, I wanted to say I never tried coconut milk and rice that way! Made me curious 🙂

  6. I have never heard of this, Shashi, so thank you so much for introducing me to it!
    I am swooning simply at that beautiful colour! I’d love to have a big pan of this on standby for mid-morning snacks.
    I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. You are so welcome – and thank YOU, Helen! Fresh blueberries are so much fun to work with – they impart such a gorgeous color -don’t they? Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. Thanks for sharing your version of this traditional dish, Shashi! I love the pretty blue color and the coconut milk, rose water and blueberry combo sound amazing!

  8. Well I have never heard of kiribath before, so I learned something new today! I love the spin you put on your mom’s recipe – blueberries and honey are one of my favorite combos!

  9. Anything with coconut milk in it is a win for me- I love the combination of all the flavours in this! Happy Friday!

    1. Thank you so much Genevieve! If you like coconut – then you could top this with coconut cream and sprinkle toasted flaked coconut on top!

  10. Shashi this is a really unique recipe. Love the fact that I can eat as it is gluten free and dairy free. I could picture eating this for breakfast or snacking on it all day long. Fun Recipe and post. Sharing of course!

    1. Thanks so much Bobbie! My daughter and I snacked on this through out our post and then were shocked we only had a piece each leftover for the next day! 🙂

  11. What a pretty dish this is. I have never ever seen rice presented like this. I also didn’t know all those benefits of eating rice. I would love to try this xx

  12. I’ve never had kiribath but it sounds wonderful! The color is so pretty and inviting! Good luck with the contest Shashi 🙂

  13. I bet this tastes wonderful. It somewhat sounds like one of the Thai dessert my mother made when I was little, too. This must taste so good; I am intriqued & would love to try making it 🙂

  14. What a clever redo on kiri bath!! I think my kids would totally dig this one because it would be a sweet treat. I may even throw on some chicken curry and get a sweet and spicy thing going on. Okay… better stop.. my mouth is watering. 🙂

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