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    1. Lindsay – that’s usually my mantra – I don’t know what possessed me to run in this weather – maybe it was my daughter – maybe it was the chocolate!!! 🙂

  1. BRAVO my friend, Bravo!! You are so so awesome and so proud of you and your little girl. Both are awesome. I cannot imagine standing in that weather for 10 minutes and you ran, oh wow. Impressed. I hope you enjoyed the hot chocolate my dear, you deserve a few cups.
    This muffin look sso so good, love cardamom and orange together, perfect and the texture is even better. Nice my dear.
    Have a great week.

    1. I sure did enjoy that hot chocolate at the end of the race – Asha – this was the first time I chugged the hot chocolate! 🙂
      BTW – thanks so much sweet friend!
      Hope you have a great week too! xx

  2. Just look at the beautiful texture of these muffins! These photographs just make me want to grab into my screen and sink my teeth into these.

    Absolutely fantastic.

    But one thing Shashi. Where are the pictures of you running with the ski mask on? 😉

    1. Haha – Neil, I am usually the one behind the camera – my daughter took some videos, but they are too goofy to share – maybe when I meet you and Lynne one day?
      Btw thanks so much – the texture surprised me too – especially since these had no flour in them 🙂

  3. Dear Shashi, congratulations on your race what a fun and exciting experience! I love the blend of flavors in these muffins…I can’t imagine how perfect they must be with a little chocolate, but then again, what isn’t good when dipped in chocolate?! Perfect, healthy muffin to keep on track. xoxo, Catherine

    1. Thanks so much Catherine! Yes – you are right – these muffins were spectacular with the chocolate – thinking these could be cupcakes with soem chocolate frosting! mmmm mmm mmmm good! xoxo

  4. Goodness.. you are braver than me running in the freezing cold like that. I can’t stand the cold… I think it’s my Sri Lankan blood… so yes you are a braver SL for sure!. 🙂 At least you had these sunshine orange and cardamom muffins to enjoy with your other yummy finish line goodies. 🙂

    1. Haha – I have that same Sri Lankan blood, Ramona – I’m never running in the cold again – at least not when it’s in the 20s! Once when I was visiting friends in Indiana durinf my cllege years and the temp was -3 F, I attempted to go run but turned around at the end of the driveway!

  5. Oh my goodness, you RAN in this weather?! You are crazy, my dear. But I admire your commitment! I would have wimped out FOR SURE. 🙂 Love these orange cardamom protein muffins! I really love that they are healthy! I’m always looking for a great post work out snack, and these would be PERFECT…. if i don’t eat them all for breakfast first. 🙂 Nom Nom Nom. Cheers, my dear! <3

    1. Haha – Cheyanne, you cannot imagine how many many times I had to talk myslef into going – when we got there I even contemplated staying in the car and getting to the finish line without running the whole course just to get the finisher bowl! But – my kid was watching! GAH!!! 🙂
      BTW Thanks so much! XO

  6. Nice job for getting out there and running in 24°F weather! Granted, that’s a balmy spring day up here, but you know. Haha! Just kidding. 24° is cold no matter where you are. But speaking of working out in cold weather, I just finished a weekend curling tournament, so it was 4 games in 4 days. Hey! With your running experience in this 5k, I think you and lil Shashi are ready to come on up and give curling a shot. It’s a fun sport for sure! I’ll take you out curling as long as you promise to bring a batch of these orange cardamom muffins with you. Deal? Ok good. 🙂

    1. David – every time I read your posts that mention curling, I keep thinking it sounds like a heck of a lot of fun AND you bring food!!! Now that’s a team I you wouldn’t ahve to twist my arm to join! I’ll bring the muffins and you bring that strwaberry cake? Oooh – and that pizza with roasted/baked grapes? 🙂

  7. You know I am all about those protein baked gooods! I’ve actually got some protein muffins going up later this week! 🙂 Also, you would not catch me running in cold weather. I barely run as it is. You could POSSIBLY convince me to do an HIIT workout, but then I’d probably just do it inside. 😉 Lovely recipe Shashi!

    1. Thanks so much Ashley – I’m not sure what happened – I think my brain was taken over by aliens – that’s the only sensible explanation to me running in the cold! 🙂
      Cannot wait to see your creation!

  8. haha um yeah, you are crazy for running in this! It’s so cold!! lol These muffins look just wonderful – cardamom is a newer favorite of mine and with the orange must be delicious!

  9. Wowza! You guys impress me to no end! So happy they had a little sweet reward at the end of your run – you certainly earned it…and then some! I love the flavors in this muffin; we went out for Indian the other night and ended our meal with a small bowl of rice pudding enhanced with cardamom…I loved it. Cardamom is delicious!

  10. Shash-eeeeeeee!!! I cannot believe you were out running in 24°. No flip flop weather for this northerner, though I do think my blood thinned during my years in the south. Chocolate fondue you say? I might have run the race just so I could have the fondue and dip the muffins. But maybe you’d let me have a muffin fondue dip even if I didn’t run the race. What say you???? Must try these muffins one way or another!!!

  11. This weather has been totally off the chain craazzzzy! And it’s been making me crave carbs, so these muffins are it. I’ve been meaning to bake with cardamom, and now that you’ve paired it with orange I really want to try it!
    And props to you for running. I have a rule that I don’t run when it’s below freezing. It makes the lungs burn so badly!

  12. I love you for putting the metric temperature conversion in there! And while -4C is pretty warm for us up here, you definitely wouldn’t catch me walking around in flip flops 😛 You WOULD definitely catch me with my hand in the muffin jar trying to steal one of these beauts, though. And orange with cardamom?! Sounds SO good!

  13. I love orange and cardamon together such a perfect pair… I am certain that these muffins would be gone in nano seconds here. Hong Kong had their first major cold spell in over 40 years with snow possible. It is bad because unlike in the midwest we do not have heaters.

  14. Hi! Two things: 1) I don’t know if this is a problem on your end or Foodgawker’s, but you can’t access this page from Foodgawker; and 2) Great recipe! I’m adding it to my mix of breakfast foods for work!

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