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  1. These turkey burgers are just perfect! Never tried blue diamond nut thins. Love the story! Glad to hear there still are honest people left 🙂

    1. Neil – I know that you know very well, the wonderful “zing” spices add to just about everything they are added too! Thanks so much! 🙂

  2. That is a good story and it’s wonderful to know there are still some honest people left in the world. Your burgers look really good and I love the addition of the crackers xx

  3. Wow! What a great story about the mechanic. You are totally right that it would have been easy for him to just take the gift card and not say anything. I wish everyone was like this, but at least there are awesome people out there like this guy. He totally deserves an almond turkey burger for that! Speaking of almond turkey burgers, ummm…woah! I’ve never thought about this flavor combo, but it sounds delicious. And I totally need to go check out these Nut Thins now!

    1. Thanks so much David! Actually, I find out it had been 2 mechanics who worked on Lil Shashi’s car, and talk about decent! I went by to drop off some cookies and gift cards (there were no leftover burgers) and I was blown away by how gracious and humble both were.

  4. Doesn’t it just restore faith in humanity when people do the right thing? Would have driven me crazy to lose that gift card….congratulations on winning it in the first place! Woo hoo!!! Happy for you. Your turkey burgers look great, I’ve been experimenting some with turkey in burgers. Love how they don’t shrink up to nothingness on the grill. These look great!!!

    1. Thanks so much Allie! I had to go by the dealership and thank the mechanics and they were so incredibly humble and gracious.
      Yes, ground turkey makes for some juicy burgers!

  5. Proof that there is still humanity in this world- Glad it got sorted in the end AND that you won that gift card! Now this recipe- So much yes. I LOVE using crackers OR almond meal in my burgers so Blue Diamond nut thins are the best of both worlds! Cheers Shashi!

  6. Great story! And lovely looking turkey burgers. Love Blue Diamond almonds — their smoked ones are the best, IMO. Anyway, thanks for htis.

  7. I’ve tried these Nut Thins, they’re pretty tasty. I bet they tasted good in those lovely looking burgers! Thats a lovely story too about the mechanic, there’ are a few good souls still left.

  8. These burgers look so beautiful and are filled with so many delicious flavours! I love that you used nut thins to make them too – they sound amazing! I really need to try them! I will definitely have to make these burgers 🙂

  9. I think of myself of somewhat of a burger connoisseur (I dream of opening an burger joint) and these my friend sound perfect! Congrats again on your contest win 🙂

  10. Congratulations on winning a gift card with one of your recipes! That’s awesome! I love those almond nut things but never would have considered grinding them and putting them into a burger. Very clever! And what a healthy burger.

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