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  1. I have some avocado that I was going to use in a smoothie tomorrow- scrap that, I see pudding in my near future. I’ve been wanting to try Vega, especially the Vega One Vanilla Protein- glad to know that you enjoy it! Lately Sunwarrior is my favorite brand- definitely try it out once your protein powder stash runs out :)!

    1. Thanks for the tip Khushboo – I definitely need to give Sunwarrior a try when I am out, specially seeing it’s dairy free too! Vega is one of the best tasting vegan protein powders I have had so far – and it seems to be really good at thickening up a shake and this pudding too.

  2. Oh sweet mother… this looks amazing. I looooove how creamy and decadent it looks. I’ve made chocolate avocado pudding before, but never with a little added protein boost. I try not to rely too much on protein powders, but I do love the flavour and nutrition boost they give to things.

    Happy Monday, lovely! <3

    1. Thanks so much lovely lady – I think I eat my weight in chocolate pudding every month (maybe even every week)!!! I am not consistent in adding protein powder to my day as I am chocolate to my day – but for this Vega review I felt I couldn’t give an honest opinion if I didn’t try to change my philandering ways! 🙂

  3. what a great idea to put the Vega Sport Performance Powder in the pudding!! how is P90x going? I did that workout many many years ago!! my arms got pretty toned. . probably should do it again! 😛

    1. Thanks so much Alice!
      Actually, I am currently doing P90X3 – I have done P90X before and LOVED it – P90X3 consists of challenging 30 minute workouts – they are not as taxing on my arms as P90X workouts were but they are freakin amazing at engaging the core – in just about every workout!

  4. I love chocolate avocado pudding. You can’t beat that creamy texture! I’ve never tried Vega but I’m now wondering if the protein powder I have at home would work…will definitely have to experiment!

  5. Oh wowsers, this pudding looks amazing Shashi! Love the avocado in here – looks so creamy and decadent and what a great idea to add protein powder in here too! Sounds perfect for fuelling up after a workout 🙂

  6. I am a sucker for delicious chocolate. But a delicious chocolate (that looks so good with those berries) AND you can tell a difference in your workout recovery? I’m IN!! Awesome! I’m getting some Vega Sport Performance Protein right now!! –Lisa

  7. I love the look of this and how fabulous they are lactose and GF and so low in sugar. And you get up at 4am? You’re making me feel very lazy xx

    1. Thanks so much Charlie – I’ve been waking up between 4-4.30 since I was a teen as a few of us used to go running before school – some habits are hard to break 🙂

  8. I’ve never used any type of protein but I always wonder if I get enough and if something like this would help with all those random aches!!

    1. Kim – I’ve randomly taken protein powders – but none seemed to have really helped with aches/pains – but this one did – hoping it wasn’t just in my head! 🙂

  9. Ooohh I love the adding of the avocado to this! also i sometimes go through bouts of accidental vegetarianism too! i love tofu and its usually my protein of choice (that or fish)…

  10. Even as a vegetarian I don’t tend to worry about getting enough protein…but I do like the sound of this chocolate protein pudding!

  11. I don’t think I’ve ever seen “performance” look this good! This looks terrific. And healthy. And all the good stuff I need (and don’t get enough of). Thanks for this.

  12. Protein powder or not, I would love to try this avocado choccie pudding, Shashi! It looks so smooth and thick and creamy. And really there’s nothing ‘bad’ in it at all! Well, OK, apart from the syrup, but we won’t count that. 😉

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