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    1. Thanks so so much Pamela! I won a new camera and it sure helps with pictures – that and Pinch of Yum have an incredibly informative Food Photography book that has helped too (link on my sidebar).
      Hope your weekend is wonderful

    1. Thanks so much my sweet friend! Lotus root is kinda hard to find – I found mine at an Asian store.
      I hope your weekend is wonderful too!

    1. Thanks so much Chris – I haven’t ever seen lotus root or jicama at the big name grocery stores – but have come across them at 2 little South Asian stores I check out from time to time.

  1. I don’t even know if I could find lotus root and jicama in London! It’s hard enough finding spaghetti squash – I have to travel an hour on the tube (I only buy it if I’m in the area, as I’m not travelling that far just for a vegetable haha)!

    1. Oh my gosh – I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t find me some spaghetti squash close by!!! I love it as much as you love a burger 🙂
      Though riding the tube for an hour would mean some serious people watching time…hmmmmm….

  2. Wow! This is awesome, Shashi! I totally remember those days in Atlanta. These was a similar market around the corner from our house…and we’d often pick up weird, uh I mean different, things to figure out what to make with them. Thanks for the memories…and this salad looks awesome, BTW! Nice work!

    1. Thanks so much David – I think the best thing about these stores is that regular veggies/potatoes/are so so much cheaper than at the big name grocery stores. I walked out with 4 bags of produce for $16!!!

  3. I have a confession to make, I’m don’t really dig lotus root. I don’t dislike it either but there’s something in the texture that I find off-putting.
    But I’m willing to give it a second chance since you sound so enthusiastic about it 🙂

    1. I have heard some folks say that the lotus root they tasted was “stringy” thankfully the ones I tried were not – that would have thrown me off too – but I do love crunchy things – that’s why I was a huge fan of this version.
      Thanks Mike!

    1. Thanks so much Thalia – I got mine at an Asian supermarket – cannot seem to find either lotus root or jicama at any of the regular stores near me either.

  4. I didn’t even know lotus root could be eaten! lol I guess I need to get out more. 😉 I do love jicama though, and I have friends who haven’t heard of it so maybe I’m not doing toooooo bad. 😛 Anyway, this salad looks wonderful, and I bet the almonds added a wonderful flavor dimension. I’ve never had savory flavored almonds, but I think I should change that asap!

    1. Lady – Iam thinking I am about 15 years older than you and I only just now tried lotus root – you have plenty of time my dear 🙂
      And thank you so much – yup, this was my first time trying Blue Diamond Rosemary and Black Pepper Almonds and they were AH-MAYZING in this salad!

  5. You’re a whole heck of a lot braver than I am, lady! While I’m nowhere near as picky as I used to be when I was younger (the only veggies I’d touch were corn, potatoes, and raw carrots), I still stick to the basics these days. I did try jicama once a long time ago, but I don’t know if I’ve ever even seen lotus root.

    Hope your weekend is off to a great start!

    1. The first time I tried jicama was when I used to work at an all-you-can-eat salad bar called “Lettuce Souprise You” (get the play on words?) We had raw julienned jicama on the salad bar and my manager would eat a whole bowl of it saying it was his “breakfast of champions”! This was my first time trying lotus root too – I have bout it a few more times since because I loved its crunchy texture!
      Hope you are having a wonderful weekend too sweet lady – hope this weekend yall have sunshine there 🙂

  6. I so wish you could come and make me one of these salads, Shashi! It sounds like something you would order in a restaurant. So next time I spot a jicama and a lotus root, I know what to do with them!

  7. And now you’ve inspired me! Because I’ve never cooked with lotus root. I’ve heard it discolours quickly and that it’s very crunchy but now, I really must try this for myself. Your salad looks really pretty xx

    1. Thanks so much Charlie! If you drop the slices in a bowl of water with vinegar or lemon, it tops the discoloration – but I added turmeric and that turned the white lotus root slices yellow! Yes, it is crunchy and remain so even when cooked – so if you are not a fan of crunchy stuff, you might wanna keep this in mind. Some people said that their lotus roots were “stringy” but am not sure why that is and if it depends on the lotus root or method of cooking – I clearly need to do more research 🙂

  8. I always learn about new foods from you! 🙂 I love jicima but have never even heard of lotus root before! This salad looks awesome though! Happy weekend!!

    1. Aww – thanks Ashley – but this was my first go around with lotus root too – I’ve gotten it a couple times and other than this sauteed salad, I haven tried making anything else so far.
      Hope you have a wonderful week!

  9. I’ve never heard of lotus root but it sounds good!! What a fun game – maybe we will try that next time we go to the Farmer’s Market!!!

    1. Thanks Kim – yes, when my daughter was younger this was the only way I could get her to try different foods – if ya’ll try this I would so love to know what y’all bring home and try

  10. So I learned something new today and I love it.
    Never have eaten or prepared lotus roots or jicama before but the salad with these veggies looks amazing and so I will give them a try.

    1. Awww – thanks so much Daniela!
      I so would love to know what you think when you do – I haven’t seen jicama or lotus root in a big name grocery store – only in some smaller South Asian ones.

    1. Thanks so much Christin – lotus loot has the same crunch as jicama – some people said it was “stringy” but am not sure if that was because of level of ripeness or because of how it was cooked but I didn’t experience any stringy-ness.

  11. Shashi, you did a fantastic job for your first time cooking with lotus root! This looks amazing and and absolutely something my family would love. We have lotus root all the time but only in soup, I would love to try it sauteed with all these flavors and paired with jicama. What a creative and awesome recipe – pinning 🙂

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