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  1. Oh we’d be having a fit fork as well. What’s mine is mine when it comes to delicious treats like this one 🙂

  2. The presentation of these ‘trifles’ is gorgeous. I love how you served the ‘pie’ in these beautiful mason jars. The layers are gorgeous. Perfect dessert for your upcoming Thanksgiving! xx

  3. Well done, Shashi! These trifles look amazing. But what would you do if there was only 1 trifle and 2 sporks? Get your dirty paws off of my trifle!! Haha…just kidding. Seriously, though, you should teach Laura about this. “I don’t want any dessert.” {watches me take a bite of dessert} “Well, maybe just one bite…”

  4. You and I would make super good friends because I’m not a fan of pumpkin pie at all — it’s a texture thing. That being said, having it in a trifle actually sounds all sort of amazing, so no promises that I wouldn’t be stealing spoonfuls 😛

  5. You wouldn’t have to worry about the last piece if I am around. I never eat last pieces and I don’t like left overs either, in general I am not into the last piece. However, I do welcome individual mini desserts such as pumpkin pie triffle. I like to enjoy mini food desserts, they give me peace in my mind. =)

  6. These are so adorable! I love that you made them in the little mason jars and snuck in some avocado in the mousse. I am a big fan of pumpkin pie and love that these are in individual servings. That way we won’t have to battle it out with our forks 😉

  7. Oooh, now you’re asking. Would I share my piece of pie with a friend looking longingly at it? Well, I’m not sure, but thankfully you’ve given me the idea of these individual portions in jars. What a lovely idea – and I’m sure I wouldn’t be expected to share! 😉

  8. Oh no…there is no sharing of the last piece of pumpkin pie. First come first serve. That’s my philosophy! And if I am going to share a dessert we need to have a mutual understanding that we will only eat half and not a crumb more. But this triffle? No sharing. One glass one spoon – mine. This looks delicious and such a great trifle combination!

  9. Portable pies in a trifle is a brilliant idea. Have you ever rode on the bus or in a taxi in Hong Kong? There is no way you could ever hold a pie at the same time as you need both hands to hold on as for certain around the next corner that taxi driver is going to try to get the taxi up on 2 wheels. Have a super day!

  10. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who doesn’t like to share! This looks delicious. Stopping by from SITS, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much Sean! You rock! I made 4 of these trifles – I gave one to my daughter to taste test and before I knew it SHE was scraping the bottom of it!!! And she claims she doesn’t like anything with avocado in it!!!

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