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  1. How have I never heard of Tim Tams??? What a delicious treat and perfect for friendsgiving!!!! I am having a Christmas Coffee for friends to drop by on a Saturday morning in December before they head out racing around doing Christmas errands for the day. I’ll have to make sure we have these Tim Tams on hand. And we’ll have to try some of your delicious hot chocolate recipes! Raising my mug to you, my friend. Clink clink. (Do mugs clink?) Have a fabulous day Shashi! XO

  2. I have totally heard of Tim Tams, but I have never had one. Shame right? I mean, I AM allergic to chocolate, so I am going to blame that! But when I was little, before I developed an allergy, Tim Tams weren’t a thing my parents ever had around… I’m not even sure they had access to them! lol. Anways, LOVE you hot chocolate trifecta!!! Boy would have a field day at your house because he LOVES hot chocolate! I’m going to have to make him all three of these flavors, because they all look just delicious. Cheers, Shashi! xo

  3. So I’ve heard of Tim Tams, but I haven’t tried them yet…in fact, I didn’t realize you could get Tim Tams here in the States. That is awesome! Heading to Target this weekend for sure. And I’ve also heard of the Tim Tam Slam, but I didn’t know exactly what it was until I read your post. I’m totally taking that challenge! But I’ll most definitely need some comforting hot chocolate to go along with my Slam, and you’ve got that covered for sure! Picking between those 3 flavors will be the hardest part, but I’m pretty sure I’ll land on almond. I love chocolate + almond together! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I studied abroad in Australia in college and we were all obsessed with Tim Tams! haha I even bought a ton to bring home with me! I will most definitely take one of these hot chocolates too!

  5. You know what I don’t like about pumpkin spiced recipes? They often are deceiving! They say “Pumpkin spiced latte”, and some naive people anticipate what? Right, pumpkin in it. You know how this ends in most cases. I like you didn’t let me down (and many other your readers), and you had real pumpkin hot chocolate:) Thank you, Shashi!

  6. Looove that you’re posting about Tim Tams – Australia represent!! And I never thought of adding almond butter to hot chocolate before, but what a genius idea! I’m actually really lucky that my best friend from Australia just came to visit me and brought me six packs of Tim Tams. I only have one left, though – they are addictive!

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