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    1. Thanks Erin – they have their cute moments – specially after a long walk 😉 But – they sure don’t like to sit around and not eat treats that are within reach – Ollie (the Newfie mix) kept grumbling and grumbling – I wish I had posted a video of it!

  1. I love this post! I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tawny and Ollie before…they are so darned cute! I love making homemade dog treats…and our pups *really* like when I make homemade dog treats. (I wonder why…haha!) Speaking of treats, I wonder if Tawny and Ollie will let you send a few of these up here to New York…I think our pups would love to sample them! 🙂

    1. Thanks so much David! I guess Tawny and Ollie won’t mind, but – dang, your mail lady might eat them – she might take after Lil Shashi! Lil Shashi likes her dog treats with a sprinkling of sugar on them!

  2. We’re big dog lovers with two big, lovable canines! They go wild over peanut butter treats and I’m sure we spend a fortune on them. This looks like something they’d devour! Great recipe, Shashi!

  3. For some reason, I had this notion that dogs don’t like peanut butter, and so I never fed my Sniffy any treat that has peanut butter in it. D’uh. I definitely have to try this to see if he’ll like it.

    1. Joshua, another blogger mentioned that some dogs could be allergic to PB- but mine are not, in fact -they love it! One of them once managed to fish the empty PB container from out of the trash and she hid it under her bed till we were asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to her slurping noises as she tried her best to slurp every last bit of PB out of it!!

    1. Tandy – I had no idea dogs could be allergic to PB – or chicken for that matter! When my older dog was a pup everytime she had an upset stomach,we used to take her to the vet, on our second trip, he told me that I should just feed her boiled chicken and rice and that would be a lot cheaper – and that’s what I have been doing for the longest time and it works like a charm! I couldn’t imagine my dogs being allergic to that!

  4. That flavor combination sounds delicious to me! I am a big peanut butter fan, and so is my dog! #client

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