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  1. I am delighted to hear that you could take some quality time with your family and do something other than fight off hornets… Great little chocolate drizzled hazelnut bites and gluten free too. Just shared! Take care, BAM

    1. Maureen I remember you saying you son is in Atlanta – well – if you do come for a visit, it sure would be an honor to meet up with you!

  2. As much as I love to travel, staycations can be just as fun! The Swan House looks amazing…super cool that it was featured in The Hunger Games. These bites look so decadently delicious. As much as I love the PB/Chocolate combo, I think the hazelnut/chocolate combo might actually be my number 1! Have you ever tried the chocolate Ferrero Rocher? If not, you NEED to asap!

    1. Oh Khushboo – I HAVE tried THE Chocolate Ferrero Rocher – and good golly WOW – I refuse to buy them because I cannot breath the air that surround s them without loosing all self control! 🙂
      Thanks so much my friend.

    1. Thanks so much Angie – if you do try these, I would love to know what you think – P.S. am so glad your comments are showing up now 🙂

    1. Thanks Lindsay – I have been on a couple o ghost tours around Atlanta and Savannah and the stories I have heard are amazing – they go so far back!

  3. I hope you had a wonderful time! It sounded like a fabulous trip!
    These bites look soooooooo delish! Seriously – chocolate AND hazeltnuts??????? SO GOOD. That combo is heavenly <3

  4. Def want to check out the Swan House next time I’m in town! And I’m so sorry we couldn’t meet up this time around. But since you live so close to my parents, we’ll definitely make it happen next time! Can’t wait!

    1. Don’t worry about this time, Parita – you have my number so lets try and plan something FOR SURE next time! I don’t believe your parents live so close to where I am!
      The Swan House has a “Capital Tour” at 4pm where they show you areas used for filming in the movie and you get to see props etc – in case you loved the Hunger Games and wanna plan accordingly!

  5. I’ve been in Atlanta for nearly 10 years now and have visited very few of our landmarks. I tried to save them for out of town guests but we don’t get as many of those as I would like. Maybe I should start tempting my family with treats that include hazelnut and chocolate! 🙂 I think I could eat a whole mess of those just by myself.

    1. Thanks so much Sashi – we should get together for coffee sometime – I will bring you some of these – deal? 🙂

      Have you been to the Aquarium? or Stone Mtn?

  6. I love that you got to spend some time with your daughter and a staycation sounds perfect! The Swan House looks so amazing and so do these cookies! The hazelnut meal is such a great idea and combined with the almond butter, these sound like the perfect energy bites especially with the drizzle of chocolate! Love these and wish I had 9152 + 8599 of these for breakfast 🙂

  7. So if I ever come visit, you’ll make me a batch of these bites and take me to see President Snow’s house, right? 😉 These look delicious, Shashi! And I especially love that you drizzled them with chocolate –nothing better than the combo of nuts and chocolate!

    1. Oh Tara – you are so sweet – thank you! But sometimes my daughter wishes she had store bought cookies instead of healthy stuff – am hoping when she is older she will appreciate these healthy bites more.

  8. Great post, Shashi, with great photos to go with it. The Swan House looks like the ‘stately homes’ we have over in England. They are so much fun to visit! The hazelnut bites sound perfect for healthy getting-through-the-afternoon snacks!

    1. Thanks so much Helen – I remember visiting some of those stately homes when I was in London as a youngster – I used to be so mesmerized by their beauty!

  9. Hazelnut and chocolate, you said? I’m in!

    But what about that gorgeous house? I honestly thought it was somewhere in England, like in Oxfordshire or something. Which means that I need to take a trip down South asap.

    1. Mike – this place was AWESOME – there were too many pictures to include in one post – but there was a working vintage car too and a working plantation! If you come down South – I will personally hand over some of these bites to you!

    1. Denise we have a deal – I will send you some of these bites when you send me some of those Coxinha de Frango or those Prestígio Cheesecake Bars? Cool? 😉
      Thank you my friend, I appreciate your kind compliment

    1. Haha – well, GiGi, if you manage to plan to make these in a cabin far away from any store and plan run out of hazelnut meal – problem solved – you won’t be able to make anymore!

  10. Stay-cations are the best! I always want to take one after I get back from a regular vacation and am exhausted! haha

    Oh these bites? They look awesome – I love love love that you used hazelnut meal! The chocolate drizzle doesn’t hurt either 🙂

  11. The Swan house is just beautiful, one day I would love to see it. The hazelnut chocolate bites are great, hazelnuts and chocolate are so perfect together and extra bonus these little bites are good for you. YUM. So glad you and daughter got to spend some time together.

    1. Thanks so much Suzanne – there’s so much of the Swan House and the adjoining plantation that’s simply breathtaking (that I did not post pictures of) – part of the plantation is a “working farm” where actually vegetables are growing and animals are raised for eggs, milk, etc and everyone who works on it are dressed like they did back in the 1920’s – so intriguing!

  12. Great idea to make a 7 day weekend to enjoy with your kids. Beautiful house and stunning hazelnut chocolate bites YUM

  13. Shashi, this post makes me miss Atlanta! Oh, and these cookies look absolutely delicious. Super big thumbs up to you there! Did you just do a site redesign and I completely missed it?? I know I’ve been busy lately, but I think I would’ve noticed that. 🙂 It looks AWESOME!!!!

    1. Thanks so much David – yes, I did a redesign/upgrade – kinda being working on it for a little while…so my site is still “under construction”…lots to learn!
      Atlanta misses you dude – you could have been part of the amazing “Atlanta Food Blogger Society”! Oh btw, TECHmunch is coming to Atlanta in September – just saying!

  14. Wow, that place looks amazing! I love little nuggets of history. Also, what I love more is chocolate and hazelnut in one bite. Looks great Shashi!

    1. Now THAT would be so wonderful – you can be my 2nd guinea pig taste tester along with my gal and when your babies come, we could babysit for y’all – win win! 🙂

    1. Taylor – time you come for a visit – eh?
      Also – do you happen to like the Divergent trilogy and did you see the movie? Because “Divergent” was filmed in Atlanta too – so if you happen to like it – that’s another reason to come visit 😉
      btw, thanks sweet lady!

  15. LOL – sounds like a deal! 🙂

    I haven’t been to the Aquarium but I have been to Stone Mountain. The last time my in-laws were down here, we also went to the Cyclorama, Atlanta Underground and the old World of Coke museum. That shows you how long ago that was!

    1. In my opinion, the New World of Coke isn’t a whole lot different, just more shinier – well, I haven’t been to the Cyclorama and I have been here almost twice as long as you have! Yikes! 🙂

  16. these look so good – I need something like that for a snack that packs nutritional power. Ive had a bag of hazelnuts sitting in my pantry and I dont know what to do with them. This gives me a great idea.
    I had no clue such a thing as Swan House existed but I dont know much about Atlanta. I’d love to visit some day!

    1. Thanks so much Archana! I haven’t ground hazelnuts before – I wonder if you have to remove the skin off them first…?
      I sure hope you visit Atlanta one day – then you can see the Swan house in all its splendor 🙂

  17. I always enjoy hanging out at home and rediscovering — or discovering! — local sights. I’d love to have the Swan House to go to. And afterwards, some of these great little bites? These looks terrific — thanks.

  18. These hazelnut bites look amazing. I’ve never used hazelnut meal before but it sounds like it would be delicious. I had wanted to go to the Swan House last time we were in Atlanta but we ran out of time. It is so beautiful!

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