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  1. I love the way you explained how this came to be. It is so imaginative, but now when I hear the history, it makes perfect sense. I’ve never had carrot souffle, but now I have to try it.

    1. Wait – you haven’t had carrot souffle??? ever???
      Yes, yes – you must try it (this version or the real deal) to me it’s one of those foods that falls under the “Don’t yuck my yum” category 😉

      Btw, Thanks so much!

  2. Hahaha! I bet you had the happiest dog on the planet growing up. 🙂 One of our dogs LOVES fruit and veggies. He chomps lettuce and apples (only the green ones) like it’s his job…and he is SO loud when he chomps. It makes me laugh every single time. I love this souffle…it sounds delicious and easy, and, more importantly, it sounds perfect for Thanksgiving! Maybe you can bring it over when you come? 🙂

    P.S. I can’t help but picture a pot full of carrot plants outside your door when you were a kid. Haha!

    1. Goodness David – the plant that I hid those carrots in never grew much – my poor mom kept watering it and giving it plant food – but am thinking those carrots were clogging up the space for its roots!

      Temps took a nose dive into the 20’s (teens with windchill) here in Atlanta – I’m thinking Saratoga is blanketed with that nasty white stuff we shall not mention – so you are gonna have to wait on these souffles till summer of 2015 – orI can always sendit with our friend-the mailman… 😉

  3. Haha I will eat pretty much any vegetable in curry form also! But I will pretty much eat any vegetable in general. Love this carrot-stuffed souffle!

  4. haha my sister and I were both horrible with sneaking food to the dog and/or just straight up hiding it! My poor mom!!

    This looks delicious! That texture – so light and fluffy looking!

  5. That lovely shuffle is such a delicious and creative way to get vegetables and protein in. Great idea and the story is funny, kids are funny with their aversions. My daughter had an aversion to meat of any kind. Vegetables no problem, but meat made her sick. She grew out of it eventually but it took years.

  6. Looks awesome..always wanted to try a carrot souffle but i can’t use eggs..your whipped topping looks so yum! And yes, this almost looks like sweet potatoes with that vibrant orange color!

    1. Thank you Pragati!
      Have you tried using “flax eggs” : mix of 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water as 1 egg sub? I have used this in other recipes – but never in a souffle though. I hope that helps some…
      Thanks so much for stopping by

      1. I just noticed darn spell check changed Souffle to shuffle. Just wanted to let you know that. I downloaded a new operating system on my computer that has this really aggressive spell check system and it changes words and I don’t always catch it.

    1. Thanks so much Angie!
      The carrot souffle we used to try at that restaurant was less pudding like – they used to use butter and flour in their version.

  7. I think your souffles are very pretty. The carrot gives them great colour. My daughter was also a very fussy eater. She used to pick the mushrooms out of bolognaise sauce and line them up around the edges of her plate. There were so many things she refused to eat. Fortunately, she’s turned the corner xx

    1. Thanks Charlie! I so am glad to hear Arabella has turned the corner with her mushroom distaste – though the fact that she actually picked out all those mushrooms shows incredible patience and persistence! 🙂

  8. I remember trying tofu in a dessert for the first time a few years ago and being amazed at how creamy and undetectable it was. And I was a -nightmare- to cook for when I was a little kid. I wouldn’t tolerate any vegetables besides potatoes, corn, and [raw] carrots, and my mom had to leave the sauces and dressings off of most everything she gave me because I didn’t like anything overly herby or spicy. There was a time where I WAS living off mac and cheese, cereal, pancakes, and anything/everything sweet 😆

    1. So, would it be wrong to live off “anything/everything sweet” if beets or pumpkin were involved? It’s like a salad in sweet form – right? 😉

  9. Yumm- I’m imagining this to taste like a carrot cake (with a soufflé consistency obviously) and if I’m right, I am ALL over this- yum! I love your use of tofu in this to add a creamy texture. Although I’m yet to try adding it to desserts, I am a big fan of adding tofu to soups instead of cream- does the trick in terms of creaminess and also adds a nice dose of protein…win all round !

  10. Haha that is too cute about all the places you hid food 🙂 Love that you are finding sneaky ways to get your daughter on board with different foods. This carrot souffle looks delicious! I love how light and fluffy it is! What a great idea to use silken tofu too!

  11. I know this isn’t the point of the post, but those curry meatballs that just appeared on my sidebar OMG! Shashi! I have to make them. Only problem is that I absolutely suck at making curry. Every time I try, I fail. I need you to make some for me!! And throw in this carrot souffle too 😉

  12. So I bet your mom made a LOT of curies when you were a child, Shashi!!
    I think you’ve surpassed yourself with this dessert. I would never have guessed that you could use tofu in a pudding. It’s got such a fabulous colour to it, too!

  13. What a creative and delicious looking souffle! I would never have thought to add carrots to a souffle, much less carrots AND tofu. What a great way to get your veggies and protein in one simple little dish! Great job!

  14. I love both carrots and tofu…. but never taught of making a soufle with them! What a cool recipe! Once again I’m smitten with you creativity.

  15. WOW! This is such a brave flavor combination for a souffle, I would have never had the idea to add carrot to a souffle, I am so used to my cheese souffle. Your carrot souffle looks so bright and intriguing, I can’t wait to try it out for myself.

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