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  1. Haha! I hate that. I did that 4 times today…trying to pack…I would get to my desk or the bathroom and then completely forget what I was going to do/get. Grrrr. But my forgetfulness didn’t lead to any yummy happy accidents like these bars! These look delicious! And so moist.

    Ps- I don’t have tons of memories of when I was 8 so don’t feel too bad. I also moved to a new country when I was 10. We have so much in common!!!

    1. Haha! Thanks Lindsey!!! I am so glad am not the only one! 🙂
      You moved countries when you were 10 too??? What a coinky dink – girl – we got a lot to talk about! Have a safe trip and looking forward to meeting up when you get back! xxs

  2. Your right I don’t think any one notice if you left out the oil as these kabocha bars look so moist and delicious. Yeah, I used to blame my forgetfulness on pregnancy brain but now obviously cannot use that excuse, it is just that we are overloaded with things to do. The good news is this always leads to happy accidents in the kitchen. Take care

  3. I’m amazed that these bars don’t contain any butter or oil- they look perfectly moist (and spongy at the same time)! Love the idea of keeping these on hand for portable breakfast- any idea if they freeze well?

    1. Thanks oodles Khushboo – I love eating kabocha but did not realize it was similar to avocado when baked into recipes – I am assuming that’s why the bars turned out so moist – -or maybe it was the eggs – unfortunately I am not sure if they would freeze and thaw out well – I have had them in the fridge, I do know they are good cold too

  4. Hi Shashi. These look and sound amazing. And, as I try to avoid butter and oils as much as possible in my cooking I’m hooked! 🙂

    One thing though, unfortunately I can’t get (or haven’t seen anywhere) Kabocha squash here in Scotland. Would you say it could be made with Butternut squash instead?

    Thank you.

    1. Thanks so much Neil!
      I haven’t used butternut squash in a bar before – but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be a good sub. I have used pumpkin (canned and fresh) and it’s worked out fine! Nothing ventured, nothing gained right..would love to know how the butternut squash works…

      1. Hi Shashi, just made these and they are AWESOME! I used roasted Butternut squash which was totally fine as a substitute for the Kabocha squash. I didn’t have any almond flour to hand so I just used wholemeal flour and it was also fine.

        I think because I didn’t use almond flour though, the colour isn’t quite as vibrant as yours have come out.

        However, they are so moist, and so tasty! A great start to the day as a breakfast choice if you ask me. 🙂

        1. Neil – thank you so much for taking a chance on one of my recipes! Your comment made my day!!! I am so honored!
          Do you think maybe the reason for the color difference might have been because butternut squash is a tad less orange-yellow than kabocha? Either way – I am super psyched you enjoyed it! 🙂

          1. Hi Shashi, I loved doing your recipe! Butternut squash in a breakfast bar? Whoa! Far out! 🙂 The amazing colours of your photography also got me hooked on this one. Yes I agree the colour difference was probably due to the colour difference of the squashes.

            This use of butternut squash has so many possibilities in “healthier” cakes. 😀

            Thanks again. Can’t wait to see what I’m going to try next from your list!

          2. Thank you so very much Neil! You are too too kind! Yes, mashed squash and pumkin are some o my favorites to bake with as well as thicken stews/soups with too. In case you happen to like beets – I hope you give mashed beets a try – I sneak them into cupcakes and brownies – and now my daughter prefers these beet-laced brownies over the regular ones! 🙂

  5. I am also rather absent-minded and I’m not sure if it’s getting worse as I get older but it probably is. I’ve never cooked with kabucha but clearly need to give it a try. Your breakfast bars look gorgeous xx

    1. Hahaha – oh heck yeah – you had your priorities straight even at 8! I so love that!!!
      Yeah – in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) it used to get to 103 – 114 and most o our races happened in the afternoon – that’s why I need fleece now when its 65! 🙂

  6. These look wonderful, Shashi! I love it when things “accidentally” work out 😀 And don’t feel bad about the memory lapses — mine are pretty goofy from my early years too. That and I -swear- I’m only becoming more and more forgetful the older I get. I can’t tell you how many times I walk into a room only to forget why I went in there in the first place. So.very.annoying.

    1. Ohmeeegawsh…THAT walking into a room thing and questioning why am there is so no fun! I do that at the grocery store too sometimes!!! 🙂
      Accidental hits ROCK for sure! Thanks so much sweet lady!

    1. Thanks Jessie! I won a Canon DSLR aew months ago and I have been using it – it is pretty sik – better than my point and shoot – but I have so much to learn still!

  7. Is it weird that I want to bake these bars REALLY BIG so I can cover my floor and… Jump on them? Of course then I would eat them – because I am unsanitary like that, but they just look so soft, I feel like I could do gymnastics on them and they would give me an extra bounce!

    1. Duuuude – don’t they do that with grapes and wine and all – well minus the baking part? So bring on the toe-jam/athletes-foot-breakfastbars I might need socks to join you in jumping 😉 I <3 you GiGi – you are too funny!!!

  8. I have the worst memory in the entire world. Awful. I barely remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday.

    I haven’t baked with kabocha but I really need to try, especially because I have a bunch to use up!!

    1. Cassandra – glad to know I am not alone 🙂 And yes – baking with kabocha is a must! Another blogger mentioned it was similar to using applesauce in a recipe – pretty cool huh?

  9. ” turning on the coffee maker without any water in it” –I do this too! Or a forget to put coffee in it, or i forget to turn it on and wonder why i dont have coffee. im so scatterbrained when it comes to coffee. (which is when i need coffee most:) ) anyhoo, these look amazing- kabocha and chocolate- be still my heart 🙂

    1. OMEGERD…YES – I forget the water too – I forgot I forget that too…GAH!!! I need to buy stock in Ginko! 🙂
      Thanks so much Charlotte!

  10. Sure, you’re not the only one… I always forget to buy the “right” things! Fantastic breakfast bars. Could I use butternut squash instead of kabocha?

    1. Thanks so much Daniela!
      I haven’t tried using butternut squash before in a breakfast bar – but I don’t see why they couldn’t be used instead – they have pretty similar qualities/tastes – am thinking pumpkin would be good too – what do you think?

  11. So happy I stumbled upon your blog! Love your bright pictures and unique flavor combinations! Looking forward to following along 🙂

  12. I remember being 8 and even younger quite vividly. I moved to London when I was 6 and maybe it’s that life changing move that helps me remember. I remember my time in Saudi quite well too, I was born there but have quite a few memories of living there.
    I think the squash, eggs and sugar prolly helped the bars stay moist. Sugar adds moisture. These look fab by the way!!

  13. Love when accidental things work out – totally the best 🙂 I am such a scatterbrain and have the worst memory too. Don’t remember many things at 8 either but I would totally remember these bars though – they look fantastic and I love the pretty color from the kabocha which may have helped with the moisture the way pumpkin does 🙂 Either way, love them 🙂

  14. Nice to know that it’s just not me – I literally went to the grocery store the other day to buy molasses, spent $50, and arrived home without…you’ll never guess what. 😉 These bars look like a fabulous way to use kabocha squash (one of my favorite varieties).

  15. haha oh man, I’ve done the coffee maker with no water AND turning on the coffee maker without putting the pot under it – now that was a mess!

    And I love when things work out like these bars! It makes me so happy!

    1. Haha – Ashley no coffee pot under would indeed be a mess! At work we have an “auto” type coffee maker and after filling in the coffee, we are supposed to hit that “brew” button only once -if its hit twice, it will brew two pots so if the pot is not changed out, it will spill all over…guess who hit that brew button twice…??? GAH! 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Suzanne!!! I wasn’t sure if it was the squash or eggs – now I can start using squash like I would applesauce – thanks so much!

  16. Wow, I can’t imagine making a move like that at such a young age, Shashi! You are incredible. 🙂 And, yes, I have definitely turned the coffee pot on without water. *Five minutes pass* “Hey, where’s the coffee?” “Oh.” *facepalm*

  17. I’m going through a phase where I can’t walk past kabocha at the grocery store and NOT buy it. So so good. These are really creative too! Can’t wait to make them.

    1. Oh – I know this phase you speak about real well!:) If only it didn’t taste so dang good!
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting Lesley!

  18. found this, just now! thanks for this recipe. haven’t made it yet, but, sounds great for my adult children, brought up vegetarian and chocoholics. they aren’t that much of an adult, so i can still get away with sending care packages full of healthy foods for them! take care and hoping you are living a grand life!

  19. Are you able to link the old recipe as well? We are big fans of it, but I never actually wrote it down! I think it was one additional egg and 1/4 cup almond meal instead? Thank you!

    1. Hi Mira, you are absolutely correct – it was one more egg and 1/4 cup almond meal – thanks so much for your kind words – I’m so glad you liked the old version-I updated it as it was a bit too moist for me – and the old pictures didn’t do the bars justice – at least IMO.

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