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  1. Protein, nuts, chocolate… you have all my major food groups in this yummy loaf!! I could eat a couple of slices… rub my belly and be very happy. 🙂

  2. Ok, that’s it. The talk of the Jalapeno Cheddar Loaf and Chocolate Cherry Loaf makes me want to get back in the kitchen and bake some bread…err, cake…err cake bread. It’s been forever since I’ve baked bread! I’m all about this chocolate pecan loaf because well chocolate + pecan = match made in heaven. And that glaze on top…I might scrape it off and eat it with a spoon because I have no self control. Haha! 🙂

  3. Oh this is really a unique approach to Quick bread. The flavors are all so interesting Sashi. If I had someone make such healthy stuff for me everyday, I will be a happy camper. This cherry cake is definitely gone up on my to do lists.
    Such neat slices. Happy weekend dear.xx

  4. I would love to have the VANILLA with these wonderful chocolate-pecan-protein-loaf looks so amazing love to try them both.

  5. I love the vanilla to go with anything or even by itself. I’ve bought these in the past and the vanilla is really good.

  6. Wowowowowwow this looks soooooo good Shashi! Chocolate and pecan is such a delicious combination. I love how healthy this loaf is too, such a perfect treat! Yum! The photos are beautiful 🙂

  7. My favorite Premier Protein Shake to enjoy with the chocolate pecan loaf would have to be chocolate. I do not think there could ever be to much chocolate.

  8. I love the Vanilla Premier Protein Shake the best & it would be delicious with the Chocolate Pecan Protein Loaf. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! 🙂

  9. I made this. It was simple and delicious plus very pretty. I did have some extra Keto Salted Carmel so I added some of that on top. Very good!

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