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  1. You’re such an awesome mom, Shashi! Taking Lil Shashi off to a club to see her favorite stars…you totally win Mom of the Year award! And then you followed that up with this delicious hummus, too. Heck, you might have Mom of the Year wrapped up for several years to come now. 🙂 Sounds like you guys had an awesome weekend! I hope it’s not getting too hot down there in the A. (it’s actually been crazy hot up here in New York lately…like mid-90’s this past weekend!)

  2. You girls find the best places to party. I know about Eddie’s Attic, have Mumford & Sons played there before? I’m so glad you had the best time, even sans drinks. (!) The hummus looks great, what a yummy dip for zucchini chips. I just planted some zucchini in the garden yesterday, hope it is fruitful and multiplies so I can have them with this mouthwatering dip! Have a wonderful week my dear! XO

  3. Oh wow, sounds like you had a great weekend with your daughter. I love hummus and this is such an easy recipe. I’m going to try this out this evening. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  4. Hi Shashi! Two of my favourite dips are hummus, and red pepper dips, so I’m loving this cool idea of combining the two – and bonus that you don’t have to hunt down tahini to make it.

    Zucchini chips are such a cool idea, too! 🙂

  5. I love hummus, and honestly, tahini is the essential part of it to me (Indeed, I just love tahini, and can easily eat a few spoons on its own):) However, with roasted peppers and garlic this version sounds great, and I’d definitely try it (Perhaps, with some tahini on side haha:)

  6. haha oh mean girls! I haven’t seen that movie in sooo long but now you’re making me want to watch it! I loveee hummus (it’s staple at our house!) and this flavor sounds awesome!

  7. Sounds like you girls had a great time at the show! Hope your daughter enjoyed the club! This hummus looks delicious! Love the zucchini chips and the use of chipotle pepper in adobo, can’t wait to try it!

  8. Shashi, can I just say that you’re the coolest mom ever?? OMG! Truth be told, I used to be a TVD fan… Lol. Don’t judge me! I stopped watching in recent years, so I have no idea who Enzo is, but I believe you when you say he has the most impressive singing skills. I mean, a singing vampire? Awesome! Lol. How did you even manage to snag tickets to a sold out show? Very impressive cool mom-skills. Just sayin’. Also, love that you shared a tahini-less hummus recipe. Sometimes, you just don’t have tahini on hand. Now I know what to do when that happens! Hope you have a great week, Shashi! xo

  9. I often don’t have tahini on hand either. I love the idea that I don’t need to use it and my hummus will still turn out! Red pepper hummus is one of my favorites and I’m going to need to try your version with chipotles!

  10. I love this hummus–and prefer my hummus with no tahini! Oh and, Eddie’s Attic is such a fun venue. I visited there a few times when I lived in Atlanta (if only I knew you then, so we could have met up!)

  11. Enzo can sing?!!?? Whaaaaaa? OMG, totally googling him singing as soon as I hit post on this comment! So glad you guys had a fun time! I’m seriously jealous of all these fun VD adventures you guys take! One day I will make it down to you and I’m inviting myself on your next outing. 😉 Anyways, LOVE this hummus! You probably know I am a hummus addict, so I can’t wait to add this one to my rotation! One can never go wrong with tons of roasted red peppers and garlic – SO GOOD! Cheers, Shashi! xoxo

  12. Yup, we always like a side of spice, too, so chipotle is our friend. Great looking dish — tons of flavor (and spicy!), and really healthy. And fairly light — perfect for the season. Thanks!

  13. How wonderful to have a good night out with your daughter. I love the look of your red pepper hummus. Great that you added a bit of heat, too xx

  14. There’s nothing I love more than hummus! I could easily eat it at every meal! This red pepper version sounds so amazing Shashi, I can’t wait to try it 🙂 roasted red peppers have such an incredible flavour!

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