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  1. This loaf looks beautiful and such a great collection of products for when you are feeling under the weather. We always have ginger everything when we are sick too.

  2. I had my flu shot this year and am keeping everything crossed that I don’t need an emergency flu kit — that said, I’d say this is a pretty comprehensive start. Except tomato soup — chicken noodle is the only way to go!

  3. This sounds wonderful. Orange pairs so beautifully with ginger. This looks like it has the texture of a pound cake. You really have come up with a great plan for colds with soup, tea, crackers and that delicious loaf!

  4. Ha ha, as much as I like ginger Shashi I think that forcing raw ginger down your throats to stop bad breath is a bit extremene! No, it’s definitely much, much better, and far more delicious and fun to eat slices of your Easy Orange Ginger Load I would think!

  5. Raw ginger? Umph. Although I do have to agree with your mom a bit on the ginger front. My belly was really mad at me over the weekend, and I sipped on a ginger ale…totally did the trick! But now I’m wishing I had a slice of this loaf cake alongside that ginger ale. It looks perfectly baked, Shashi! And the flavors sounds phenomenal. Thanks so for sharing…and for the reminder to stock up on Tylenol for the cold season! 🙂

  6. Haha! Ginger is pretty amazing…though, I wauldn’t want to eat it raw! I remember several years ago we moved and it was literally right before Christmas. Hubby lost weight and I got a cold. It was rough trying to get everything done. We didn’t even have our tree decorated that year, but at least we were moved in, lol. I love orange in baked goods and paired with ginger, I bet it is AMAZING!! And sooooo much better than raw ginger, lol. Stay warm and well, my friend! XOXO

  7. I do agree with your Mom that ginger is good for many things, My mom would always tell me to fry some ginger along with some garlic, onion, and ghee. And guess what? it used to be a very effective remedy for a cough. I always prefer to have strong ginger tea, whenever I am down with cold.
    But you know what, my daughter is totally opposite to me. She just doesn’t like ginger. In fact, if I cook something by adding ginger to it. She doesn’t prefer to eat that.
    BTW the orange ginger loaf sounds tasty… thanks for sharing…. Pinned 🙂

  8. A perfect looking loaf, I would love a slice! Where was that Windex person, was it the Greek wedding movie? I have a scene in a car in my mind but I am not sure anymore, it was a long time ago. 🙂

  9. This turned out great! I was a tad short on OJ, so I added a bit of fresh lemon juice to keep the liquid level. It still came out extremely flavorful. I want to try to lower the sugar without sacrificing its deliciousness. Thank you for sharing this recipe!

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