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  1. They look super! Naturally gluten free treats are the best. p.s what kind of protein did you use, whey, bean, pea or rice protein?

  2. What is it about moms and pancakes, eh? My mom makes some buttermilk pancakes that I’ve never quite been able to replicate, despite using all the same ingredients. It’s just a mom’s touch 🙂 and I’m seriously loving the look of these, Shashi! I’ve never tried using rice flour or lemon juice in pancakes, but they look so wonderfully fluffy I could -die- <3

    1. Haha – thanks Amanda!
      I used to always think it was because my mom always measures in “dashes” and “pinches” … but I think you are right – definitely because of their special touch!

  3. Had no idea the Ancient Greeks were the first! Pancakes have been a long time favorite for all three meals 🙂 These look so decadent you wouldn’t even know they’re healthy. Love the GF factor too!

  4. I totally did NOT know that the Greek’s first started making my beloved food! But, I have always LOVED Greek food, so now it just all makes sense!
    Loving the lemon and pecan in these babies. I am thinking we need a pancake breakfast date STAT! Pinned!

    1. Oooh Lady – I think a pancake breakfast date is a GREAT idea!!!! Thanks oodles lady – btw – are you going to BlogHer Food in Chicago?

  5. Ok, stop right there. I’m going to need those pancakes! Hand em on over, Shashi! Seriously, though, these look amazing. I’ve never thought about adding lemon to pancakes…but I bet it’s delicious. And then the maple syrup would go so well with it, too. Plus, pecans. Pecans and I have a secret love affair going on…as in, I eat all of them. Love this recipe!

    As far as lil Shashi telling you stuff is falling out of your head? Well, just tell her that she better start picking up all of those nuggets of wisdom off of the floor. (And tell her to clean her room while she’s at it, too…hah!)

    1. Haha – I took you upon your suggestion and she totally cleaned her room! 🙂 But, she said that that “stuff” might not be considered by all to be nuggets of wisdom!!! What the heck???? 🙂

      Thanks so much David – I would love to hand them over to you via your mail lady – but, we know she has an appetite! 😉

  6. Shashi, these look absolutely incredible and I love my Silk too! It looks like we both had pancakes on the brain. Thanks for the history lesson 🙂

  7. I’ve never cooked with brown rice flour but these pancakes look so stunning!! I may have to have a breakfast for dinner night soon 🙂

    1. Katie – you know what – sharing my mom’s version is a great idea! I’d just have to tweak them to be GF so my daughter can enjoy them too – thanks so much for this idea for a future post!

  8. Yup, I’ll eat pancakes for any meal, too. More for dinner than breakfast, actually. What terrific pancakes these are! Definitely look like dinner to me. 🙂

  9. Yumm-o! These look heavenly. I’m always so impressed when I see from scratch pancake recipes (it’s so tempting for me to use the premade mixes). Will have to try my hand at your recipe! Also- wonderful blog, glad I had the opportunity to check yours out!

    1. Thanks Swati – so glad I had the opportunity to check yours out too! Your recipes are incredible – how bout I send you some pancakes and you send me some Shrimp Fideuà? 🙂

  10. I’ve never had lemons and pecans together, but they’re two of my fave flavors! Love this… so yum 🙂

  11. Ooh, that was a great lesson in history 😉 I would honestly eat these pancakes any time of day, really. I’m also a huge fan of Silk–great recipe this week! Love it and totally keeping it to share next week during my Friday roundup!!

  12. Silk is wonderful! I used to down that like nobody’s business back when I was living in dorms for college (I was so happy that they had it there! 😛 ). Pancakes are also all sorts of wonderful–I can’t wait to try making these! (Love that there’s added protein in em’! <3 )

  13. I love my silk too, have a lot of them. Sashi, you don’t have to do anything, just make me your pancakes morning, noon and for dinner when I visit you. I’ll be a happy camper. Your pictures and food almost jump out of the screen. It’s so so good.
    You know I’m gonna pin this.

  14. I always thought pancakes originated in the USA. Who knew the Greeks were eating them all those centuries ago! Your lemon pancakes look amazing xx

  15. Good for you not letting your lactose intolerance keep you away from pancake deliciousness! That’s what I like to hear. Plus, Silk is just so dang good, it’s not even hard.

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