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  1. Beautiful dessert, I love that you mix and bake in the skillet. Sounds like a nice movie also with some lovely sentiments. Eating that cake warm with some ice cream is pretty much heaven in a skillet.

    1. Suzanne – you are so right – eating this from the skillet w/ ice cream was heaven – but the lack of dishes to wash after was heaven on another level! 🙂

  2. It’s great that you and your daughter spend so much time together. I do love flourless chocolate cakes – I think they’re my favourite. Yours looks perfect as it’s so rich, dark and chocolatey. And I do love how you go out with your bag of chillies! xx

    1. Haha – I try to keep my bag of chilies on the down low, Charlie! 🙂
      I do so love flourless treats myself – specially when they combine Peanut butter and chocolate! xx

    1. Haha – you are indeed right, Tandy – no excuses needed! Besides, I read something about chocolate and peanuts being brain food so I say let’s eat more of it, right?!

  3. Have I ever mentioned that I am a fan of the peanut butter & chocolate combo ;)? Obviously I am all over this gorgeous dessert. It’s been far too long since I bought a jar of this flavour of PB & Co – it’s fabulous straight off a spoon! That last line about becoming a better person when you spend time with your daughter really gave me the chills- powerful words, Shashi!

  4. Hi Shashi, I love the skillet cake photos and recipe! But I especially love your story… having 2 children (both a little older than your daughter) I can relate to the feelings of trying to protect them from life altering consequences (the negative kind). Keep up the good work of being there for your daughter!

  5. Awww..this is the sweetest post ever, Shashi! I love how lil Shashi works her way into your blog posts. Instead of holding you back, I think she is totally inspiring you! You guys have such an awesome relationship. Love it, cherish it and then feed it with flourless chocolate cake! Speaking of cake…did lil Shashi leave me any? 🙂

    1. Haha – I think it’s the magic of the flourless chocolate cake that makes our relationship so special (and no – she didn’t save you any-she’s an only child, she doesn’t share!) 🙂
      Seriously – you are spot on David – she is such an inspiration – and actually the reason behind me starting this blog in the first place! Btw -thanks so much

  6. Aaw, this is such an incredibly sweet post. I haven’t watched the movie yet and really wanted to but I love the sentiments behind it. You and your daughter have such an amazing bond and hopefully she knows just how much you cherish every second with her 🙂 Just like how I would cherish every second I had with this cake – it looks beyond amazing and I love that it’s flourless and made in the skillet!

    1. Haha – Thanks so much Kelly! If I stay was a sweet movie – another really good one we just recently saw was “This is where I leave you” – it’s not really a romantic movie – but a drama.

  7. The cake looks great but I loved your writing even more!!
    That part about everyday, the time you choose to spend with your daughter makes you a better person – I so get that!!! You and your daughter have an amazing relationship – love hearing about it!!!

  8. Okay. STOP! As it is I am so lost as to what to make this v-day weekend for dinner/treats and I have way too many decision to make and NOW this is added to the mix…so many recipes so little time! LOL this looks so yummy!!

    1. Haha – Selena – I am sorry about adding to your conundrum – but this is a win win – it won’t leave you feeling stuffed and full like flour heavy, high sugar desserts might and it’s chocolate + peanut butter which we all know = a marriage made in heaven 🙂

  9. You and your daughter seem to have such a great relationship, Shashi. It’s clear how much you treasure each other. My mom raised me by herself until I was 12 and she means the world to me.

    And this cake…oh my. It looks absolutely decadent delicious!

  10. I love that you and your daughter spend so much time together – such a sweet post friend.

    And this cake … looks sooooo good. Gimme a spoon please!

  11. Another home run Shashi, this looks incredible! As Sienna gets older, I’ll definitely be turning to you for parenting advice, you got this motherhood thing down! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  12. This one is on my todo list for a while, you gave a great recipe here Sashi. Perfect yumminess.
    I really enjoy reading about your relationship, so touching. Btw, the pictures are amazing here.
    pinning for sure.

  13. The last two pictures of this luscious cake are pure poetry. Almost like the last two lines dedicated to your daughter.

    p.s. I watched “If I stay” not long ago. I liked the way the movie tells about the fragility of life.

  14. This flourless skillet cake looks so good! Love it! Their peanut butters taste amazing! And especially the chocolate flavor! When I first got samples from them, my husband ate the whole jar of chocolate peanut butter, before I even get a chance to experiment with it, then I had to go buy another one from the store 🙂

    1. Haha – that’s funny – my daughter almost did the same thing too Mira – but I was able to wrestle away the jar to get what I needed for this 🙂 Btw – thanks so much

  15. There are no words. This skillet cake looks amazing, Shashi! Well, minus the peanut butter, anyways 😛 But I’m thinking that could easily be replaced with almond butter. And I seriously love the way you write about your daughter and the relationship you have with her. She’s very lucky to have you as a momma 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Amanda – and thanks so much for linking this up on Sunday! Yes, almond butter can easily be used instead of P/B – I know cause I have made this many times before – though not in a skillet!

  16. OMG! The recipe I’ve been waiting for! I have all the ingredients on hand to make this, but I’m dieting until next weekend so it will sadly have to wait until then.

  17. I’m so not ready for my girls to go through that romantic, teen-puppy-love-type, movie phase. . but if I had this cake with me, that might help 🙂 love love love Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter!!

  18. I haven’t seen If I Stay yet but I will add it to my to watch list! Now, about this chocolate cake. I have a theory that everything made in a skillet tastes 10xs better! And nut butter and chocolate? Winning combination. Yum!!

    1. Haha – I LOVE your theory Genevieve! Skillets rock – specially when there are no other pots and pans to wash up!
      Btw – thanks so very much!

  19. Whoa, this skillet cake looks incredible!! Perfect for girl-time! I’ll have to check out that movie—my daughter would probably love it, too, especially if I made her this fab dessert.
    P.S. Thanks for your kind comment about my mom. xo

    1. You are so welcome Liz! And thank YOU for your kind comment here
      P.S. Even if I didn’t like a movie – I think Chocolate would helpme sit through it 😉

  20. Thank goodness Amanda @ Running With Spoons had this on her link love today. Somehow or another I totally missed this recipe during the week. I’m licking my lips just dreaming about how good it’d taste!

  21. That’s exactly the kind of film I fall asleep to hahaha. Not a big fan of that genre, I guess 😉 But I’m certianly the biggest fan of the pb + chocolate combo, especially when it comes in a big, ooey gooey cookie form. Gosh, gimme this now! x

  22. I am drooooooooling right now! This looks freakin amazing. 🙂 I am trying REALLY REALLY hard to cut down on my sugar intake but I think I may have to make an exception for this delicious looking treat! YUM.

  23. Wow! I think this is why skillets were invented!!! if you don’t mind, I’m going to featuring this inside my Skillet Crinkle Cookie post with the other skillets recipes I recommend.

  24. You are a genius for coming up with this recipe. This looks amazing… I love that this skillet cake isn’t totally unhealthy.. peanut butter is good for you, coconut oil is alright. It’s been so long since I’ve visited your blog, I’m back to blogging, will visit more often. Bookmarking this recipe.

    1. Hi Christina – I used an 8 inch skillet – hope your daughter and you enjoy this – would love to know how it turns out. By the way – it is a low sugar dessert. Thank you!

  25. What a sweet post to dedicate to your daughter! I love it that you two sit and watch movies together and then talk about them. I can only imagine the conversation after Twilight. 🙂 Your chocolate cake is freakin fabulous! In addition to it not having flour, I love that it also doesn’t have any dairy. I’ll be making this for sure!! Maybe I’ll make it when the hubby and I sit and watch a movie. 🙂

  26. This is soooo simple! And looks fantastic. I’m a huge chocolate addict. This cake is the perfect quick fix for my cravings.

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