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  1. I think I might have caught this spring fever also, though it’s only in the 50s here! Hey, I’ll take it!! Along with a bowl of this stew thankyouverymuch. 😛

  2. I hope that you’re feeling better chica! I was atrocious at it too, but I was just lazy.
    SO that’s a terrible excuse.
    OK though, lets talk stew. Orange and black beans?! THAT IS SO CREATIVE AND DELICIOUS. I want to swim in this stew for dinner. Pinned!

  3. Yum! What a great flavour combination! I love that you and your daughter go running together. Spring certainly hit here and temperatures were hovering around 70 but now they’ve plummeted back to 50 today, brrr!

  4. Oh man…I actually thought you were really sick at first. Shame on you, Shashi. Shame on you for scaring your blogger friends. But more importantly, shame on you for rubbing that weather in our faces. We have snow in our yard still…want me to send you some? But…it is maple season here in the Northeast, and maple season always makes me happy! 🙂 I think this stew would also make me happy…it looks delicious. That avocado on top makes me think Spring isn’t that far away…haha!

  5. It has been a glorious week here as well! Though I’m a bit of a winter baby so i was frw,inh out when it was 80F in my house and I’m all flustered from the heat. I don’t know how I’ll survive summer 🙂
    The bean stew looks really great! How clever to add orange flavour!
    It’s taken me a while to get to my blog friends too, it’s just been so busy and I read and think I’ve caught up and then another 10 hit my inbox 🙂
    Oh well, I’m getting there!

  6. Oh dear! I really thought you were sick for one second….but I hear ya! Sunshine is nothing sort of miracle at this point for the likes of us who have been carving our days out of the snow mounds. Hearty looking stew, love the citrus twist.

  7. Glad you weren’t really sick Shashi! Haha. I spent part of yesterday outside drinking a beer and relaxing and it was amazing. Also went on a pretty long walk and it was amazing. Spring is pretty amazing. And your recipe looks amazing, because what is better than sitting out on a patio after a long walk with some Mexican food and beer/margaritas and just enjoying the amazing weather? Nothing!

  8. Spring fever, now that’s something we are all happy you had. So so glad that weather’s warming up. I completely understand your happiness. Hey, the stew looks too good, the flavors are amazing. You always whip up some yumm food.

  9. I’m so glad Spring has arrived! I’d be out side enjoying the weather as well. I love the look of your stew and it must be wonderful with the orange juice and zest xx

  10. haha oh gosh I’m with you – we have had some beautiful days and all I want to do is be outside!! Gotta take advantage!

    Love the sound of this stew – especially the orange zest (I’ve been putting it in everything lately!)

  11. Pictures of brown food can be challenging but this black bean stew looks wonderful and delicious! And me too- so happy that spring has arrived, winter was too long around here 🙂

  12. Haha I feel the same way! It finally warmed up and we were outside for the past few days without having to pile on all those layers 🙂 Love the orange in here, this stew looks so comforting and delicious!

  13. I am all about long fresh spring days too. It’s like the best time after winter I feel!! This stew looks so flavorful that I can see myself taking it with me for my imaginary picnic lunch!! Heavens!

  14. We caught the same bug! But it’s cold again, so we’re back to dreary weather. 🙁 Anyway, love the orange in this stew — that’d sure brighten up our day! Really fun recipe — thanks.

  15. Looks like a lot of us have caught the spring bug! We’re actually getting a little spring rain right now which is very unusual, but very nice since it only rains here about 20 days out of 365. What an easy and very tasty recipe!!

  16. Shashi this stew looks so hearty and flavorful, I want to dive right in! You should’ve called me last week when you were “ill”. For a bowl of this stew, I would’ve been more than happy to come do a house call 🙂

  17. I am waiting for spring fever myself. We had snow on the first day of spring up here… Urgh!! I love to try this fresh and zesty stew… it would make the dull cool spring we are having here almost tolerable.

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