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  1. I haven’t seen these Well Yes soups at the store yet, but I totally need to keep an eye out for them! That Roasted Chicken with Wild Rice version got my attention right away. 🙂 (I’m a sucker for wild rice!) So I totally agree with you about lunches. Laura and I have been using a calorie counter app since Thanksgiving, and it’s working quite well…but I like to keep lunch on the smaller side so that I can still enjoy a good dinner without going over my limit. So far it’s working, but I might need to mix things up with some of these soups…and that grilled cheese sammich! Yum!

  2. I haven’t seen these soups around here yet. That tomato carrot bisque one looks particularly good to me! Hubby and I regularly eat soup and I’m always trying to mix things up with lunch. We want something filling, healthy, but not too too much that it ruins dinner, ya know? These would be perfect. And if I were having this for dinner, it would be lovely paired with a sandwich. Been enjoying a simple tomato and cheese one lately and it was be delicious dunked in that tomato carrot bisque 🙂 Happy Monday!!

  3. Girlfriend!!!! I had not yet heard of these amazing Well Yes Soups!! They sound perfect for me too, also your almond oil grilled cheese pairing and that gorgeous kale sauteed salad. Seriously, what a great combination and perfect for light lunches. Delish my friend. We were up all too late with the game last night and feeling somewhat hung over this Monday a.m., even though I never even had a drink. LOL. This yummy lunch will perk me up for sure. Hope you have a wonderful week Shashi! XOXO

  4. I haven’t seen these soups by us yet but you are making me hungry with all these pairings!! We usually just eat dinner leftovers for lunch but when we don’t have any I’m always scrambling to find something to eat!

  5. Is there any more comforting love than soup love? 😉 I so did not know that fact about Andy Warhol! It explains so much. Lol. I also did not know about this delicious new line of soups from Campbell’s! What would I do without my Shashi informing of all the need to know facts? Love that you came up with so many tasty and wonderful pairings for these amazing soups! I’m definitely eyeing the kale & raisin salad as well as the croquettes. To me, you are the Queen of Croquettes! I’ll be drooling over all these pairings for weeks to come. Hope you have an awesome week ahead! 🙂

  6. Haven’t seen these. But I don’t buy much canned soup — so easy to make one’s own. Although Campbell’s tomato is a classic. I should check these out, though, because they sound great. Thanks!

  7. I’m not sure if we can get Campbell’s Well Yes soups here yet, but I’d love to try them as I often use Campbell’s soups (mainly the condensed ones in my recipes as replacements for sauces. They’re so quick and easy to use!

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