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  1. Wow what a generous give way!! This chicken sounds divine- love the sweet & salty combination! We make a similar kind of chutney with tamarind but I never would have thought to eat it with chicken- good call, Shachi :)!

    1. Thanks so much Khushboo – I slather that date and tamarind mix on EVERYTHING – had it with tofu tonight – my daughter and I have happy bellies 🙂

  2. Excellent 🙂

    I had to look up what Tamarind Concentrate is, but I see it’s Tamarind Paste, and being a huge lover of Indian Food, I already have that in my cupboard! So I’m printing this one out to try soon. Thanks Shashi 😀

    1. Thank you so much Neil – I am honored! Would love to hear what you think of it…

      This was really good – my daughter and I stuffed ourselves full of chicken last night – I forgot the veggies! gah! 🙂

      1. Hey Shashi, I just made this, and it is quite simply amazing! I had to stop Lynne from dipping a finger in it and tasting it every 5 seconds. 😉

        I thought I would try it out today, as I’m having a curry party tonight with friends, and it is an ideal dipping sauce to go with the vegetable pakoras I’m making! They will love it. 🙂

        I had to use ready to eat pitted dates (but still soaked them overnight) as I couldn’t get fresh dates, and also just ordinary white wine vinegar (sorry De Negris). Also I take it I put the sugar in at the right point, with the other ingredients when simmering in the pan? Tastes great that way anyway.

        I can see how this would be great cooked in the chicken too. So tasty, such a versatile sauce!

        Thanks again for another amazing recipe! I’ll let you know what my guests think. 😀

        1. Neil – your comment just made my day – thanks so much for not only making this date and tamarind chutney but also coming back to let me know! I so appreciate that! By the way, it seems to get better as it ages in the fridge – I used ready to eat pitted dates too (I am sorry I didn’t make that clear) – yes the sugar goes in the pan with all the other ingredients too! I hope your curry party was a blast!
          Thanks again Neil!

  3. I cook with tamirand a great deal when I make Thai food but you have found a fun way to combine the flavors. Your chicken with the little bit of sweet, sour and tangy from the vinegar sounds perfect and your photos make me want to grab a bite off of your dish. Gorgeous dish!

  4. Stains on the menu… haha all Indian restaurants are the same. I hate sticky menus though!
    You have wonderful memories shashi thank you for sharing them with us. =)
    We have a tamarind tree giving great amounts of fruits if the monkeys and squirrels are not eating them. The harvest season is more around summer time so when they ripen I will be making your dish. It looks amazing!

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment Helene. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fresh tamarind tree!!! Here’s hoping all the monkeys and squirrels stay away and y’all have a plentiful harvest!

  5. Not sure I can find tamarind concentrate here…is there anything I can use instead? The chicken looks droolworthy, Shashi.

    1. Thanks so much Angie – I have used lime juice and dark brown sugar mixed together before – but unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact quantities, I would add dark brown sugar to the juice of a lime till the mix was slightly sweet but still tart-ish – hope this helps…

    1. Aww-You so rock – thank you so much, sweet friend! Yes – the vinegar added tons of flavor and worked so well in marrying the dates, tamarind and brown sugar!

  6. Is tamarind concentrate the same as tamarind paste? If so, I’ve everything necessary to make this date & tamarind chutney happen tonight. It looks so good…

  7. Shashi! There are just no words to describe how delicious this looks. Laura loves (I mean LOVES) Indian food. I’m slowly coming around to it…but I think a big plate of this date tamarind chicken would help me come around sooner. 🙂 Also, what is it about little hole-in-the-wall restaurants? They’re often times the best food ever! Thank you so much for sharing this awesomeness!! 🙂

    1. Thanks David!!!
      NYC has it’s share of wonderful hole-in-the-wall Indian restaurants – when I visited my sis when she used to live there, she took me to this little place – there was room only for a table with 2 chairs – stacked in 5 rows- down a narrow walkway – but the food – oh wow – it was so so good! Clearly when I come to y’alls neck of the woods, Laura and I have to hang! 🙂

      1. You and Laura totally need to hang! Only problem is we live about 3 hours north of NYC. You’ll have to catch a train…but the good news is it’s a beautiful trip right alongside the Hudson River. 🙂

  8. oh my gawd, this chicken looks fabulous and what a great giveaway!!! hey, I wanted to ask you: I just saw you leave 6 comments on my blog but most were duplicate comments. . did you keep hitting enter by chance? just want to see if there’s something funky going on on my end. please let me know if you get a chance, thank you!!

  9. I am a big big fan of Indian food and all our favorite places to eat are the smaller mom and pop shops too. This chicken looks absolutely mouthwatering! It definitely looks restaurant quality! I seriously cannot stop drooling over that flavorful date/tamarind sauce/marinade! It looks incredible! Pinning 🙂

  10. Oh my goodness, I love that date and tamarind chutney! I could eat it dolloped on anything and I do when I have it! It doesn’t last long because I end up buying those little besan boondi from the Indian store, mix it in yoghurt and then douse it in the chutney. It’s like instant dahi vade.
    I would love this chicken! It looks fabulous and your photos are wonderful Shashi! Great job. xx

  11. U certainly have lived in a number of places. I do love date and tamarind chutney but have never made my own. It certainly is a great accompaniment to any curry xx

  12. Thanks for introducing this brand and chicken looks so delicious. Entered the contest hope to win this great basket 🙂

  13. I love date tamarind chutney, it’s my favorite! All popular Indian roadside food have to have this chutney on top of them, yum now I am craving for a spicy chaat [spiced potato patties] topped with yogurt, coriander chutney and this tamarind date chutney! And what an awesome giveaway! 😀

  14. I JUST reviewed this De Nigris vinegar on my blog this past week and I am already a huge fan! I’ve only gotten to try 3 of their varieties, but have been impressed across the board. It’s one of the best vinegars I’ve ever had the pleasure of cooking with. #lovemyvinegar #denigris1889

  15. Wow this looks incredible! I need to shake up my flavors this month and I think this is the perfect way to get out of my comfort zone! Yeah for Indian Food. Now let’s just hope my kids will eat it…fingers crossed.

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