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  1. I’ve never thought to add carrots to my fruit smoothies, but that actually sounds like a brilliant idea! I love how carrots and mangoes sound together. And I’m one of those people who’ll drink smoothies even when it’s absolutely freezing outside, so I’m totally on board with smoothies in January 😀

    1. Thanks bunches Amanda – I don’t think I would have thought of it either – but thankfully Dole did! And they were all conveniently cut up into Nutribullet friendly chunks!

  2. This looks delicious! I’ve been having dairy free smoothies here in Guatemala, but that just means making them with water. This looks like a much tastier idea!

  3. I put carrots in my smoothie for the first time recently and loved it! This sounds delicious – I am totally digging those toppings for the smoothie!

  4. I love my Nutri-Bullet. And I’m one of five girls so I quickly learnt that nothing was mine and everything was shared! I love the sound of your carrot and mango smoothie! xx

  5. What a flavorful and yummy looking smoothie. I love all the spices you used here….you know this Sri Lankan girl loves her cinnamon and cardamom! 🙂

  6. My sister and I sound a lot like you and your sister–total opposites, but rarely a day goes by we don’t talk to eachother. And personally, I think Mango and carrot are a perfect combo.

  7. I’m thinking your sister and I have pretty similar tastes, Shashi. Now I love your creations, but you had me at nachos and queso. I think that might be one of my top 3 weaknesses. Although now that I’ve met this smoothie, I’m thinking it will rise up the list quickly. It looks delicious!! I’ll have to check out those Dole medleys next time I’m at Walmart. Delicious!

    1. Hahaha – so if I have y’all over at the same time I guess all I need to serve are nachos and queso! 🙂
      Those new veggie – fruit medleys are pretty awesome – Lil Shashi and I made a smoothie bowl (not to be confused with a bowl of queso) using the same combo only added in papaya and nanners and ooh so good!

  8. I’m so very glad you decided to jump on the smoothie bandwagon. The more the merrier, that’s my saying.
    And this bad boy looks like the quintessential awesmazing smoothie, I need to make it happen sooner rather than later.
    Great job my friend!

  9. I love nutri bullet and the dole frozen fruits. I always have it in my freezer for morning smoothies. I am with you, not a big fan winter mornings, but so good. This looks so smooth and creamy Sashi.
    Btw…being a single girl I always refuse to know the meaning of the word share…haha.
    On another note love how well you articulate your thoughts, so much fun.
    Have a wonderful weekend my dear.

  10. I could MAKE this without the mangos (I know you’re showcasing the mango/carrot combo – but alas no mangos for me) and oats… That could be interesting! I don’t typically like carrots but I could actually see this as being pretty good!

  11. A very healthy smoothie! I usually use fruit only in my smoothie, but l should definitely use veggies too to get more vitamins and nutrients. I love the combination of mango and carrot, they go well together. Very nice!

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