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  1. I’m so glad you’re daughter was able to come to the rescue. I have a teenage daughter and she thinks she knows it all as well – she thought it would be wise to head to the USA for a solo holiday – I’m now heading over thereto rescue her! xx

  2. I am SO glad you listened to your daughter, that could have been TERRIBLE!!! But I am glad that these burgers came out of the event – I really need to try me some more veggie burger-oos and these look yumer-i-fic! Pinned!

  3. These sounds amazingly tasty, Shashi! I love the sound of the mushroom-lentil-sweet potato combo, and I love anything beautiful and crispy like this. I’m sure they more than made up for your horrible fright when you found the hornets’ nest! Your daughter is super clever knowing what that was. I wouldn’t have had a clue! Thank goodness you escaped any nasty stings!

  4. I am petrified of hornets and wasps, was stung multiple times as a child when I knocked a nest out of a tree. Not a wise move. I love your burgers, mushrooms and lentils, what a brilliant combination they turned out beautifully!! I am going to try them. So glad you got rid of the pests.

  5. This is the second time today that I’ve seen someone make some delicious veg burgers! It’s making me want to make my own! I’m glad that you didn’t get stung! You never know what your reaction might be to something like that! Smart daughter you have 🙂

  6. Love these lentil burgers, they look fantastic Shashi! The lentil, sweet potato and mushroom sound amazing and I could seriously drink that avocado lim sauce! Eeks, so glad you listened to your daughter, I’m so terrified of hornets and can’t imagine what would have happened. Thank goodness she knew what to do 🙂

  7. So you got we wondering, which one is more difficult to deal with the teenager or the hornets nest? I guess I’m just glad mine are 2 and 4 still!! hehe.

    Love your mushroom and lentil burgers, have never tried anything really but a traditional burger. Like the splash of sweet potato and the fact your don’t need a calorie loaded bun!

  8. The veggie burgers sound and look totally delicious! Mushrooms and lentils, what’s there not to love about it?
    Thanks for posting a picture of the nest. I had no idea what they look like. Not that I ever venture out in the backyard, just too scared of all the creepy crawlies out there. So glad to hear your daughter saved you.

    1. Thanks so much Asmita!
      I had no idea what this was either – can you believe this nest was only a week or two old? The exterminator told me that these nests can grow to 5 feet in diameter within 3-4 months!

  9. Thanks God for your daughter, she saved your life.
    I’ve just googled “baldfaced hornets” and they look like pretty nasty little creatures. I’m glad you didn’t start a fight with them, it might have turned pretty bad for you :/

    And what about these burgers? Mushrooms and lentils: what’s there not to love? 🙂

    1. Mike – no kidding! I googled them suckers too and I was pretty shocked! Apparently unlike bee stings which can be deadly if one’s allergic to them, hornet stings affect everyone equally badly! My daughter has been walking around like she’s the queen bee of our home!
      Oh, and thank you! 🙂

  10. I’m so glad that your daughter knew about the hornets – that could have been BAD!!!
    And, have I told you – I’ve never had lentils. Sad but true!!

  11. I’m so glad you didn’t attack that hornet’s nest. They’re vicious! We had a huge nest in our yard a few years ago and I stayed far away! Love these burgers, especially the avocado sauce. Great post, Shashi!!

    1. Thanks so much Bill!
      I would have just left it – but it was in a high traffic area – I am glad I wasn’t stung the many times I have walked by and weeded – and the exterminator said, if I had waited a month or so – it would have been 3 times it’s size and the hornets would have been more aggressive.

  12. Hornets are nasty, and definitely I’d want to call an exterminator rather than tackle them myself. Your daughter done good. And you did us good with this recipe! Really like the idea of the mushrooms — they add so much “meaty” flavor, don’t they? As do the lentils. Really good — thanks.

  13. That hornet’s nest looks HUGE! I’m glad you didn’t get stung! Better to let the professionals in their bee suits get rid of hornets, and use your time to make delicious veggie burgers. I love that you used lentils, what a great idea!

  14. you are such a lovely mother for always being humorous! must make everything so much easier.. I hope to remember that when my 3 yr old turns into a teen 🙂
    The burgers – Im in love with – I just wished I could get straight to eating and not have to spend the time making them 🙂
    The hornets nest looks scary – good call by your daughter!

    1. Aww thanks so much Archana!
      Yes, it was indeed a good call – from what I Googled, unlike bee stings, you don’t have to be allergic to bald faced hornets’ to be hurt pretty bad!

  15. i thought i knew it all as a wee teenager, but i think have 3 brother humbled me a bit when i reached high school. haha the tease! these burger look perfect!

    1. Thanks Lindsay – I was the same way when I was a teen so I cut my daughter some slack – besides, sometimes she does have some really cool info to share 🙂

  16. Wow, such a scary situation Shashi, and glad that you daughter was able to identify this bug…
    The patties look great, so tasty and healthy.
    Hope you are having a great week 😀

  17. Yummm! As much as I love beef burgers, I doubt I’d even miss the meat with these! Do you think equal amounts of oat flour would work fine in place of the coconut flour? I have a cousin who is vegetarian and a big fan of lentils & mushrooms- totally forwarding her the recipe :)!

  18. Whilst I was reading your post, I Googled a bald hornet because I have never seen or heard of any here and God, that looks CREEPY! I didn’t know what a hornet’s nest looked like! I first thought that was a dried coconut or something! Your daughter is a real genius for pointing it out at the right time! These mushroom burgers look AMAZZZZZING! I’m loving the mushroom-lentil-sweet potato combination!!!!!! <3

  19. Eeeek!!! Oh my gosh, bees and wasps and hornets freak me out! So glad your daughter knew what that was!!

    But on a non-buggy note (ha!) these burgers look fantastic – I love mushrooms and lentils (and just had lentils tonight for dinner!)

  20. Oh man! Thank goodness for your daughter’s knowledge of hornet nests! I would have had no idea. Makes me anxious just looking at it!

  21. Wow, you were so fortunate. Sometimes our teens really do know what they’re talking about.

    Your veggie burgers look scrumptious! I’m definitely adding this to Pinterest so I can make them later. Thanks for sharing. I found your blog through the SITS Sharefest today, so glad that I did. 🙂

  22. This is a whopping delicious burger and love that avocado lime dressing on top. I just pinned so I can try later. When we lived in the States, we also had one of these huge hornet nests hanging from the bottom of our pool deck. I thought I could handle it and then started reading how people were stung many times and ended up in the ER so I hired the Bee Lady. The Bee Lady came outfitted and proceeded to spray and then burned the nest with a blow torch. Yikes, so glad I hired that out and that you did too. Have a super weekend and take care, BAM

  23. Your daughter saved you from a terrible danger.
    So glad to hear that you listened to her.
    This s the first time I’ll prepare veggie burgers because your recipe sounds irresistible!

  24. Your daughter definitely saved the day! I wouldn’t have known that that was a hornet’s nest… thank goodness for your daughter!
    I absolutely love lentil burgers!!! My mom used to make them and they were one of my favorite dishes before I was ever vegetarian. We used to put them on whole wheat buns with avocado and sprouts, and they were just so good. I love the addition of sweet potato! I made some “meatballs” a few weeks ago that also included sweet potato and lentils, and they held together great and had a nice soft texture!

  25. I on the other hand am TERRIFIED of bugs – I wish I was more like you! My worst nightmares is those creepy crawlers…..and bees. SO scary! I’m glad your daughter saved you. What delicious looking lentil burgers!

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