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  1. I had no idea cardamom had so many useful qualities! It is a really awesome addition to sweet recipes, and I can almost taste these bites. And good for you for sticking with the no sugar thing…you should be getting close to your 30 days, huh? I hope so! Laura and I have really cut back (not entirely out..) sweets lately in an effort to lose Robbie weight…but that means our freezer is overflowing with treats. I need somewhere to send them! 🙂 Either that, or I need a lil Shashi in school nearby! Hah!

  2. They’re absolutely gorgeous, so you’ve got that covered right off the bat. I’m not all that familiar with cardamom, so I am anxious to taste this!

  3. Dear Shashi, what a fabulous breakfast treat…I just love the flavors of these little bites. One of the best recipes I’ve seen for healthier snacks. Saving for later and adding to Flipboard! xoxo, Catherine

  4. I had no idea cardamom had so many benefits!! These sound (& look) completely delicious! Love the orange in there too. I bet they are so good that you don’t even miss the sugar 🙂 Can’t wait to try these! Pinned! Have a great week!

  5. I love cardamom, but I certainly didn’t when I was younger either. And I have ZERO clue it had SO many health benefits!! Guess I need to add a healthy dose of cardamom to ALL the things, huh? 😉 Or I could just eat these bites on the daily! These look fabulous, Shashi!! Love the cardamom and orange pairing here! Who needs sugar when you can have these, right?! Cheers, friend – to a week as fabulous as you! xo

  6. I have been sharing this recipe everywhere already as I know by just looking at your ingredient list that this is winner. Love cardamon and right now those little mandarin oranges are everywhere so might just exchange with those due to convenience. I never used to have a sweet tooth but I have noticed as this weather has gotten cooler and damp that I am craving something a little sweet at the end of the meal. this is the perfect solution.

  7. Oh these look delicious and cardamom, I just love the look and imagine these melting in my mouth.

    Reading about this and your description of the benefits and properties of this wonderful spice reminds me of our time in Zanzibar and out visit to the spice farm, wonderful and enlightening!

    Thanks Shashi. 😀

  8. I haven’t made BITES in a long while, but I love them so – and NEED to change that. NEED TO. But the problem is, then I make like 20 of them and eat 10. WHOOOOPPPSSS!

  9. I even cannot imagine a sugar-free diet. And let’s be honest – I even don’t want. But I do like cardamom, and I’m surprised to find out how beneficial for our health it is. Thus, since it’s a season of cold and other nasty things, I’m going to be proactive and make cardamom donuts, cardamom ice cream, cardamom hot chocolate, cardamom cookies, cardamom marshmallows, and definitely these cardamom orange treats. I can even send all these things to you, Shashi! Oh, you’re not allowed to have your sugar yet so next time:)

  10. I love cardamom Shashi! And I had no idea all the health benefits. You’re a wealth of info. my friend. These are beautiful snacky treats and would trick even my sugar lovin’ tastebuds! I hope you’re well and having a super week. Almost FriYAy! Love ya! XO

  11. It’s great to eat this cake. The good idea when adding a little orange peel aboard them – looking very nice!

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