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  1. I would love a big bowl of your warm lentil salad for lunch, it looks so delicious and love the fresh coriander. I love the crunch of veggies with the soft and warm lentils. I would also love to have a normal boxed pizza available in HK. It is so not cool to be putting corn and seafood on your pizza, even if they think so here. Have a super week!

    1. Thanks Bobbie – but, now I am intrigued – corn and seafood – together on pizza??? I don’t think I’ve ever tried that – ever…

    1. And here I was thinking this was one unappealing salad – looks wise at least – Thanks so much Nazneen for telling me otherwise! xx

  2. Yay! You’re wonderful! I have a couple bags of lentils that I’ve been trying to figure out something to make for–this would be perfect! :]

  3. What a delicious combination, Shashi! That warm lentil salad could be dinner on its own, but then put it with a slice of pizza and I’m set. Now if only we could figure out how to have adult summer vacations, right? 😉 I hope you and the fam had an awesome long weekend!

    1. Thanks David – I managed to sneak me a spoonful of that salad and I slathered it on top of my slice of pizza and yum! David, the only way I can think of having an adult summer break is if we all went and worked for the school system! Hey – didn’t you teach Latin at one time?? They are always looking for high school Latin teachers in GA….

  4. Okay well I have to admit, the pizza does look very delicious but I love the idea of a lentil side salad! It would be a lot more filling that a regular leafy salad meaning less pizza binging LOL either way looks refreshing a great for summer!

  5. Great things happening on here Shashi! I love lentils and often incorporating it in salads. It’s a bit sweltering outside to have a warm version right now, but I’ll definitely opt for the salad (although I do like be pizza as well) 🙂

  6. haha a scratch and taste laptop! Now that would be something!!! This salad sounds wonderful – I love anything with lentils!!

  7. Not going to lie, I’m still a little crnky you didn’t invite me. That just means in July, you’ll make a Freekah cake out of Sunny D.

    Gross, please don’t.

    Love how you paired this with a lentil salad though- Smart cookie.

  8. It’s so true that we do eat with our eyes and as soon as I saw this colourful salad I knew I wanted to make it! I do love to eat salads but at this time of year, warm salads are best xx

  9. So fun! Glad they loved this salad 🙂 I adore lentils and this delicious salad would be disappear quickly around here too. It sounds fantastic with the pizza!

  10. Red lentils are the best! Again a very cool combo of ingredients. Will keep that in mind for my recent salad in a jar sessions! thanks 🙂

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