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  1. Oh, and it’s homegating all the time in our house, Shashi! I live a looong way away from MY team (yes, MY team) now…so I have to rely on ESPN to catch all of MY games. For every single game, Laura and I made a homemade pizza and curled up on the basement couch. (To be fair, Laura usually played on her phone while I watched the game…but she did at least keep me company!) If you get tired of watching college football with your daughter, send her up here…we might be planning on watching a game or two over the coming weeks. 😉

    P.S. Now I want a tray of these amazing looking brownies! ASAP!

  2. Oh dear, I’m not a Dr Pepper drinker, or any soda actually but esp not Dr Pepper! And I’m also not a college game watcher. I’ve tried. I’m a big NFL fan and root for my Broncos and a big soccer fan, but not college teams 🙂 This might change since daughters are heading to colleges and I will have to swear allegiance!
    But, these brownies look awesome! I’m sure the DR Pepper taste isn’t too strong, I could prolly manage a few.

  3. I haven’t seen Dr Pepper here in the normal stores but I think I can get it at the specialty candy stores that import American candy. Love these brownies!

  4. Let me confess I don’t even know what homegating is. I googled it but only found something like “Is Homegating the New Tailgating?”. If I only knew what tailgating is… I hope you don’t think bad of me now 🙂 But I know what Dr. Pepper is (yay!), even though it is not so popular here in Europe, and that these brownies must taste great!

  5. Where did she ever get this love of football from?! And maybe she can rub some off on me, because I can’t stand it but the.boy loves it. I think we will definitely be doing some homegating now that the playoffs are starting so I obviously need these brownies to get me through!

  6. These brownies look so amazing! Dr. Pepper is my favorite soft drink. It cracks me up when people start talking about their favorite team like they’re on the team. My husband will say, “We played great last week” and all I can think is, I don’t remember you playing football last week. Lol!

  7. haha I am definitely all about homegating! The husband loves all things football and while I like it, I love the food even more 🙂 These brownies sound delicious. Hope you had a great Christmas!!

  8. Your daughter and I would get along – I love football (high school and college) and enjoy the games unless it is super cold!!! (then I watch the TV games!)

  9. I’m with you about football- it goes right over my head. As for the tail-/home-gating part of it, I could totally get on board…any excuse for delish food ;)! Never tried baking with soft drinks but I am so impressed with the texture of these!

  10. I want a couple of these with a big tall glass of Dr. Pepper!! 🙂 I have always loved Dr. Pepper and think it’s awesome you used it in brownies.

  11. It’s not easy to buy Dr Pepper in this country. It’s amazing how these brownies are made with just four ingredients. You have photographed them beautifully and they look incredible. And yes, the seasons! They sure do change quickly xx

  12. My feedly told me that this post is on fire, whatever it means, haha. One thing I notice is that you have so much more stuff in the grocery stores in comparison to Spain, it’s amazing. Diet Dr. Pepper, wow 😀

  13. These brownies look absolutely amazing and the perfect snacks to munch on while watching the game! I’ve never tried adding soda to brownies before but they sound so delicious! Hope you’re enjoying the holidays with your daughter so far and Happy Happy New Year my friend! 🙂 xo

  14. I hope like many, I have no clue about home gating or tailgating. But, I know brownies and these I will love for sure. I’m curious about the use of dr pepper in these treats, intrigued. I may have to try it out soon;).
    HAPPY NEW YEAR DARLIN!! HUGS to you and your girl.

  15. Hi, Shashi! Happy New Year to you and your lovely daughter! Thanks for giving me a giggle tonight. Shashi! Don’t worry, I asked dumber questions when I was watching Australian rules football in Australia recently.
    Love that you started off the year with one of your classic cool ingredients recipes (Dr. Pepper brownies? Genius!) 🙂

  16. oh! I’m so happy that I found your blog! Your recipe looks amazing! These brownies are soooo rich and so chocolaty <3 Have a Happy New Year!

  17. Wishing you a super 2015! You are always the brave baker and pushing the limits to try fun and new options and we all get to try your inventions and that is the fun part. They look so chewy and delicious.

  18. Ok i may be lost but the 4 ingredients seem to me would be a dense brownie just eggs, cocoa, soda and pecans to me don’t sound like they would be a thick brownie. Is this recipe for a 4×4 pan. And there’s no flour. They look amazing in your pic. And thick, but I can’t see that in these ingredients.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment – These brownies were made in a loaf pan and the combination of Dr Pepper with the 1/2 cup of melted chocolate and 4 eggs and cocoa powder resulted in some thick brownies. I also tossed in another half cup of chocolate chips which sank to the bottom of the brownies – the pecans were only as a topping. I have made these with diet soda and sugar free chocolate chips and they have resulted in a very similarly textured brownie. Hope this helps answer your question.

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