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  1. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I LOVELOVELOVE me some cashew cream, and have been pondering about it’s ability to be a cheesecake, since it’s my most favorite thing EVER. This looks insane good lady, and I love those layers! Pinned!

    1. You are too kind – thanks so much Taylor! Yessss I know of your LOVELOVELOVE of cashew cream – my biggest helper in making this was ma freezer 🙂

    1. Lady – am not sure what’s going on with the weather here – I heard it was hotter in NYC than it was here – last Wednesday my neck of the woods registered 59 degrees early in the AM – whaaaat????

  2. Happy early birthday, Shashi!! Happy birthday to you….happy birthday to youuuu…oh, you know the rest. Seriously, though, this cake looks so festive and awesome! I also had no idea that cashews come from cashew apples. Interesting! I’m using that as my 1 new thing I learned today. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much David!!! Hey have you ever heard of Wood Apples? If you haven’t maybe Mrs. Spiced might have? They smell and look DISGUSTING – but, they make THE BEST jam and juice I’ve ever had!

  3. Oh oh oh!!!! We have a birthday girl among us. P-a-R-R-T-y-Y-Y time!!! Gorgeous berry cake Shashi! I knew nothing about cashew apples. Always love visiting because I learn so much. And, I love to see what you are up to in your kitchen. Happy Monday!

    1. Aww Allie – thanks bunches my sweet friend! I guess the learning is mutual on both sides…I share about cashew apples and you share about the beauty inside people… Happy Tuesday dear!

  4. Happy Birthday Week my lovely dear friend!!!
    Another fantastic dessert. Just like a baby girl, I loved only cashews. Made some cashew cheese this summer and we loved it. I can only imagine how good this must be. Enjoy a slice for me.
    Hugs sweet one.

    1. Aww – you are so kind – thanks so much my sweet friend! I have made cashew cream – but not cashew cheese yet – I have loads to learn! 🙂
      Sending big hugs back to you! xoxo

  5. Eerm. Let me think for a second. A week of cakes and cookies. YES PLEASE! Because I rarely do them myself, I need recipes from others!!

    I read the recipe with great interest, the fact that this is dairy free fascinates me. Pinning!

    1. Haha! Thanks so much Nagi! Ok I’ll bring the cakes and cookies and you bring that gorgeous chicken with coconut marinade/sauce when you come to the East coast next year cos I am gonna be there – mmmkay?
      Oh and I saw your other comment (in reply to mine on yours) – I don’t have a lot of coconut marinades yet (I post mostly baked goodies) but here’s a fish curry and the coconut-teriyaki-curry marinade

  6. It looks like we’re both trying to hold on to summer with these berry recipes 🙂 This is a stunner…the color of the cake is so pretty and the way you decorated the top is GORGEOUS!

    1. YES!!!! Summer with all it’s sweaty goodness is my favorite season and I am trying my best to hold onto it – am thinking as soon as the temps drop into the 60’s here I am gonna turn my heater up and pretend its summer – indoors at least! 🙂
      Thanks so much Sonali

  7. I’m a huge fan of cashews too! And now I’m a big fan of this luscious and gorgeous cheesecake! All right, does that mean I can hope to get a humble morsel of it (I know, there’s any hope to get a whole one). Pleeeeease!:) Well done, Shashi!

    1. Haha – you are so kind Ben – this might melt before it gets to you, but come on over and I might be able to wrestle a piece away from my daughter – but you better hurry!

  8. Happy birthday week!!! And a nut other than yourself .. you made me laugh with that one!

    This cheese like cake sounds absolutely fantastic! Cashews are so freaking awesome! 🙂

    1. Hey thanks so much Farrah – add some milk and honey or sugar to avocados and voila avocado pudding! We used to eat that growing up in Sri lanka. But now I have a hankering for gauc and chips…ugh…and I am all out!!!!

  9. Ahhh!! This looks AMAZING! I need this in my life! I’m gluten and dairy free… so this “Cheese-like cake” is perf for me! Also, happy Birthweek!! I Love it! …and making desserts all week is totes cool with me! #yum!

  10. Cashews are really one of the most magical nuts. It’s amazing that they can be turned into something as luscious as this cheesecake without even a hint of added cream!

  11. Mmmmm, I love raw cheesecakes! This is beautiful Shashi! Cashews are sooo amazing, you can use them to make anything! I definitely need to try this, berry flavours are my favourite!

    1. Thanks so much Harriet – you are spot on – cashews are so darn versatile – my mom makes a traditional Sri Lankan baked cashew cake and it’s so different from raw cashew cakes – but SO SO GOOD!

  12. A week of cookies and cakes is never a bad thing in my books 😀 Happy Birthday Week, Shashi! I’ve always wanted to try a raw cheesecake, but my body isn’t overly fond of cashews so I’ve always had to steer clear. I can still do plenty ogling though 😀

    1. I love how you think, Amanda! Cookies and cakes it will be – though, am only a 2or3postsaweek kinda gal (for now anyways). 🙂
      Darn, I knew you and peanuts were staunch enemies but I didn’t realize cashews were not your good friends either 🙁
      I hope pistachios and you are buds though …

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