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  1. Thinking of you Shashi & sending hugs your way. It’s always a bit difficult to be put on the spot, even more so when it comes to opening up about those dearest to you. Even though it’s been 6 years since my dad passed away, I still can’t imagine speaking about it to large groups of people.

    On a ‘happier’ note, I’ll take a dozen of those cookies- WOW! Who would have thought they contain beetroot. My sister visits next week and I just forwarded her this recipe, asking if she wants me to make her these! YUM!

    1. Khushboo my sweet friend – thank you so very much for your kind words!

      And if you make these cookies when your sis visits, I would so love to know what y’all think about them – I don’t make cookies very sweet – so please feel free to add more sugar or use a semi sweet or milk chocolate even.

  2. I can understand your reaction to that. You had no preparation and the emotion of talking about your father in front of strangers would be difficult. I think you did just fine.

    Have a cookie. They have beets in there and that’s good for you. 🙂

    1. Haha – Maureen – thank you so much for your kind words and yup, these cookies sure are good for you though now my daughter plays reverse psychology on me and says that since they are good – portion size does not matter! Gah!

  3. Aww thats so great you got up to speak and say thank you! Thank you is very a bad thing to say 🙂 And I’m sure you came off much more eloquent than you think, and above all I’m sure your mom really appreciated it. That type of thing is NOT easy. You deserve a cookie 😀 (cheers with yummy beet cookies!!)

    1. Ha – thank you Charlotte – I just didn’t think “thank you” gelled with what I had in my mind – might have with what came out – but thankfully no one captured it on video – at least I hope!

  4. It’s very hard to say what you mean and what you feel when you’re under pressure like that. Especially when it’s an emotional topic. So sorry to hear that your lost your Dad. It’s very hard. However, the cookies look and sound delicious! Have a great day!

  5. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of the Leftovers Club before. What a cool idea. How fun is that!? I also love how you added beets to these cookies. I add beets to strawberry smoothies, so I know what you mean by “you can’t taste them.” Pinning this recipe now!!

    1. Thanks so much Liz – I have participated in LOC for about 3 months now and yeah – it’s been pretty cool. And you know what – thank you for giving me the idea to add beets to my strawberry smoothies – that’s just BRILLIANT!

  6. If it makes you feel any better, I’m the WORST public speaker and definitely wouldn’t have known what to say. I probably would have said “no” and everyone would have stared at me aahaha. On the other hand, these cookies look delicious! I’ve never made beet cookies before…hmmmmm

    1. Oh Erin – you are just so sweet – thank you so much – thank you for making me chuckle thinking of you saying “no” 🙂
      And thanks – you gotta try baking with beets – so so delicious!

  7. Don’t you hate how that happens, Shashi? You know you have to speak in front of people, so you plan out the best speech and know exactly what you’re going to say. Then you just swallow a frog when you get up there. I’ve done it more times than I can count. But here’s the thing…I’m sure your Dad would have been super proud of you getting up there and appreciating him like that. And can I just tell you that you amaze me with all of your crazy awesome beet recipes? You and Laura would be best friends. 🙂

    1. David – forget the frog, I felt like I swallowed a horse! Thank you so much for your kind words, my friend!

      p.s. I cannot wait to meet Laura! I will deliver her beet/chocolate cookies in person – forget your mailman! 😉

    1. Haha – ok…so I tried my best to stifle a chuckle at your comment to hear those crickets – but failed miserably!
      Apparently chuckle stifling to me is just like “Linda” or “Fran” to some… 🙂

  8. I am terribly sorry to hear about your dad passing. I am sure that your words were received with the intention that you spoke them. People understand that it can be difficult to find the right words to say, especially at the spur of the moment. Sending you lots of love and hugs of comfort.

    These beet cookies look magical! I would be super excited to get these in the mail! You are so creative with the beets!!!

    1. Thanks so much Marissa!
      I try my best to sneak beets into as many things as possible – pizza, cookies, cupcakes – yup – I think my daughter has had enough beets to last a lifetime 😉

  9. I’m constantly reading ‘beet’ as ‘beef’, so my initial thought upon reading your title was, ew, gross!
    Sorry, I think it’s because we call it beetroot over here! They do look delicious now that I know they are beef-free 😀

    1. Thanks so much Shaina – I adore beets – I hve been baking with them for awhile now – they partner well with bacon and chocolate – what more is there right? 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by

  10. Hey Shashi, it’s never easy being put right on the spot is it? At least you got up and said what you did and I bet your daughter and mom were very proud.

    Your cookies look delicious. 🙂 So delicious I have a craving now for chocolate and beetroot together, they work so well together don’t they?

  11. Don’t be too hard on yourself – your dad knows how you feel and all the thoughts. Having to get up and talk in front of people without any preparation is hard. I’m sure that you were wonderful even if you didn’t think so!!!

    1. Thank you so much Lorraine! I sure do appreciate your kind words – yes – “cookie” seems to be a language I am fluent in – the cookie monster(from sesame street) and I would get along great 🙂

  12. I am TERRIBLE speaking off the cuff. Give me a little time to prepare and I’m great…but impromptu…YIKES! I wouldn’t have been nearly as composed as you were! (and Thank you is never a bad way to end any speech!)
    As to beets…they make me shiver. Just the thought of them gives me the willies…but if you can’t taste them at all, I could be persuaded to make these! (the swirly red mixture does look really pretty!) –Lisa

    1. Haha – There are quite a few people I know who equate beets with “willies”!
      And thank you so much for your kind words, Lisa – I was feeling 2 feet tall after that (ok so I am not that tall to begin with – but gah)so thank you!

  13. I adore the invention and I adore the cookies. I only made side dishes with beets. But now, I think I can move forward with others.

  14. The beet cookies are so gorgeous and I really admire you. I don’t think I would have had the courage. That must have been awful to have been put on the spot like that but it does sound like you handled it and pulled through really well. It must have been so moving being in the place where your father last lived and I think it’s amazing that you were able to spend time there and say ‘thank you’ xx

  15. Aaaw, I’m sure everyone understood and I think you did perfectly fine and exactly how anyone else under pressure or without any form of preparation would do. *hugs* Love these cookies! They look and sound delicious and I always love how you hide beets and veggies in your deserts 🙂

  16. Public speaking is always hard, but especially when you’re put on the spot like that! I’m sure you did fine, though…we are always our own worst critics, after all!

    GIRRRLLL I am so into these cookies. A little bit of chocolate and health in every bite.

  17. I am the worst at getting my thoughts out in those sort of situations! I definitely would have probably said the same thing!
    And, I just gotta see, your creativity with beets is AMAZING times eleventy billion 😉 girl!! Totally love these. Pinned!

  18. Your cookie recipe looks very interesting. I love the idea of using the beets. And like so many of the other comments above I agree that it’s difficult to stand up and share when it’s unexpected. The most important thing is that you were there and that you honored the memory of your father. I’m delighted to have found your blog today via Sits. I look forward to your future posts. Happy Saturday.

  19. Oh, Shashi, you write some lovely posts. I know what you mean . I often can’t get my words out. Sometimes i writing and somtimes when speaking – you managed just great today though!
    Love the cookies – they look perfect!

  20. Shashi, I’m so sorry to hear about your father passing. . don’t beat yourself up about what you said at the Memorial Service . . obviously you mom couldn’t speak and you did a great job .. speaking for things like that are always hard and emotional so if you got through it, to me, you did awesome. Hope you are doing ok. and love that you made cookies with beets!

    1. Aww-thanks so much for your kind words Alice – yes, I am ok – my dad suffered a long time so while I miss him, I am in a way, glad he isn’t suffering where he is now.

  21. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I would have done the exact same thing. I do fine with speaking when I have time to prepare, but I am horribleeee when I need to fly by the seat of my pants!

    And I love the sound of these cookies – I really need to use beets more in my kitchen!

  22. Thoughts, prayers and a little hug is coming your way… I know how difficult this is as your emotions are flowing but you get all chocked up just thinking about all the good times and sayings that your dad used to share with you. Your chocolate beet cookies look so rich and moist. It is almost like red velvet cookies…but better. Just shared! Can you please check your e-mail, I just sent you a little note. Take Care, BAM

  23. Last year my SIL made me a cake for my birthday made with beets. It was the best cake I had had in a very long time, and I don’t like beets! However, they obvious make a delicious sweet because these cookies look like cookies that a cookie monster would not be able to stop eating.

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