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  1. Am I missing something?! Why am I seeing MATCHA being used in every recipe I see these days?! I sure it tastes BOMB in this recipe but by itself – BLECHHH!

    I am on the hunt for dairy & sugar free white chocolate!

  2. I agree, Shashi! Cooking is indeed all about experimenting…and it looks like your experiment worked well with these cups! That color! And I can only imagine the flavor. Well done. And for the record, you deserve to sit back and put your feet up…no clearing out the corners of your yard today! 🙂

    1. Hahaha! After being out there till night fell yesterday, am doing exactly that this evening, David!
      Thanks so much and also, thanks so much for the info yesterday!

    1. I dug the white chocolate with the matcha too – but my daughter liked the milk chocolate pairing – go figure eh?! Thanks so much for the kind words and for stopping by today, Ashley.

  3. Dear Shashi, I definitely fall into the category of those who celebrate and delight in the wonders of chocolate. These little bites are not only so pretty, but they sound delicious too. I would eat more of these than I probably should if they were lying around in my house…good thing they’re healthy! xo, Catherine

    1. Dear Catherine – thanks so very much! P.S. I still have a couple leftover waiting for ya 🙂
      Hope your weekend is wonderful XO

  4. Oh, I totally celebrate devouring chocolate… as long as it’s white chocolate (and you know unfortunately why). So I am LOOOOOVING that you used white chocolate in these fabulous cups, Shashi!! I totally feel like you made these just for me! 😉 Matcha + white chocolate in bite sized cup form with plenty of protein?! Amazing! I am totally making these immediately! Cheers, friend – to a beautiful extended weekend! xo

    1. I know, Cheyanne – in fact, I made some with milk chocolate, but kept them out of the shoot -just for you! And – my daughter licked each of the chocolate ones so they were not photo ready anyways – oh the joys of kids as taste testers!
      Thanks so much dear friend! I hope you have a wonderful weekend – and boogedy – did you see the weather forecast for net weekend? I hope that’s not for when your plans were 🙁

  5. I also fall into that latter category, Shashi. Glad this is white chocolate so Chey can enjoy it too! I just love the color of this pretty matcha – would help assuage any guilt feeling re: chocolate consumption. (If I HAD those guilt feelings, that is.) I love how your creative mind works and you managed to pack protein into these delicious little chocolate cups! Have a wonderful long weekend when it gets here, and no cartwheels on the hose. We are hoping to plant the garden! XO

    1. HAHAHA! Allie, I raise my glass to you, cheers to no chocolate-gobbling shame, my friend!
      And, haha – make sure all hoses are out of tripping range so no unplanned cartwheels happen – and if any unplanned cartwheels do happen, make sure you have no-one watching! And if someone is watching, make sure they have no recording devices on them. But, if they do, then lure them into your home with that decadent blueberry poundcake and well, you can handle things from there eh?! 🙂
      Happy Planting this weekend, and Happy weekend to you all! XO

  6. I feel no guilt when it comes to eating chocolate, shameless really. Now your delicious little bites are packing some serious nutrition so I definitely consider it health food. Delicious and so beautiful.

  7. I definitely fall into the celebrate chocolate category!!! Life’s too short, right?? This is SUCH a fun way to use matcha! I have only used it to make lattes in my kitchen … I really need to branch out!

    1. YES!!!! Life is too short!!! Hey, Ashley, have you watched “Remember Me”? I thought it was a wonderful tribute to how short life is and how important it is to eat dessert(chocolate) first!
      Thanks so much, my friend!

  8. I saw these on social media and was stopped in my tracks! Love everything about this decadent treat! The color, the creaminess, the chocolate! You’ve hit it outta the park with this one, my friend!

  9. Wow! These matcha green cups look so beautiful and delicious. What an awesome and fun way to combine matcha and white chocolate, Shashi. I love just everything about this, especially all those summer pomegranate arils on top. 🙂

    1. I adore white chocolate too – it’s especially wonderful with matcha! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, Thalia. xx

  10. Chocolate is definitely my great love affair! I will always love it no matter what.
    These are BEAUTIFUL. I can’t believe how gorgeous! And they have all the best things in them!

    1. Oh you are so sweet – thanks so much for your kind comment Mir – now I don’t feel so bad about the uneven lines where the layers meet – thanks for making my day 🙂

  11. I think there’s another type of people, somewhere in between who consider chocolate as a guilty pleasure but at the same time glorify its consumption. Personally, I know I should avoid having it, but a reasonable part of me keeps saying that chocolate isn’t a pleasure but necessity:) What a glorious treat, Shashi! I’ve just heard it saying: Eat me, Ben! Well, I’m quite sure it also added: Shashi, send me to Ben please:)

    1. Hahaha! Ben – I LOVE the way you think! Yes, my friend, chocolate isn’t just a pleasure but most definitely a necessity! The proverbial sunshine on a rainy day eh?! 🙂
      P.S. I think you and your hubs need to move closer so we can drone-exchange eats and treats back and forth!

  12. No surprise at all, my dear! 😉 Hey, let’s share a big high five over the fact that we’re both in the latter category!
    Oh, I’m envisioning a day in Georgia with the warm summer rain lightly pattering away, with a big vanilla protein shake, and maybe, just maybe like five of these incredible matcha white chocolate cups? Perfect afternoon right there, Shashi. 🙂
    Btw, how much more awesome did this recipe get when you added in pistachios? Perfect chocolate snacking heaven right there. Love this! Hope you have a wonderful week Shashi! Pinning, of course! 🙂

    1. Haha – if you are here in Georgia on said rainy day with vanilla protein shakes in hand and these bad boys in front of us, Demeter, we might run into a bit of a problem because 5 matcha and white chocolate protein cups cannot be divided equally between two chocoholics…hmmm….what a conundrum!
      Seriously – thanks so much and I hope the rest of this week is wonderful for you as well!

  13. Life is too short to feel guilty about eating chocolate, and I’m glad you agree!

  14. If I have to choose between what kind of chocolate I like the most, then white chocolate comes a close second to dark chocolate for me. But, I wouldn’t hesitate to sink my teeth into these delicious looking beauties!

    Gorgeous looking creations Shahi! 🙂

  15. Hi Sashi , Love your space and the white chocolate cups 🙂 Can’t get enough of chocolate 😉 I should try the dark chocolate version you mentioned.

  16. These cups are gorgeous, Shashi! I am a big fan of matcha and pairing it with white chocolate and pistachios sounds amazing!! Love the pretty pomegranate arils too! 🙂

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