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  1. You had me at spicy shrimp! This soup sounds amazing by itself, but what a fun idea to top it with shrimp. And it looks like I’ve got everything I need except for the shrimp…so I’m heading to the store for that! I’m glad you gals got to take the dogs back to their old stomping grounds for a bit. But 70°!?! Seriously!? We hit the low 40s here, and that might as well be Hawaiian shirt and shorts weather. Haha! Seriously, though, you should see all of the flooding when the snow/ice melted. Hope you have a great Monday, my friend…and if you happen to have any more soup, then send it on up with your drone, mmmk? 🙂

  2. I love the addition of the spicy shrimp in this curried butternut squash soup Shashi! This soup is perfect for Lynne and I because as she wants to go Veggie I could have her extra shrimp and she could just make do with the soup on it’s own. Ha ha ha!

    Love that walk you did, and I can’t believe it’s that warm for you over there. We’ve had a fair bit of snow but at the moment its got warm again. Hopefully for the weekend, when we head up to Dundee for a few days away it won’t be snowing when I’m driving either!

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. Yum! This looks so smooth and delicious! I bet it’s totally worth the time making it up. Honest caramelized onions take awhile but oh boy are they just worth it! Looks awesome, thanks for sharing!

    P.s. First timer on your site and I am falling in love with it. Looks like you have tons of awesome recipes!

  4. You are so lucky with that weather. One day we hit 50 here in North-east Indiana and it was rainy all day, but still everyone rejoiced at the temperature. 70’s would be amazing to have! Glad you took advantage of it!

    Not only that, but your soup looks amazing! It’s probably so smooth and delicious, topped with spicy shrimp, wowza that looks awesome!

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