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    1. Katie – my mom is the curry queen – when she and my dad visited us when my daughter was younger, she would make this “yellow curry with broccoli” and my daughter ate it like I eat chocolate!

  1. I can’t tell you how much I love this dish. It has literally two of the things I love most. Turkey meatballs and curry sauce.
    I’m going to make this very soon, it looks just too good!

  2. Oh I love that movie, my other favorite is Legends of the Fall. I also love your curry, meatballs are a particular favorite of mine and your turkey meatballs sound great. Love the spicing.

    1. Thanks so much Suzanne! I used to love all the movies Brad Pitt id early on in his career – but I never watched Legends of the Fall – I need to look for it on Netflix and queue it up for the weekend!

  3. What a delicious comfort food, Shashi! We actually grew cilantro in our garden this year. I figured I use enough of it that I should grow some. It did ok, but it went to seed really quickly..but that means coriander! I really should go pick those little coriander seeds and use them in something before the winter snows cover them all up. I think this curry would be a great use of the seeds…and I can assure you that it would make Laura very happy. (She is obsessed with all things curry.)

    1. Thanks David – I never have any luck growing cilantro – my hat’s off to you and Laura! Dang, if I was your neighbor, I would pick the seeds off – for y’all of course and in exchange you could let me “borrow” some of y’alls candy apples! deal?!

  4. SO SO SO many herbs and spices I would never ever ever think to use in this recipe! Ha. I am such a lazy cook in the kitchen… You do not want to see behind the scenes footage, that’s for sure. lol

    But I do really want to have some turkey balls now.

    1. GiGi – “duuuude” – you DEFINITELY DO NOT – I repeat DO NOT wanna see behind the scenes in my kitchen either – it looks like it was ravaged by a tornado and in the crossfire of a WAR -all at the same time, when I’am done cooking! Cleaning up can be a wprkout!

    1. Thanks so much – yes, regular flour would work and so would ground up oats or even rice flour – I used all of them before in my turkey balls and have had no complaints – hope this helps 🙂

  5. I love coriander and cilatntro (it was the focus of my post today too – lol!) This looks amazing and I can really relate to doctoring up foods in sauces and spices so that your kids don’t know what the heck is going on…they just like it. 🙂

    1. Haha – Thanks so much Marjory – yup, I am all about pulling the wool over my daughter’s eyes when it comes to veggies! 🙂
      Your creamy white bean chili sounds PHENOMENAL!

  6. I love anything in curry! So your mom’s veggie trick would definitely have worked on me. 🙂 This is a great recipe — wonderful way to use ground turkey. And all the other great flavors you’ve crammed into one little recipe! This really is outstanding — thanks.

  7. It has been forever since I watched “A River Runs through It” but I remember liking it. Or maybe I just liked Brad Pitt. 😉 I would have licked my plate clean of veggies if you fed me this curry too!!! It looks delicious! Love the spices in the turkey balls. Pinned!

  8. Haha I totally remember that scene! I was the same way about veggies when I was younger too and curry was always a sure way for me to eat them 🙂 You can bet I would be licking the plate clean if this dish was served to me, it looks incredible! Love all the spices in here especially the coriander 🙂

  9. That movie was actually just on TV the other day, but I think I missed the oatmeal scene… and it’s a good thing, too, because I absolutely adore oatmeal and have no idea how people can hate on it! Then again, I was a horribly picky eater as a kid, and I actually remember sitting at the table for hours refusing to eat. It got to the point where my mom just gave up trying to get me to eat things I didn’t like and made a separate meal for me. She never let’s me forget it, either 😆

    1. I love oatmeal too – but, the stuf on his plate didn’t look anything like your bowls of oats!
      Your mom is a sweetheart, Amanda – and haha – sometimes we all need reminders right? 😉

  10. I love that movie – one of my all time favorites. I keep thinking that we will take a trip and learn to fly fish but it probably won’t happen anytime soon.
    This curry looks good – I just want to sample all of your food!!

  11. It’s a great movie and I wish they would make more movies like A River Runs Through It. I don’t think Brad’s lost his swooniness – I think his star is very much still on the rise. I also used to hide al manner of vegetables in curries and casseroles and sauces. These turkey balls look like they’re packed with flavour. This is a great curry that everyone in my family would love xx

  12. Shashi, I love turkey and I love curry. What a wonderful combination. I want it in my house! It’s gluten free which is my definition of happiness lately! I’ve been so busy lately optimizing my ads on my site and getting into new networks, I completely neglected commenting for almost a month. But I am back!

  13. I love, love, love curry! In fact I eat it like once or twice a week (twice because I usually have leftovers and can turn it into another dinner 🙂 ) Of course, I have to order in because I’ve never attempted to make it myself.. but maybe I should give it a shot! This recipe looks so delicious!

  14. Ooh I don’t thin I’ve seen that Brad Pitt movie, let alone heard of it! Will have to try and get my hands on a copy asap! I’ve been on a curry kick over the past few months and as a result, my veggie intake ha gone through the roof…not a bad thing ;)! This looks fab- love that you incorporated turkey into this Shashi- such an underrated meat!

  15. I agree with you… Brad Pitt has totally lost is swoon-worthiness. Now on the other hand… this meatball curry has me totally swooning. I could dive right in. I am not a fresh coriander fan… but I do love the seeds toasted and ground up for spicing up a curry. This looks amazing. 🙂

  16. Haha Yes, curry is def one of the bulletproof way to get people to eat veggies! Love all the warm spices in this dish..I wish I can just dig right in!

  17. Yummmm I love curry! And it is a great way to sneak in vegetables. I can’t imagine why anyone would refuse to eat oatmeal, though. They obviously weren’t drowning theirs in brown sugar like I do!

  18. It’s very true…I will eat anything when it’s smothered in a curry! I can pretty much SEE the flavor in this, that’s how vibrant it is. Mmm.

  19. Over here, we only have turkey once a year, during Christmas. The curry is so inviting and love its spiciness like crazy.

  20. Yum this one looks like such a delicious looking recipe 🙂 So warm and comforting, I just want to get a fork and dive on in.

    I think I saw that Brad Pitt movie years ago but forgot he was even in it! He’s been in so many movies over the years.

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  21. this is an awesome dish…suddenly I am craving for a meat balls curry.Instead of making meat balls,I’ll try to buy some and want to cook like this….

  22. I love coriander. . but then again, I love cilantro!! love that you used it here in this fabulous curry and love the turkey balls inside. . what a great idea! love and pinned!

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