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  1. My pets come above everything, even the holidays- but i don’t have human kids, so I can afford to do that. Sometimes it does get tough to find the time to balance it all, though! #client

    1. I so struggle with balance – especially round the holidays! BTW – thanks so much Jenna – hope this holiday season is wonderful for you and your pets!

  2. Adorable fur babies. Buddy is spoiled rotten…his last and only wish has been granted his desire to sleep with one of us and then proceed to lick your whole face until you wake up and walk him…LOL Great holiday hints…life gets busy don’t forget your puppy!

  3. Shashi it’s so great to see your posts again! I’m so sorry I’ve been so out of touch, life has been so busy lately. But, after so long, it’s so nice to come to your post and see your beautiful dogs! We actually just got our own rescue dog of our own a couple months back, and I can totally understand how it can be hard to manage everything together, especially with dogs. I’m in love with my puppy and would love to take more tips from you about dogs. So glad to be able to read. Take care, and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hi my sweet friend! I love following you on Insta and know how busy you have been so thank you so much for stopping by and commenting! Speaking of IG, I saw your “Waffles” on there – what a beautiful dog! I know you and your family must be so enjoying this new adventure – no matter how crazy it gets! You take care too and hope you have a wonderful week and weekend as well xoxo

  4. Aww…what a fun post! I’ve heard all about Tawny and Ollie, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen photos? At least not this many! You are so totally right about the holidays. We love to pamper our pups, too, but it’s easy to forget the simple stuff…like just playing with them…in the middle of the holiday hustle and bustle. Great tips on gifts for our 4-legged kids. I’m totally going to surprise Max and Ethel soon with something similar. 🙂 P.S. LOVE the new site!! I had to do a double-take at first to make sure I was at the right place. haha! 🙂

    1. David, Tawny and Ollie are so lazy when they are at home so getting them to play is a must – yesterday I was rolling around on my chair with one of those toys attached to my chair to get those 4-legged kids of mine moving!
      Btw – thanks so much – am actually mid revamp! My recipe page is a mess … fingers crossed am done by the end of this weekend…

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