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  1. These buddha bowls sound amazing, Shashi! I think your professor’s quote has finally set in…and you’ve applied it perfectly to these bowls! 🙂 (On a side note, my Dad is a professor, too…and his favorite quote is “Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.” Haha!) I’m mega impressed that you’ve gone all-in with those programming classes. Are you going to write your own site now? Let’s do this: You make me these buddha bowls, and I’ll sit and read everything on your new site. Deal? 🙂

  2. I use that acronym too, Shashi, only mine stands for something a little different….I often remind myself ‘KISS’ or ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’ Hahaha… I have a little chuckle every time I say it. That little quote from David’s dad up above is a good one too….I’ll have to try to remember that one 😉 Usually I try to keep a notebook handy and whenever I hear a good one, I’ll jot it down. I love bowls like this and that chicken is just too convenient. Perfect for weekday dinners! Love the tortilla strip addition for some crunch and flavour. All kinds of deliciousness in this one for sure 🙂 P.S. I remember a long time ago taking a computer programming course in university and that was capital R – rough! Ugh. Like another freakin’ language! So congrats to you, girl! Have a great weekend, my friend! xo

  3. I had never heard of the K.I.S.S phrase!! I needed that pinned to my computer when I was at university; would have done wonders to keep reminding myself of that!! This looks absolutely delicious by the way; love all the flavours and those tortilla strips. Bet they add a lovely crunch!

  4. They look lovely and so versatile too – leftovers would work well in a lunchbox wrap next day.

  5. What a great dish Shashi. And I love that your professor says KISS — as in student, and not STUPID. That is how someone introduced that quote to me, and I, was the stupid. I’d much rather be a student than stupid, my friend. Love hearing about your web designing class. You go girl! I also love Wishbone on anything. Always delicious and flavorful! Have a wonderful week my friend. XO

  6. I need to try these Buddha bowls soon. This sounds so good and filling. Also…I have never heard that KISS phrase but your professor is right, I love the simplicity when things get crazy.

  7. Oh yum this is soul food right here! I eating chicken with roasted veggies practically every night, but there is something about this buddha bowl that makes me swoon with excitement! I love that you transferred the KISS approach to recipe development a well 🙂

  8. I have never heard about KISS phrase. And so glad that you enrolled in a web development program. 🙂 I love buddha bowls and this one looks so pretty and delicious, Shashi. Spicy roasted veggie and chicken sound like a great pairing.

  9. Is that what K.I.S.S. stands for?? 😉 I like it! It’s seriously awesome that you enrolled in a web dev class! I’ve often thought about going back to school, and I’m not gonna lie, the thought excites but moreso scares me! You kick so much butt for going back. Seriously. Anyway, I love the idea that simplicity is the ideal. It’s something I try to be mindful of everyday. Your buddha bowls look like the definition of delicious simplicity! Wishing you lots of success in your class! Can’t wait to hear more about it, Shashi! xoxo

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