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  1. My brother was in town this weekend and mentioned his new found love for tofu, to which I told him I’d make him dinner…using tofu! Talk about perfect timing! Can’t wait to make this for him!

  2. This looks very delicious. I put my tomatoes in the fridge. But then again we would put everything in the fridge if we could haha. I had the best tofu ever over the summer and have been hooked to try make it myself. This looks like an easy starter recipe to try.

  3. Well done, Shashi, I wanted to lick the screen! I’ve never seen Pomi before but now I’m going to look for it on my next “serious grocery shopping” trip to Dallas (for all the things that aren’t available in my tiny town).

    1. Haha – thanks so much Melissa! I’m so glad I stumbled by your blog – you are a hoot – and I mean that in the best way possible! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for stopping by and commenting 🙂

  4. A wonderful recipe Shashi, I love tofu and this is a great way to showcase it. Could paneer also be used? Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend and love this recipe.

    1. Thanks so much Suzanne! I am thinking paneer could be used – paneer tends to be a tad bit more firm than tofu and I’m not sure how long you’d have to cook paneer in the saucey-curry… I haven’t experimented much with paneer – other than eating it 🙂
      Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx

  5. Dear Shashi — All that stretchy cheese and tomato goodness in that skillet. GAH!!! Love this post and these Pomi tomatoes. Always learn so much here. Did NOT know that cooking tomatoes is healthier than raw. Would never have guessed it helps the absorption of lycopene. Great info., thanks. And I didn’t know about putting the tomato next to an apple. See what I mean? Learn so much here. I am of the school that tomatoes do NOT go in the fridge. This is a great go-to healthy dish and the perfect dinner. Bring on the delicious!!! Hope you and your tomato-debating daughter have a fab week! XOXO

    1. Aww, thanks so much Allie – you are way too kind to me, my friend! The tomato next to the apple thing is cos apples are supposed to give out a gas that happens to ripen tomatoes, I read somewhere that sometimes tomatoes are picked green and while they are in the truck being shipped to their destination – they are gassed with a man made version of the gas that apples give out and those tomatoes are ripened while they are en route to their destination. I wish I could remember where I read that…
      BTW – I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend xoxo

  6. Lol, I have a debate with myself over what category tomatoes fall into! While they have seeds and part of my brain kind of wants to call them a fruit, my soul wants to call them a vegetable. I say they are both and it depends how they are used. Like when I eat them raw with a sprinkling of sea salt — fruit. When I cook with them — vegetable. Can they be both? Just for the sake of my sanity? 😉 Ha. Annnyways, I am LOVING this dish, Shashi!!! Pan fried tofu is the bomb, but use it in some curry with tomatoes and spinach? Cozy heaven! This looks like THE perfect dinner! Cheers, friend! xo

    1. Haha! Oh Cheyanne – no need to debate with yourself, I’ll let you borrow my daughter for an afternoon – I think after an afternoon of debating, you will be reading for some serious chowing! And – those “juicy” chicken thighs of yours would hit the spot! BTW – did I tell ya my daughter has been doing the vegetarian thing so I haven’t had chicken in too long – maybe when you and her are debating, I can raid your fridge for leftovers of those chicken thighs? 😉
      Thanks so much, dear, hope you and boy have a wonderful weekend

  7. I think you’ve done it, Shashi. You came up with a recipe that might actually make me eat tofu. Haha! Seriously, though, this skillet looks amazing! This looks like the perfect comfort food meal for these cold (really cold!) days that we have coming up here soon. (And for the record, I agree with you about putting tomatoes on the countertop…in a paper bag…to ripen. But don’t tell lil Shashi that. I don’t want her to know I disagree with her. She might not come up to NY for college then!) If you happen to have any leftovers of this, send that drone on up here! 🙂

    1. Haha – dude, tofu absorbs ALL the flavors (and sometimes even colors) it’s surrounded with – definitely worth a try! Don’t worry, I won’t tell Lil Shashi – though reads my posts – and sometimes even the comments…so…..
      Dude, I’ll trade you leftovers of these for those Oreo Peppermint Cookie Balls – deal? Though my drone has been acting like a boomerang….so….

  8. So many potential debate topics about tomatoes, who knew?? Haha. Now I feel like I’m seriously educated on the topic of tomatoes. But somehow I have more questions than answers now… 😉 Fruit or veggie, tomatoes certainly make for a most excellent curry! Especially when Shashi at the helm! I simply love that this dish is bursting with tons of garlic and tofu–two faves of mine. 🙂 Now, if I could just have a bowl or two with some homemade bread! Happy Monday my friend!

    1. Haha – Demeter, I think my daughter and I can find something to debate about everything! Ahh – such is the life of a parent of a strong willed and opinionated child! But, I wouldn’t have it any other way!
      Thanks so much, sweet friend! Hope you and your hubs have a wonderful, treat filled, weekend!

  9. I think it’s great that you’re coming up with curry recipes that are easy enough for your daughter to make when she’s at college! This Pan Fried Tofu Curry with Tomatoes And Spinach looks amazing! Love the vibrant color from the Pomì tomatoes!

  10. Dear Shashi, this dish is so hearty and I love it! These hearty, healthy winter meals are just what I need to keep on with my goals during the holiday season. Perfect seasonal dish. xo, Catherine

  11. Oh, I never knew that some people call tomatoes a fruit. But yes now I can recollect that during my school days one of my friends used to have tomatoes just like an apple she would either have it along with sugar or salt. BTW lovely post-Shashi, today I learned about the origin of the tomatoes. And so far as the recipe is concerned, I love tofu so automatically I love this recipe. Great share Shashi. 🙂

    1. Hi Puja, it’s funny you mention your friend who would eat tomatoes with sugar or salt, when I was a kiddo, my mom would make tomato juice by hand crushing tomatoes and then pouring the juice and bits and pieces into a cup and adding salt AND sugar and my sister and I would gulp it up – it was so good! Btw, thank you so much – hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Yummy! Tomato was always a vegetable for me, loved reading about the origin of tomatoes. Love heart, delicious and comfy this curry is. I seriously want to make this right now— this recipe looks fantastic! Perfect for this cold weather. Can’t wait to try!

    1. Thanks so much Becky, it’s actually for 5 servings, you could actually stretch this out more – my daughter and I ate this for dinner over 3 nights – so that was 6 meals – depends what you eat it with and how much. I hope you try this and enjoy this as much as we did and hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  13. We made it and it was very good. I fried the tofu before adding it to the pan and doubled the spices. Will be saving this recipe.

  14. Thank you for the intro to Pomi tomatoes. First time for everything. They have such a fresh taste – quite amazing. This recipe is a total winner in our house. Made it for the first time last night and husband asked to have it again. He really liked the subtle spicing which gives it a great flavor without being fiery. I also believe that using the purple onion and nearly caramelizing it in step one gives the sauce an amazing flavor. I used a tofu press and then small-cubed the tofu before cooking in the pan with the onions off to the side – gave the tofu an excellent flavor. I will definitely make this one again — and thanks so much for the pointer to Pomi.

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