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  1. Congrats to your daughter on her new job- glad it’s going well so far! This chicken dish looks like total comfort food…great way to zap away any signs of the flu!

    1. Thanks so much Lindsay – I’ve been using so much ginger root lately – my daughter isn’t a fan, but I love it! That’s why I added the mangoes in this one – compromise right?

  2. Good luck to your daughter on her very first job. I’m glad she likes it. I’m sure she’ll do a great job!
    But what about this chicken??? Tomatoes with mango and spices…this almost sounds like a chutney recipe. Right?

    1. Thanks Mike!
      You know what – I’ve never made chutney – I wouldn’t know where to start – though, I have enjoyed eating the heck out of it at my mom’s house!

  3. There’s seriously nothing better than the healing power of foods. My mom was always big on curing my ailments the natural way, and I remember her feeding me all sorts of nasty concoctions involving garlic, herbs, and who knows what else. They -did- work, though… but I’d definitely prefer the healing powers of a dish like this 🙂

    1. Hahahaha! Oh Amanda this “all sorts of nasty concoctions involving garlic, herbs, and who knows what else” had me chuckling so bad – funny because I used to say that about my mom’s concoctions when I was young, and now, there are times (when I add too much turmeric root or ginger) when my daughter says those very same words about my concoctions!!!!

  4. I would never have thought about adding mango here, Shashi…but it sounds delicious! In fact, next time I’m stressed, I might just hire you as my personal chef. You keep making all sorts of delicious creations down there! I hope lil Shashi is enjoying her job…ah, real life. 😉

    1. Yup – Lil Shashi is enjoying her job – thankfully there are no cute boys there!!! Yes!!! When she get’s her first check, I think she is gonna react like Rachel (from Friends) did -real life indeed! 🙂

      Thanks, btw – so, I see you are trying to come up with ways to work around your greedy mail-lady eh?

  5. This looks amazing!! Ya know, I love mango in typically savory recipes! Such an unexpected delicious combo! Great recipe! Looks healthy and delicious!! DOUBLE win! 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Cailee – the juice in the mango marries well with the tomatoes and ‘shrooms – this was a pleasure to eat! 🙂

  6. No way! She’s started working already?!

    That is insane! I hope she enjoys it and it will no doubt put her in good stead for her future. Now this chicken looks delicious- I was salivating when I saw it on Instagram!

    Ps- It’s so refreshing to communicate with you on real time!

    1. Haha – yes – it sure is, Arman! Hope you are settling in ok….

      Feels like it was just yesterday that I was dropping her off in Kindergarten – this time thing goes by way too fast!

  7. I love mango chicken! And I loved catching up on all of your posts I missed. I’m now drooling all over my laptop haha

    1. Haha – glad to have you back – and in 3 months you are gonna (fingers crossed) be in the same time zone as I am!!!! Yipeeeee!!!!!!

  8. I so agree – I love how healing food can be! And comforting too of course! I remember being soooo stressed before I started my first job in high school – so I can relate!!

    And this chicken sounds delicious – I mean, I don’t think I could ever pass on mango!

    1. Mango and Pineapple start to taste so good round this time of the year! At Costco they have 6 Alfonso mangoes for $5 – good golly how can a girl say no! 🙂
      Btw- thanks so much Ashley!

  9. Congrats to your daughter on getting a job. She is not alone with getting stressed about that first day on a new job – I’m exactly the same. I do love how simple and easy and tasty your mango chicken is. I only buy free-range chemical-free chicken – the other type is cruel to animals and bad for us to eat! xx

    1. Thanks Charlie – I feel like it was just yesterday that my daughter was in Kindergarten and now she is working! Time goes by way too fast when we have kids!

  10. WOW WOW WOW!! CHECK out that chicken!! I have had manage chicken at restaurants before but never attempted it at home – now I can!! This is sensational.

    1. Nagi, you know what, I’ve never had mango chicken at a restaurant – I’m thinking I need to now after you mentioned it! Thanks so much btw.

  11. Holy yum o clock!! This chicken is right up my alley and I absolutely adore mango so…yes this is going on the meal prep plan for next week for sure! 🙂

  12. Congratulations on your daughter’s job but so sorry that her nerves got to her and made her immune system venerable. That used to happen to me all of the time. Hope she’s doing better after this healthy and tasty dish! I’ve had mango and chicken salad but never a hot dish with that combo. You’re looks very, very delicious!

  13. Mango and tomato… Don’t think I’ve ever tried that but I’ll believe it’s delicious if it comes from you! I definitely believe in the healing power of chicken when feeling under the weather.

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