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  1. MMmm I love all things coconut and these pancakes are definitely not an exception- YUM! Your last picture is exceptional, Shashi! Reading this book definitely took me back to my trip to Sri Lanka last year- really loved it, especially the food!

    1. Thanks so much Khushboo! I remember you mentioning your trip – It’s been so long since I went back there – but you are right – the food is AHMAZING!

    1. Haha – Thanks so much Neil! If you and Lynne ever come over, I would be honored to make y’all a stack of these! Hope y’all have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I would’ve loved to have grown up in your household with all of those veggies! These turmeric-spiced pancakes look incredible -I can’t wait to try these!!!

  3. What a lovely recipe! I know what you mean… we never ate at restaurants or fast food growing up. It was always fresh, home cooking from my mother. This coconut flour recipe is definitely a winner. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Ramona! I apologize for not reading your about page – but did you grow up in SL? I was there till I was 10 – then moved and only went back to visit once…one day I need to take my daughter there…

    1. Hey, I learned about tossing pumpkin with coconut oil and coconut sugar from YOU yesterday – guess we both introduced each other to something new -eh? 🙂

  4. I don’t even know what to say, except Thank You!! These look absolutely incredible. I am not a huge fan of flaked coconut and yet I was so drawn to this recipe–it is the spiced cakes–love, love, love them!

  5. What a delicious weekend breakfast, Winona! I really need to find some of this jaggery that you mention…it sounds like a fun ingredient!

    1. Oh heck! Winona moved away!
      But I would gladly drone you some jaggery – oh wait – oh bugger – my drone is dead! 🙂

      Seriously – jaggery is kinda like hardened molasses – I wanna say more “smokyish” than brown sugar – and not as sweet – some people say it’s an aquired taste – Lil Shashi won’t eat it plain – but my cousin and I can tear up a chunk of jaggery in 0-30 seconds!

  6. Dear Shashi, never heard of jaggery. You always widen my horizons. These pancakes look decadent and delicious, perfect for a weekend brunch. Sounds like your sister swooped in and saved the day. (It worked for her anyway…hee hee.) Have a great couple days and then the WEEKEND!!! Enjoy. xo

    1. Hahaha – yeah – it worked for her indeed!
      Thanks bunches Allie! Now 1 more day and the weekend! Woohoo! Hope you and your family have a wonderful one! xo

  7. It is such a great thing you were not introduced to burgers and fries at early age! Nothing against burgers, but there are so many other nutritious things kids can have! Need to try this sugar ! The pancakes look amazing!

    1. Thanks so much Mira! It was very much a cultural thing – more than a health thing – though most of what my mom fed us, she would always profess with “eat this, it’s good for you” 🙂

    1. Haha – well, maybe you could hoodwink your way down South and get your sugar fix from some jaggery and coconut pancakes (which I will gladly fix for you) – and not some old lady’s PSL – just saying 🙂

  8. Crepes may very well be my favourite breakfast/brunch food of all time, and my mom would always make them for me for dinner when I was younger if I was being particularly picky and wouldn’t want to eat anything else. I’d always eat mine stuffed with cream cheese and jam, but I’m in love with the idea of a coconutty cream filling! These look fabulous, Shashi!

  9. Hi Shashi! I love your Sri Lankan recipes. I have never heard of jaggery so I’m glad you explained what it is. I bet it adds a lovely crunch. Really intrigued about the turmeric in the pancakes, too. Gorgeous!

  10. I am pinning these!!! We get these little coconut-rice flour donut things from the Thai place in SD and I think this sounds similar, but in crepe form. Vegas is going to love you for this one. 😉

  11. It sounds like your mother fed you really well. We also didn’t have takeaway and on nights when my mother didn’t have time to cook she would give us an ‘open sandwich’. One slice of black bread with some mayo on it then topped with whatever was in the vegetable crisper – that was our equivalent of takeaways! I love your Sri Lankan coconut pancakes with jaggery xx

  12. I’m exploring new recipes from around the world and planned to make Indian-styled pancake this week for dinner. I think I’ll also add this one to the list since I already have all the ingredients and spices! Pinned :S

  13. LOVE these Shashi! We have a similar coconut crepe in India. And my mom makes these with a coconut, dry fruits and jaggery filling..wrapped up in banana leaves and steamed. Yours look so good.. Perfect breakfast on occasions I think

  14. You know I’m a huge fan of all things coconut so these pancakes are obviously calling my name.
    I need to try that jaggery asap…or is it jiggery? 😉

  15. Your recipes are mouthwatering and insane! I really need to try them, I still have that dark chocolate dreams cast-iron one bookmarked. these pancakes look heavenly, love Sri Lankan food, we need more restaurants like that.

  16. I am sure these tastes bombdiggity good. I’ve heard of something like this, nice to see it here. The turmeric is such a good addiction. They are really something I would love on a weekend.

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