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  1. It’s Friday afternoon here and every Friday night we like to curl up on the couch and watch a movie. A movie snack like this would be very welcome. Love the combination of ingredients xx

  2. OH my goodness! This is such an incredible delight, Shashi! So quick, easy and full of YUM! Absolutely stunning!

    1. Haha – I found myself slapping my head when i saw your PLANTAIN SWEET POTATO TACOS WITH GUACAMOLE – I love plantains – never ever had them in tacos though! Makes NO sense! 🙂

  3. Less than 5 minute smores? Sign me up. I actually crave smores frequently but I have some tragic news to share with you. The do NOT sell graham crackers in HK. Yep, you heard me right. I have tried making smores with digestive biscuits from the UK but it is just not the same. 🙁 As there really is no place to make a bonfire in HK you will also see me taking a marshmallow on the end of a skewer to cook over the gas stove. So sad…Wishing you a super holiday weekend and take care!

    1. Hey Bobbie – UGH – here I was thinking that graham crackers were everywhere! Have you tried making them in a skillet over a stovetop or even in the oven? it turns out more like a dip – but it’s still the same taste – with graham crackers…
      Hope your week is off to a great start!

  4. In a starred restaurant they would call this dish “Deconstructed S’mores with Marshmallow reduction and dollops of semi-sweet chocolate” and they would charge at least 20 bucks for it.
    It’s that awesome!

    1. Dang – now I wish I had named this A “Deconstructed S’mores with Marshmallow reduction and dollops of semi-sweet chocolate” Recipe!
      Thanks Mike!

  5. Oh s’mores, how I love you!! I feel like I wouldn’t be able to be trusted around this!!! Have a wonderful holiday weekend Shashi!!

    1. Haha – Ashley – one time, when I made this for myself, I had to quarter the ingredients – or I would not be able to trust myself around it either 😉 Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

    1. The microwave worked well in helping keep this under 5 minutes…might have been longer in the oven with all the preheating and all..BTW – Thanks so much Cyndi

  6. Mmmm, this recipe is amazing!!! S’mores are so delicious but I rarely get to eat them here in England. This recipe is a perfect way for me to enjoy them at home – I love the way you made it an inside out version, so creative! The photos are mouth-watering too!

  7. Shashi, I have always felt that this well-known manner of serving S’mores was wrong or at least outdated. I just wasn’t able to figure out the solution. And here we go! That’s just the genius idea! We don’t need making small individual S’mores anymore – it’s time to make them in a large bowl!

    1. Hahaha – You are spot on Ben! Not only is the whole individualized size option eliminated, but the long wait for the marshmallows to melt (and the frustration of burnt ones) over the fire, is eliminated too! 🙂

  8. I’ve never made s’mores dip in a microwave like this, but it looks incredible! And did I read that right? 5 minutes? Sign me up for that one! We usually like smores outside over the fire pit, but we don’t get the fire pit out all that often…it’s a bit of a pain. But I’m all about 5 minutes and indoor! As far as how to eat these, I suggest shoving my face directly into the pan. Is that allowed? 🙂

    1. Haha – YES, it most definitely is allowed – I wonder why Lil Shashi and I didn’t think of THAT method! So easy – so efficient and no ooey gooey spoons to wash up!
      Oh – and this can be pulled together on a grill too – using a skillet – in fact, we’ve thrown all the ingredients into a skillet, covered it with foil, and voila!

  9. Wow, never really thought of that. Seems almost too good to be true, only 5 min and have that????
    I have my last 2 episode of Games Of Thrones to watch tonight. I guess that could be it then !

    1. Ha! Emanuele – this actually took a little bit less than 5 minutes – as long as you have all the ingredients – its wham, bang, done! Though, I am not sure if you can sit still after eating this! 🙂

  10. I only learned about s’mores after I started a food blog, shasi … but now I know all about them, or certainly enough to know that this is a pretty cool idea! Excellent photos, too! 🙂

  11. Wait…are you telling me that you don’t eat desserts on weekdays?? Have I been doing it all wrong? I guess that explains my weight….

    Mmmm…love s’mores, and these even more because are made inside with less mess.

  12. When I make this I will use dark chocolate LOL. and my marshmallows will be caramel and vanilla swirled ones.
    I have to use the dark chocolate because I have a friend that would love these and is very allergic to milk

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